What will be the next world-wide happening?

WW3? Saturn? Natural\human disaster?

What do you guys think?

your picture

Another Carrington event will happen, throwing the world back to the dark ages. It will be a new day zero for history

Global Market correction, causing global depression.

Turkey and Poland will emerge as the major world powers, not china. Also usa is dying

Pedogate about to be blown wide open

Shia becomes the new CWC

>US loses power on the global stage but the quality of life for citizens improves somewhat
>EU falls apart , possible war with Russia
>Sweden becomes a caliphate
>Germany ceases to exist as a country , it becomes a vaugly German/Islamic areas who's borders are only defined by the negotiate space of the other counties around it

>tfw i have fantasized about this before



Mystery pandemic (((emerges))) and kills 90% of all shitskins worldwide.



They're not worried

I've been asking for this for a while but, Hillary shitting herself on live tv. Preferably liquid diarreah so it leaves a nice visible stain. Thus the eternal meme is created. Please kek, here my call. SHALIDAY


I fucking hope so

Sound advice

Kyle Odom escapes from prison, constructs pyramid out of PS1 discs, struck by lightning, summons Kek kaiju vs Moloch kaiju.

Kek wins.

The next major world event? The 2012 Mayan Prophecy will finally come to pass. All the dumbasses saying December 21st 2012 didn't know what the hell they were talking about. The Mayan texts actually spoke of a deity sent to destroy the world. The Mayans spoke in hushed tones amongst themselves of "The Destroyer Of Worlds", otherwise known as "The Great Cosmic Bong Monkey". Someday not too long from now, people all across the globe will awaken to the insane chatter of a stoned primate, and watch in horror as a colossal monkey's paw stretches out across the horizon. The Great Cosmic Bong Monkey will pack the Earth into his bowl like a dank nugget of doobage and smoke us into oblivion.

this comment is too reddit. if you aren't willing to assimilate then I'm sorry but you have to go back

those digits really cheese my dominoes.

Whatever it is it starts this week.


Fact, the kike knows, of course. That's why all the cunts are buying gold en masse

Pedogate is the next big thing. It will change our political spectrum.They say that they worked Anthony Weiner so hard that he is spitting out all kinds of information


Russia invades runaway Baltic states. Trump ignores it. NATO dissolves.

Poland comes to Baltic aid. Krakow gets hit with a Russian tactical nuke as a warning.

Germany gets involved.

A third world war breaks out with America, once again, late to the game.