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Lmao christ

How did the world get so wacky

LOL Drumpf is Erdogan's puppet. Sad!




why do people do that to themselves?

Erdoğan is angry that Bharara got Reza Zarrab, Iranian guy who was used to bypass sanctions on Iran.

I'm angry too.

Trump removes a guy who is famous for arresting jews trying to cheat the stockmarket, once again he protects his masters.

so Trump is an islamist now?


but really, who the FUCK is Gulen, whose side is he on

i know the Clinton conspiracies, but Erdogan and the turkshits are threatening all of Europe with neo ottomanism

Bharara isn't allowed into Russia for taking down an arms dealer a few years back.

He's in our country, agitating our society with his islamic supremacy shit so I want him and all of his ilk out. No love for Erdogan but he seems to loosely ally to Trump as a fellow nationalist (see also Netenyahu)

i feel either way this ends with the SJWs converting to islam and the girls donning the hijab en-masse and using it as justification to overthrow Trump and target conservatives

whats amazing right now in Netherlands is its the Turkish Far right calling the European far right Nazis

>but really, who the FUCK is Gulen, whose side is he on

You know how some people blame George Soros for literally everything and claim that he's behind a shadow government?

For Turkish people, they blame Gulen. He and his supposed shadow state have become the focus (Scapegoat) of a series of national purges and legislative actions strengthening the office of president.

The fake coup was Erdogans Reichstag fire.


>but really, who the FUCK is Gulen, whose side is he on
A Likely CIA asset.
He runs a large plurality of US charter schools,
Exiled from turkey.
He supposedly runs the oppostition to the president, name in multiple coup events.
Currently Resident in the US (citizen? I dunno)
Turkey has asked for his extradition multiple times, he is protected a a refugee.

Trump giving Gulen will be great for Turkish US relations (fixing the mess that Obama made by trying to assassinate Erdogan) and it will be a good move against to the deep state as the CIA is currently hiding Gulen.

>The fake coup was Erdogans Reichstag fire.
Bullshit. The coup was very much real. The fact that there are purges isn't contradictory. Gulen literally ran a deep state. He is on the record for telling his followers to take highest position of Turkish society. He has a lot of schools and was hidden by the CIA.

>legislative actions strengthening the office of president.
The proposed Turkish constitution gives relatively the same power to the Turkish presidency that the US presidency has.

Right now Turkish presidency is largely ceremonial.

>He is on the record for telling his followers to take highest position of Turkish society.

Doesn't sound very deep to me.


is Geert the CIA's guy?

Hahaha these leftist won't quit. They can't make Russian agent work so now it's Turkish agent. And it's only moving this way because of Flynn. Top kek

It's astounding because they never recognize the dissonance of all of this
>Trump is a Putin puppet who helps Putin by expanding the US military and nuclear arsenal
>A Bannon puppet who is a white supremacist but also a Zionist
>An anti Semite surrounded by Jews
>Both Hitler and Mussolini
>Incompetent but setting an all encompassing authoritarian regime
>And now a Turk puppet who hates Islam
Trump is just a Trump puppet

>a guy who Trump fired for being a foreign agent is a foreign agent

He only goes after those who don't pay their due pound of flesh to the dnc & globalist kabal. No honor among thieves

Glen is literally turning Texas Muslim. Jews be damned, it's good to have this islamitazation getting pruned.

The refugee's flooding netherlands from turkey are playing the CIA's game.
I would also bet that most of the people leaving turkey are not be "pro erdogan". Simplistically, the refugees entering the netherlands are more likely to be gulanists than those staying in turkey.

Everything about this passes the sniff test.