Do you think we are living in an all time low of civilization in the United States...

Do you think we are living in an all time low of civilization in the United States? I feel like we're on the way towards improvement with Trump, but right now this transitional period is painful.

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Yes actually. I think our culture was in total decline during the Obama era. Hope and change was a crock of shit; everyone's just gotten further into debt, fatter, and dumber. The radio is inundated by negro music, neofeminism and black lives matter, etc. etc.. There's very little positive to say about it.

Let's hope it's at least theoretically reversible at this point.

It's been getting progressively worse since the mid-2000s, pardon the pun

yea exactly.. The music, the movies, basically the whole culture is in a major decline. Its downright embarrassing how bad it is

The overall trend is a little hard to say as it goes up and down with the decades. It definitely went down with Obama. Trump has to flush out the filth and corrupt or the country is doomed.

No I don't, I don't want to be edgy I want to live in a non hedonistic society.

You must understand the pain we're in is because of cultural decline. Something that a society normally never comes back from when it reaches such depths. That it is swallowed up by another culture. We've strayed so far that most people don't even know what to even go back to. Our decline started in the 18th century with the birth of the egalitarian idealogy during the so called 'age of enlightenment'. Even among Sup Forums members, it seems many are having difficulty grasping what 'going back' to our roots fully means.

wish black people went back to their roots

As long as the family structure is being undermined society will continue to decay. this applies to the entire west

I'd add that our current situation is going to continue to be very painful. Trump's presidency does not cause the change, Trump's presidency gives us the financial means, and ability to becoming financially independant in which we can than work out from to change. We're likely going to have to strip away each layer for normies in order to gain control in our current democratic system too. That or things will collapse, we'll balkanize, and than the splintered groups will fight for control.

>You are here.

fuck is that pedo shit? sia ? pizzagate


This is part of what I meant earlier, most people on Sup Forums can't accept a simple thing - 'blacks' are not people, they're animals. It's why they revert with every generation and never seem to make improvement. They cannot meet human standards, because they're simply not human. If they're not domesticated by whites with every generation, they immediately return to their default state. The problem isn't negros, it's whites trying to give them rights reserved for humans. Reminds me of those people who try to teach their dog to drive cars. Negros only became a problem when we stopped treating them like the animals they are.

I'll add the modern understanding separating 'species' is not valid. Different species can produce viable offspring, there is absolutely no reason to believe we are the same species as negros anymore than gorillas are. Also - all "African Americans" can trace their Y paternity to Europe. Meaning every single 'native' negro of the USA has probably 15-30% European DNA from prior beastiality. It's why they're not as dumb and animalistic as their African counterparts. But why they're also so uppity, they try to emulate and reach into their human ancestry but fail.

dude, you live with niggers under the same flag

the only way is down

Yup, one of the core components is the understanding that men and women are different. That women are not physically capable of holding values or beliefs, they absorb those of the authority in their life. To many guys, even on Sup Forums can't seem to grasp this. They want a women to guide them, or a one with their beliefs. Falling for the 'a women can be just like a bro' meme. They can't, they won't, and if you expect them to take the lead, they will be confused, stressed, and incapable. Women are meant to be supporters, they're tools. To few men lack ambition, so they have no use for the tools. Before you start a family, you need a wife, a wife who will support you in your goals. But if you have no goals, the wife will feel without purpose.

Dawn is breaking, darkness doesn't realize its time has come to a close.

Let there be light.

Blacks will never succeed unless they can come to terms with how history played out. I doubt they'll ever do that, especially when you got piece of shit activists like Al Sharpton who use them with the race shit/civil rights shit to make a buck off them until eternity'

when blacks succeed then piece of shit opportunists have to face the fact that "civil rights" war is over. and they dont want to accept it

Sia is over 18 dumb fuck

actually wtf?

Born: December 18, 1975 (age 41 years), Adelaide, Australia

Aren't they constantly going back to their roots? Well never the African roots but always the oppressed victim roots

The largest thing Sup Forums seems to have difficulty coming to terms with is this. That 1. Pedophilia largely doesn't exist. Pedophilia (child, loving) is defined as strict attraction to pre puberty children (normally under 10) however, if you hold attraction towards a child, but still find that child attractive once they hit puberty, and grow up, you fall outside the definition of puberty. This is simply because it's the natural way. Girls are meant to be married young to older husbands. Girls peak mentally around 10-14, boys don't tend to peak until 18-21

The natural way is that a young girl is married off to her live long husband young, when she can still easily pair bond, and be guided into wife/motherhood by her husband.

