It's... Real

It's... Real.

Just-fuck-my-shit-up-please: The Hillary Clinton edition.

She'll probably die soon.
She failed at her only life purpose.

I think the words from her "resistence" video are being used for robo-calling people

Praise kek may it so come to pass

>tfw she will never sneak you into the oval office for a snuggle



If I get singles she will definitely go for a 2020 run. And fail. Again.




Kek's not real. Trump will die before Hillary does.

kek is real

Sadly, probably true. They're going to blow his head off, I just know it

you do not understand the power that is meme magic you infidel

Sorry mate. Kek wills that kek is not real. We wuz chaos and shit.

rate my dog wig

One day you might understand plebian.

>the "I'd like to speak to your manager haircut"

Truly she is on her last legs.





She needs to go back to the land of make believe



Who are you to tell me stop jacking off, the president?

The video that saved America

Mrs. Trump - “As an immigrant myself, having grown up in a communist society, I know all too well the value and importance of freedom and equal opportunity -- ideals which this great nation was founded and has continued to strive towards throughout its history,” she said at the luncheon. “There remains far more brutal and terrifying incarnations of actual gender persecution which we must face together, such as forced enslavement, sexual abuse and absolute repression of far too many women and girls around the globe. We must remember these women in our daily prayers and use our combined resources to help free them from such unthinkable and inhumane circumstances."

Yeasty old cunt - One of my favorite phrases that I came across in a hard time in my own life was to practice the discipline of gratitude. Now, it is easy to be grateful when things are going our way, but to exercise the mental discipline to be grateful in the face of setbacks, I have found, is one of the great experiences that give you that resilience and the opportunity to see your life, to see your community and the world much more broadly, and to keep going. [It’s] the inner strength, even the stubbornness to keep showing up every day, to refuse to quit or give up in the face of any setback. Sometimes the road to progress can feel like it’s two steps forward, one step back, particularly when it comes to advancing the rights, opportunities, and full participation of women and girls. It can seem discouraging, whether you’ve been on that road for a long time or you’re just starting out. But think how different the world would be today if the people who came before us had not just gotten discouraged but because of that had given up,” .cont.

who is this again?

its that "let me speak to the manager" cut

that "I demand to know why my kid was cut from the team" cut

“When I was growing up, there were scholarships I couldn’t apply for, schools that I was not welcome at, just because I was a girl. Some of us here may even remember half-court basketball. [laughter] I see I’ve got some contemporaries. But for everyone else, let me tell you, I played basketball—hard to believe—in high school […] and we had to stop at half-court. You couldn’t cross the center line. The prevailing wisdom was that running up and down a full court would be dangerous for girls’ hearts. Now, we have professional women’s teams and so much else. […] Thanks to Title IX, girls not only play on the full court, they have more opportunities than ever to excel in sports and in class, and we know the results: athletes and artists and scientists and entrepreneurs, leaders in every field. But our work is far from over in big ways and small, the unfinished business of the 21st century is the full equality of women. And there are still too few women in the upper reaches of the private sector, academia, science, technology, not to mention politics and government,” she added.

“We all want our daughters and our granddaughters to dream big and be bold, but too often, starting at such a young age, they hear messages. They aren’t good enough, deserving enough, smart enough. I recently read about a research study, which found that by the age of 6, little girls start thinking they’re not as smart as little boys. Think about that: the age of 6. The chorus of naysayers starts early, and that means we must, too. We have to form our own chorus, twice as loud, convincing our friends, our colleagues, ourselves that women are both smart enough and good enough to be considered for anything they choose to pursue.”

Cant help that yeasty cunt just tries to make everything about herself

Remember the clip where the free and sacred non biased press pretend they don't notice her having a seizure live on camera. It was a conspiracy theory for a while that she was having health problems, despite the sun shining brightly on a cloudless clear blue sky day. But it turned out to be conspiracy FACT

it's one step forward two steps back. can't even get the saying right, fucking retard

It truly did

i bet that basketball story is as real as the the sniper fire

You do not speak for Kek, and the numbers do no agree.

It's like the balloon drop video. I don't believe half the stuff they said but it was just weird her looking up like that with her mouth open. The liberal media "look how cute Hillary looks, almost childlike looking at the balloons... she's so awesome"

haha, side of beef. Look at the way her people look at her. They have a horrible look on there face. Not quite a 'oh she IS a reptile' more like' grand kids watching there grandma convulse on the floor shitting and pissing herself'.

looks like someone needs a pizza infusion


The national Mall after Hillary got elected
