Be honest Sup Forums, would you mind living if Sweden if SD won? It's not a bad country...

Be honest Sup Forums, would you mind living if Sweden if SD won? It's not a bad country. Our government is a shame to our beautiful country.

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SD wont fix your country, you people are beyond cucked by century of neutrality and prosperity created by your forefathers.

If SD won and you took away all the filth in your country, then I'd say that's possible Sven

SD will not be able to fix it without some major changes that won't be accepted by the vermin that live within your society.

>would you mind living in sweden

That's the problem, op. Too many people already wouldn't mind living in sweden.


Nigger, if you lived here you would know that the silent majority fucking despises our immigration politics. Only politicians and upper/middle class SJWs who live long away for the multicultural parts like it. And old people.

So why dont you do anything about it

I've redpilled tens of people. I'm doing my best here, I may pursue a career in politics later.

>silent majority
if there actually existed this "silent majority" you wouldnt have elected such a cuck government...

Well I hope you are gonna be successfull, in the end, history repeats itself.

And SD wont do shit about long term issue of your retarded socialist welfare state which made your people weak and your country appealing to subhumans.
All SD will do is create reactionary shitstorm which will destroy credibility of right wing parties for decades, once again.

Very good. We need more people like you. Every person you redpill you must make his duty also to teach others and we can make way for a new europe.

In the rural areas, yes.

There's a reason SD went from 0 to 100 in such a short time

From what i heard from a friend that lives there:
>wages are low
>taxes are high
>effectevely more than half of what you make goes to subhumans on welfare
>can't get his own place because of homing crisis, have to live with roommates
>baindead liberal cucks everywhere
>ugly women who don't take care of themselves
>tons of nigers and arabs and everything that comes with them
>socioeconomical predictions are all pointing towards decline

shit/10 would not migrate

>ugly women who don't take care of themselves
Yeah, contrary to shit you see on this board, Scandinavian and Finnish women are fucking ugly compared to Slavic and Baltic women.

SD wont be able to do shit. I used to like them. And i voted for them in 2014. But let's face it. ASide from jimmy the whole party is full of inbreds. The swedish people are gonna have to fix everything by them selves. You can't expect a party to do it. Especially when nothing has been done in 3 years. They should pressure the goverment more. And really go hard on the party leaders. But nah, they arent doing shit.

>ugly women
Kreml bot...

>vote SD
>post pic of Hitler

as far as nordics are concerned... iceland > denmark > norway > finland > sweden.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

No. you're all a bunch of crypto kikes. Hitler gassed the wrong people.

>believing in the SD meme

oh sweet summer child.

has FrP in government actually achieved anything when it comes to immigration & integration? genuinely curious.

Finland > Eesti > Iceland > Denmark > Norway > Sweden

I wouldn't mind personally. But my ancestors are from there so it would be like a quest to the motherland. Lol

>Be honest Sup Forums, would you mind living if Sweden if SD won?
Yes i would. Ethnic swedes are literally worse than niggers. They are some of the most toxic and hateful people towards my country. Also here on Sup Forums. As a nationalist, i find this unforgivable. Honestly i hope SD loses and niggers breed all your women and the swedish race finally dies out.

Malmö, Stockholm

I would prefer living in Angola in gated condo paying much to Angola private security like much Portuguese diaspora do nowadays.

Rest of the country, specially rural areas

Probably yes.

>no history
>socially awkward
>most WT per capita

Not even. SD are part of the problem. They just want less brown people than the other parties. They don't want to stop brown people from coming in. They will support Ahmed if he wants to go back but will do nothing if he chooses to stay. They don't even appear to have an economic policy to address the failures of socialism that caused this bullshit

Literally every single thing you mentioned is better in Sweden than in your piece of shit country, to be honest. I'd rather have Syrians than anyone from your drug addicted, alcoholic, AIDS ridden excuse for a country. I'm glad your chances of migrating are virtually zero, so whether you want to migrate or not is quite irrelevant.

What the fuck is wrong with you? We don't want more immigrants here you fucking retard kill yourself

Have you read the news you dumb nigger? Less people are investing in Sweden due to skyhigh taxes and SD has the intention of raising it even higher whilst the Moderates want everything to stay the same.

Only your Centrist party actually wants to save the economy.

But keep quarreling about immigration, SD will cuck you in the end with their shitty policies.