While in the modern world, we put women into public school which they don't even have use for. Since the purpose of public school is to prepare one for work life, yet women shouldn't be pursuing this path anyway and as mentioned, they don't hold any unique beliefs or values of their own. Public school acts to underpin the fundamental value of the father being the authority in a girls life to instill values, and replace it with government.

As well as to corrupt her into eventually thinking she should act as a man (pursuing a career) instead of as a wife (supporter)

A lot is going to have to change to return to our roots OP, we're still a ways away

I think we're literally living in hell right now. Trump is a breath of fresh air but I think things will revert back to obama/bush/clinton after the next 4 or 8 years

Blacks will never succeed as long as we hold them to human standards. That's the gist of it, and this applies to human-negro hybrids that largely inhabit the USA too. Slavery wasn't/isn't wrong, elevating the negro to human status was ground.

A mad world is hell for a sane man user, Sup Forums attracts social rejects who ironically are what 'normal' people used to be like. Which has allowed us to become a major force in influencing the direction of our society. I won't lie to you, there will be more hardship, but there will also be much more opportunity's to become major leaders that can drastically change the world in a better direction. Don't give up, establish your values and what part you want to play in it and keep the faith that humanity will elevate itself this time.

Stand firm my European brothers

You're right..

its funny how liberals still keep slavery around too without even realizing. They just switched to Mexicans this time

thanks user. You are 100% correct

We should just let California be a sanctuary state. Let it crash and burn

USA is collapsing.

>my housekeeper's helper

you know you're rich when your maid has a maid.

At 41 she needs to consume far less child souls to stay young than someone like, say Hillary Clinton

It seems like every five years or so you suddenly become aware of a new bunch of degeneracy that would have been basically unthinkable a few years ago, but is now the norm or only mildly controversial.

Society is trash, and I don't mean that in an edgelord way. I can't even say things can only get better from here, because every time I thought that before something even more disgusting would happen and would more or less be accepted.

At this point I just want to move as far away as possible from everything and everyone.

Mexicans are different though, Mestizos are Asian-White mixes. Since the "Native Americans" are Asians that came from Siberia. Same way Arabs are likely the result of older White-Asian mixes. I agree with you though that it is funny, since early democratic party ran on a platform of keeping slavery, compared to early Republicans wanting to abolish it

Owning negros should be no different than owning dogs, they're pets to do with what you will. But good people will not mistreat them(animal abuse). I don't disagree with owning people either, in the ancient world it often served as a good way for poorer families to both get ahead and provide a better opportunity for their children

Say a family has four kids, they can't feed them. But slavery could come in the form of contracts, yearly. Son 1 is sold to a farm to work, in exchange for labor during his contract he's provided with food, board, and when the contract is up he is given a stipend. For agreeing to sell the boy for the contract, the family receives a single lump sum as well.

This was a better alternative to requiring everyone look for work, and be given in some circumstances barely enough to feed themselves. You also must understand that not everyone is capable of working in their own best interests. Such as those who will spend their monthly paycheck on expensive nonsense or booze.

If Trump is the best we can get and a weeb imageboard is promoting traditional values, we already are at the lowest point.

You're welcome user, happy to help. I wish to see our society rise from the ruins and become glorious again and I will be spending my life trying to make that happen

Better your life and live according to your cultural values.

It's both all you can do and the best thing you can do.

>At this point I just want to move as far away as possible from everything and everyone.

I feel you bro. Stuck in one of the most degenerate states, Florida. Torn whether to move to some state that scumbags dont want to go to (like Wyoming or something) or just going out in the middle of the state where there's nothing and just get a horse farm

excellent advice. I already resigned to the fact that I won't get along with most people. All I want to do is start a family and live according to the best values that I have had since childhood.

It's just interesting to think about the state of the country right now. It's just so bad and embarrassing but yet it's nice to live in your own bubble at this point. Why even care what most degenerates are doing at this point, as long as we live life with integrity and do what is right

I understand how you feel user, the two most likely routes we'll see unfolding in the near future (3-5yrs) will be

1. Safe havens
Small community's of people popping up around the western world filled with like minded individuals interested in returning to a better world, with strict code of conduct to enforce their values.

