Does Le Pen have a serious chance to win the election?

Does Le Pen have a serious chance to win the election?

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No. Macron will be Bresident, screencap dis.

She has a non-zero chance.

If the happenings keep up she almost certainly will.

not really no


From what I've read in The Spectator she is likely to make it through the first round but not the second round of voting

anything that i hate more than muslims are russians i hope this stupid whore loses the elections

Nah mate. Fillon is the only candidate Le Pen could possibly win from, but now it's Macron who's soaring in the ratings. What matters is the second round.

Le Pen vs Fillon? It's a toss-up.
Le Pen vs Macron? Enjoy another 5 years of socialism, stagnant economy, EU federalization and a REFUGEES WELCOME policy that would make Merkel blush (Macron stated that Merkel has "saved the dignity of Europe").

Then again, as far as anti-immigration leaders go they often lean on a silent minority. Their voters are sick of mass-migration but don't dare say so in public because it means social suicide (can you imagine a law graduate who's an intern in a court of law saying that Algerians are more criminal than natives, have lower average IQs and Islam is incompatible with French culture which is Republican in the public sphere and Catholic in the private sphere? He'd lose his job and never be employed in his branche again. That doesn't mean he suddenly forgets these facts when he's at the secret ballot though).

you have no reason to hate the russian people, divert your anger to ukraine and moldova

hope so

>you have no reason to hate the russian people
France even less.

Countries that are neither in NATO nor the EU thus France is by no means pledged to protect.

An internal affair. Unless of course France starts taking Article XVI [ Any society in which the guarantee of rights is not assured, nor the separation of powers determined, has no Constitution.] of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen seriously again and invades Russia to overthrow the regime and install a republic that respects the values of the Declaration, France has no business dictating what happens in Russia internally.

>MUH 1812
1. That's over 200 years ago
2. France already had restoration of honor in Sebastopol

France is almost entirely self-sufficient, it's independent of Russian gas.

In fact, if we assume the EU is an enemy to the French state and its citizens (and it is), restoring the Alliance des Revers only makes sense.

She'll never win round 2.

I don't know that Macron is soaring. He's the candidate that's getting shilled super hard by the French media, so you can't expect them to be objective in their polling. I've heard it said that there's a real chance that even Hamon and/or Melenchon could make the second round.

will this sentence be the new "trump will never be president"?

>I've heard it said that there's a real chance that even Hamon and/or Melenchon could make the second round.
Where? Part of Macron's popularity is detaching himself from the PS formally (though his ideas are practically the same as Hollande's). Hamon is being weighed down by a party everyone hates and Melenchon is a meme. Also his plans are shit (he wants to create a 6th Republic with the exact same flaws as the 4th Republic).

this is true, the entire media complex is shitting themselves to find a white genocide establishment shill and they found macron. Even the BBC covers him all the time. I think he'll conk out first round, and if he doesn't he won't win the second round

i don't think if you rely on the polls that she does.

I hope so then Germany can truly fester in its own making

I don't think you understand. The french mindset is completely different from the US one, and there's a very long standing stigma against the FN.
LP is not being endorsed by a mainstream political party like Trump, she's the leader of a party that's despised by a large majority of the french population. In the second round, it's likely she won't gain a lot of votes from eliminated runners because they'll never call to go vote for her.
Abstention could be a strong ally for her, but still, I don't think it's going to happen.

as much of a chance that trump had


Unlikely, the election process is specifically made to keep the national front from winning.
Decades of propaganda have turned most people into complete cucks who'll vote against her no matter what during the second round.

Many frogs are afraid of the ghost of hitler looming over her. Her policies are very NatSoc , but they have to decide
>Natsoc France or death by Islam

>when you realise that this is the kind of lens Germans saw the world in in 1933
>when you realise western europe will actively decide to vote in a glorious new era for the west
>when you realise all the money and power and influence in the world couldnt stop the conscious white man

Good stuff. I look forward to the future. There is hope.

she will win the most votes and the election, but the rest of the parties will team up against her making her power so limmitless she cant do shit - only a revolution in a few years can save france

nice fake, too bad the girl on the right has blue eyes, stale bait really

Of course the white man will never loose, we will fight the most bloody wars with Genration y for god and country

There may be more people who silently support her just like Trump and Brexit

The populist message resonates with a lot of people, but people cant openly support it out of fear of losing jobs/being ostracized