>Eesti > Finland > Denmark > Norway > Sweden > Iceland
The Iceland meme has to stop. If they had their way, 50% of the Icelandic population would be immigrants. The only reason this hasn't happened is because it's so remote that nobody wants to live there.

If SD won, I'd happily lend a hand in purging the filth from your country.

You better be ducking joking. I was asking if they could live here, not immigrate. I just want an outside perspective, gå och ta livet av dig minderårig.

Rural Sweden sounds great, except for the whole massive taxes thing. Might as well live in rural Minnesota. Swedes and Somalis without the taxes.

I'm sorry but as a fellow swede i must ask, do you really consider your self redpilled or even having the ability to redpill others as a supporter of fake opposition that claims that any nigger can become Swedish as long as he or she eat meatBALLS and dance around an uppside down phallic symbol?

The moderates have always worked against socialism. They haven't worked against immigration the last 20 years, but they have always worked for lower taxes and more economic freedom. SD would be willing to cede every single one of their policies if it meant they could dictate immigration policy, this is a fact that has been shown again and again. If M+KD+L cooperated with SD, this would give M+KD+L a carte blanche on economic policy so long as they kept the immigration under 10,000 per year. S+V+MP aren't going to cooperate with SD, at least not for another 10 years. In the end, they may be forced to, since SD and S have nearly identical ideologies outside of immigration policy, but this isn't going to happen any time soon.

14,5% voted on Pirate Party.

Yes I would, I absolutely love Sweden, been in Stockholm 5 times and people in these countries are much friendlier than estonians. Additionally, I love the historical buildings, the nature (those little rocky islands around Stockholm) and the fact your infrastructure looks 50 years ahead of estonian one.

Even with the muslims, I am sure average white Sven in Malmö lives a much better life than me, which is also a problem, since they feel too comfortable to notice there is a problem with multiculturalism in his country. Maybe when his everyday comfort is going to become disturbed, only then he will grow worried.

I sometimes glee myself watching Magnus Söderman speeches and the other Nordfront stuff and secretly hope that these guys will ultimately strike and humiliate the lefties and shitskins once the situation becomes unbearable.

>this video
what the fuck Iceland, get your shit together

>I am sure average white Sven in Malmö lives a much better life than me
This is the case right now, but it won't be for much longer. I visited Estonia 15 years ago, and although it was certainly poorer, you could tell that Estonia was developing significantly faster than Sweden. In the year 2000, Sweden's GDP per capita was almost 8 times greater than Estonia's. Today, it's 3 times greater. I foresee the Baltic states (especially Estonia) becoming some of the richest countries in Northern Europe in the next 15 years. I have friends who have moved to Estonia to make use of the relative ease in starting a company there. I believe this is part of the reason why Estonia will probably become a major player in the tech startup scene in just a few years.

you may see white flight to europe as the US demographically implodes

This is quite interesting you see it that way. Why do you think Sweden has slowed down so much? Is it merely the costs of immigration, or is there more do it?

pic semi-related

Mein Bruder

keep fighting the good fight, Sverige

I especially love this video, I keep coming back to this vid if I lose my faith in humanity

I think it is due to various factors. A country with a low GDP will have an easier time increasing their GDP than a country with a high GDP, all other things being equal. Secondly, Estonia is a significantly smaller country than Sweden, which means its economic development can be substantially faster. The influence of the EU on the Baltic states shouldn't be dismissed either. Immigration has certainly had an impact though, primarily because it requires a huge socialist government that impedes economic growth in the country. I don't believe Estonia's economic growth will continue at the same rate indefinitely, but unless you take a drastic turn to the left, the economic freedom and size advantage will probably let Estonia overtake the Scandinavian nations (including Norway) per capita within the next couple of decades.

What is SD gonna do? Absolutely no impact

Yeah why not if a better part of the city. Its almost the same as finland if you dont count the millions of shitskins. I also speak swedish so the language is not a problem.

Stop sound like a defatist.

I thought it was more beautiful than it actually is. I'm sure it's still lovely in some places. It really would not be my first choice to live in the motherland though.

We did have 15 years of rule by a party that started out as small-government, nationalist party and pretty much stayed that way, except they became more cuckservative in favor to praising EU like there's no tomorrow. Although they did fairly good job with the economy. Since 2017 we have a more big-government, centrist party in rule, but I think they won't go full socialist since the smaller gov approach has served us well so far.

