Women are the niggers of gender

Women are the niggers of gender

Prove me wrong

great thread you fucking tool.

Enjoy your ban.

Women don't make up the majority of american inmates.

The system is easier on women because they have pussies

What is the nigger equivalent of the pussy?

White guilt


13% of women don't murder 50% of women


They are statistically the less violent gender.

They shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Only legally married couples can vote and they count as one shared vote. Western society fixed instantly.

Sup Forums has a nigger problem.


You've also got to fix divorce laws to. Then we're good

I can't.

currently at 2, but secretly want 4

Very true

Both men and women inhabit nigger traits. Men are more aggressive and women are useless when it comes to putting in work.

wow, you guys that think this are such losers. you wouldn't exist if it wasn't for a woman you dumb fuck

No. Their violence merely goes unreported. After seeing the way American women treat others and their families I... Sadly.... Completely understand Sharia law.

Without men you wouldn't live as well as you currently do you ungrateful cunt.

yes muzzie ariba achmar. muhammud geehad pugeet

i'm a star you grub

Thinking like 4, working on masquerading as 3

So youll allow gay people to vote?

Without a man she couldnt give birth, shes a stepping stone, not the cause

You're both acting like children

you are the ultimate cuck as a man. every sperm is an individual dude you are watching fuck your lady

What?, i cannot understand that flawed logic

it's ok you stoopid


a fucking leaf

Leaf is proving me right

oh you most creative burger

john lennon literally said that 40 years ago

burger proof that guns and suicide should be legal

Go away xir

Is that you?

fuck your gender queer pronouns faggot you should move to canada we should switch

its your mom dont you recognize her. you should, you came out of her cum ditch.

Great response you fucking tool.

Enjoy your kek.

Is that a grilled man and cheese bun burger?



i cant...