
Other urls found in this thread:ła_Zbrojnaów_rail_station_bomb_attack



Thanks for destroying Europe with bombs, tanks and rockets, letting Communists win, genociding us and weakening already weak Europe.

Good job, you kike puppet with shitty mustache and African admixture.

He FOUGHT for Europe.

It was BECAUSE he lost Eastern Europe was taken over by the Commies.

Don't talk to Poles, mate

He still lost. Fuck that loser.


There are based Poles, many Poles fought for Hitler.

>He FOUGHT for Europe.
>It was BECAUSE he lost Eastern Europe was taken over by the Commies.
I suggest you stop being a fucktard and study some actual history.

It's easy for you retards to praise someone who didn't genocide the most important people in your country. I don't give a shit about jews, he targeted Polish elites, inventors, scientists, painters, artists. Everyone.

Fuck this retard and fuck you.

>There are based Poles, many Poles fought for Hitler.
Not at all.

Nazi Germany couldn't form an SS corps here. No one wanted to die for a murderer.

Hitler did not start the war.

>>There are based Poles, many Poles fought for Hitler.
>Not at all.
>Nazi Germany couldn't form an SS corps here. No one wanted to die for a murderer.
Typical lying pole.

What about fantasticka partei programme?

>Hitler did not start the war.
No of course not.
Invading a sovereign country isn't an act of war lmao.

kek, you fucking retards.ła_Zbrojna

is from WWI you imbeciles

Lol thanks for starting shit with Germany, not negotiating, getting your intellectuals genocided by communists, all to appease your Jewish masters. Don't worry France has your back

we live and fight for the German Volk, for the preservation of its existence, that it may undertake its own struggle for existence, and we are thereby convinced that only in this way do we make our contribution to what everyone else so gladly places in the foreground: world peace.

No its not, that picture is from WW2, notice the m43 uniforms.

Posting more Poles supporting the Nazis.

>Lol thanks for starting shit with Germany, not negotiating, getting your intellectuals genocided by communists, all to appease your Jewish masters. Don't worry France has your back
You don't negotiate with terrorists.

Socialists are the cancer.
Not from Polish territory, doesn't count.

Those are volksdeutsche.

But... Hitler and Mussolini are idealists in heart. What are you even saying?

Badge of a Polish SS unit.

Coming from the people who got btfo by Soviets and nazis, you're always clay to invading nations. Kek

That's from Silesia m8. I know about them. They were VOLKSDETUSCHE.
>Coming from the people who got btfo by Soviets and nazis
And? You deny socialism is cancer?
>you're always clay to invading nations.
Historically false.

We defeated the Bolsheviks in 1920, stopping them from marching to West.

>You don't negotiate with terrorists
Lmfao first of all you were the terrorists, slaughtering Germans. Secondly, yes the fuck you do negotiate with the super power of Europe, or else you wind someone's bit hand no longer a countr-

Only man you should blame is Churchill.
Only nation you should blame is Anglos.

You realise Hitler liked Poland after 1920 BECAUSE of that event, right?

>Says a guy who never had any kid.

>Lmfao first of all you were the terrorists, slaughtering Germans

I know you won't give me a real source because it's a propaganda from Goebbels. Just like charing tanks with horses.
But I guess Germans were also killed in: Austria, Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Russia, France and Yugoslavia. Right? Oh, and in Northern Italy.
I don't give a shit who this autist liked or not.

He was a failure and killed milions of white Europeans, let the Jews take over and globalists win. Fuck him.

Nah, don't blame the Anglos, because many of them supported Hitler.

Churchill was a fucking traitor.

I hate modern Germans and poles they're scum. But I hate poles way more.

>He FOUGHT for Europe.

Against Europe.

Then you shouldnt of been attacking Germans. More like you were provoking a response.

Stalin caused WW2 since his country made it possible for the Germans to even rebuild their army.

Where did they train? In Russia.Where did they invent Blitz? In Russia, Kazan.
No one cares who you hate, mutt.

>Then you shouldnt of been attacking Germans

>This somehow negates the fact ethnic Germans were being attacked by poles

Is it right for a spic to like Hitler?

I still didn't get any source claiming otherwise.

Your words mean nothing.

At least I'm not surviving off former Soviet food. Can't wait till Muslims crush the poles.


You're thinking of Roosevelt.

On the other hand,

There were terrorists like actions comitted by the germans living in Poland.ów_rail_station_bomb_attack

Who does that? Why did Germans behave like Arabs? Is it in their shitty blood?
>At least I'm not surviving off former Soviet food. Can't wait till Muslims crush the poles.
? XD the fuck are you talking about you low IQ monkey.

Really, even if the slaughters weren't true, I don't care either way. You're the whiniest country in Europe, and I'm perfectly fine with Hitler razing your shitty country. You had land that was stolen from Germany, and when they bulldozed your ass to get it back you went whining to the rest of Europe and your Jewish ogrelords.

Like imagine someone takes your girlfriend and locks her away in the scrawny, nerdy kid's house, and then the nerdy kid refuses to give her back.

Get a fucking grip, Poland. Sort yourself out.

No, I'm thinking of Hitler causing Europeans to kill each other by the goriillions.

Stalin didn't cause WW2. Stalin had a trade with Hitler, and even signed peace treaty with him. If Churchill didn't oppose germans fearing that they will get too great, there would be no WW2.

This is ultimate redpill

Ok then Jews

Ignore what I said. Let's pretend poles weren't guilty of that.
>You don't negotiate with terrorists
Cute line, really it is. But when you don't have the ability to defend yourself frankly you don't deserve to be a country. The only reason you aren't Germany's bitch right now is because of literally every other country's greed and fears of Germany.
So yeah you do negotiate or like I said you die. Or in your case cry to the allied powers

Not an argument. It's just ad hominems.

> You had land that was stolen from Germany
False. It had Polish majority.
Delusions pt.2

This is true.

I don't blame the Poles, I blame the Polish government, as well as OUR government.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

No, that's Roosevelt and Churchill alright.

How about you like what you want and stop being a cuck?



You're wrong. YOU'RE WRONG!

Sorry I can't argue with that.

This is the equivalent to blaming Millennials for the problems Baby Boomers created. Gas yourself, faggot.

World war wasn't started, it was continuation of WW1 and WW1 was dispute between German Empire and Anglo Empire. Second Polish Republic was created as result of agreements after WW1 and the winner of WW1 was Anglo. Naturally Anglo didn't want peace treaty with Hitler, since Germans were in the way of Anglo empire, Americans wanted their own empire too. Stalin signed agreement with Hitler because it seemed like a right thing to do to prevent WW1 victors interfering and taking over Europe again since Russia didn't want that, Germany didn't want that and even today we don't want Anglo or any other monarchy elites.

I love that you are unable to respond to what I said because it's not even refutable
It's like telling a man with a gun to your head that you don't have to listen to them and wondering why they shot you in the head, or crying "das not fair"

It doesn't matter if it was full of poles, that's not my point, it was still German territory. You're just salty because Hitler kicked your ass and you had to get the allies to hold your hand.

>But user, I think I deserve to be a country!

That's good for you, Poland, but that's where you and I disagree

Says the country who started the war