We won't be taking radical turn to the left, either. All of our parties except social democrats have not favoured taking in substantial amount of refugees, and most of our parties favor ethnic nationalism up to certain amount, while one party in parliament, EKRE, has gone full ethnic nationalist and basically Sup Forums-tier.

But this Social Democratic party, most liberal one socially, is quite weak and often mocked for their political prostitution (allying with forces that offer them most positions in government no matter the ideology), so I think we will do well.

Only threat I see for Estonia is when EU would actively start to push something like forcibly relocating refugees here or massively starting to fund our currently quite tiny feminist organizations or whatever.

It's a little cold for my taste. Maybe if you managed some minarchist-libertarian utopia I could overlook the snow.


>Since 2017 we have a more big-government, centrist party in rule
Also adding that this party is little more anti-EU than the previous party we had, they are more pro-big government for other reasons, mostly because they pride themselves in being the party for poor, rural and working class people, it has nothing to do with wanting to build a welfare state.

The Danish-Swedish border control reduced the number of asylum seekers from 160,000 in 2015 to ~28,000 in 2016. It seems that there will be even fewer in 2017. The first two months of 2017 yielded half as many asylum seekers as the first two months of 2016. SD's stated goal is to reduce this number to below 10,000. If they are given control of Swedish immigration policy, it is not at all unlikely that they will succeed. They are also likely to change which groups are permitted into the country. Examples of this would be to give preferential treatment to Christian groups as well as women and children. If the opposition excludes SD from migration policy, they are likely to attempt to remove the border checks, which will likely mean that Sweden will start receiving 50+ thousand refugees per year once again.

Quick, I need some videos on the holocaust. I'm not questioning it happening, but I'm questioning the authenticity of the information given. Just by running the numbers it is an impossibility to get the numbers everyone claims, and that is with technology from the 40s. Not even modern crematoriums with their technology can do achieve the statistics cited in many history books without constantly killing and burning people, not even taking maintenance into account.

I'd live in Sweden if you kicked all the Mudslimes out and built an indestructible wall so the only way in is on a plane with rigorous screening.

Maybe once it got purged of all the filthy scum currently infesting it.

Swedes that is. :^)

Watch The Greatest Story Never Told documentary. I think it's free on youtube and you can get it on ThePirateBay too.

It has a great soundtrack, good historical speeches/videos, and redpills you a lot on WWII and Hitler's Germany, quite neutrally so, without stepping in with the "HURR DURR EVIL NAZI MURDERERS" narrative, but weighting in on all the evidence out there.

The solution to our problems cannot be political.

The solution has to start in ourselves.

David Irving

Thanks. I tried to redpill my grandma on the numbers alone and evidence on how even modern ovens would have trouble reaching the numbers cited by jews, but she had that look of "bullshit" on her face. Even tried to tell me one of my relatives was there in germany as it happened even when he's only the same age as her, and she was born in 37, and they're from Michigan. I finalized what I was saying as I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm saying you need to question the authenticity of the information given to you. Probably pissed her off but when you run the numbers yourself and shit doesn't add up, you need to start questioning what you're told instead of blindly following whatever someone tells you.

What happened to independent thinking?

Nothing holds power over whites like the holocaust myth.

The jews really outdid themselves on that one.

Also for further redpilling, see Norman Finkelstein.

I am simply stating a fact that SD has no viable economic plan, they are still fundamentally degenerate socialists.
You have to approach problems from their roots. SD policy only scratches a surface.

There is nothing for me in your country, I can't sound defeatist when talking about foreign issues.

>wages are low
they are not low at all, but the problem as you say is
>effectevely more than half of what you make goes to subhumans on welfare

I don't know why a Bulgarian is more well read than a lot of Swedes on this topic but I agree on some points.
The major problem with SD is indeed their leftism, my only hope right now is that by some miracle Anna Kinberg somehow grows a spine and chooses SD over the left block, and agrees to form a majority government with SD, this would maybe ensure that we don't regress even further economically whilst at the same time have actual focus on dealing with the immigration.
But even then that's far-fetched and it wouldn't exactly be an ideal scenario as I doubt either party is actually willing to change a whole lot.

Anyway I am still looking for work abroad after I finish my degree.

shut up Jew

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