2. Systemic change
Organizations or political parties whose goal is to alter public conscious of how things should be in order to influence current politics.

Number one will help if we balkanize to serve as home bases to rebuild society from the ground up. Number two will help to start un doing the damage and from things getting worse.

And you have Arabs coming good luck! We've at least sort of.tamed our niggers

these are the females we have to offer in our big cities

you haven't tamed shit, it's completely grown out of your control, you fucking cut-dick americunt

you are being hunted like prey, raped and brutalised, while you work and pay taxes to feed the parasites killing you

how the fuck does telling me that I've got arabs coming for me make you feel better about it

wow you're out of touch. Don't even know what your neighbor Sweden is going thru right now? Jesus wtf are you living under a rock?

>implying nogs aren't primarily killing each other

Thankfully user, most women don't actually think like this. In fact many who spout such obvious mental gymnastics normally don't believe it themselves. They're mearly repeating what they themselves have been told by the authority in their life. If their authority is their university, and this is what their university tells them is true, they will say it. Women will absorb the values and information instilled in them. There is no point in getting angry about women, anymore than it is about a negro. A women is a tool to be used, if you don't like how it's being used, than re purpose it. Just as the Negro, if you don't like how the wolf steals your sheep, than assert dominance over it. Negros will normally back down or comply as any other animal when you do so. Unless otherwise empowered by their pack's alpha

>>you haven't tamed shit, it's completely grown out of your control
>>you are being hunted like prey
Yes and no, they have been tamed, and new organizations are taming them as their pets such as leftist institutions. Others encourage or ignore their natural way which only encourages them. A dog during domestication must be told when it does wrong. A negro animal is told what a good boy it is no matter what it does

So you're correct in that things have gotten out of hand, the leash has been let go and they're tearing up the lawn. Humans are being hunted like prey much like they used to be by wolf packs or super wolf packs.

I can count on one hand the amount of black people I've seen in my life.

the same to a much lesser extent that you've gone through for nearly a century already? the fuck is your point and how is it relevant?

I guess that makes it all alright, it's not like you're already a minority as far as births are concerned

pacified, and only for a minute, not tamed

>>pacified, and only for a minute, not tamed
An animal is never truly tamed Estianon, a dog will embrace it's inner beast nature if it's allowed to grow up in the wild. Such is the same with the negro, all of those that grow up without human domestication efforts embrace their animal nature. The problem isn't that they're no longer domesticated, the problem is humans forgot that they were animals in the first place.

You are fucking king of this thread user. You're full of wisdom, 100% serious. Making some great points. I think with women, most men just are too cowardly to assert dominance and take over. Thats the problem with the country right now. No one wants to break the mold

The only reason we're a minority is because of anchor babies, which trump will deport.
Then we'll import Russians.


Mighty Words of Truth.

cyber punk filled with perversions and temptations. with no

>tfw you will never reach Nirvana

Thank you user, and you're correct. Men are raised from a young age to accept none stop being beaten down. Men will not naturally accept that women are there equals and for good reason. Men must be beaten until they say that the orange before them is actually an apple - to accept a lie. On a side note, I highly suspect the trannie / trap phenomenon relates to this too. Men don't want to be men anymore because of what it means enduring for their life

Most men don't fundamentally understand what it means to be a man anymore too. The two pieces of advice I would give any man who thinks he wants a girlfriend is this
-Don't look for one unless you don't need one
If you're not willing to walk away from a relationship when she isn't useful to you anymore, than don't search for one. If you cling and compromise yourself, you will lose your position as an authority in her life and be a slave to her authority
-Don't look for one unless you have ambitions they can help you with
Do you have a goal?
Do you have a dream?
Do you have a plan?
Do you have the means to pursue it?
Are you ready to pursue it on your own until a useful women comes along?
If yes to all above you're ready for a woman in your life. Women are happiest when they feel as if they're supporting the authority in their life. It's why when they see media or government as their authority they try so hard, even sacrificing their best years and qualities to try and please it.

This branches off into another subject - that polygamy is also the default setting. Having multiple helpers, however, the most important part of polygamy is knowing/understanding - you as the provider, and not to take on more than you can provide for.

Any aspect of a relationship that requires authority / oversight needs to be handled by the man. This means finances, this means planning, this means routine etc

irrelevant to what I said

I see you struggle to stay on topic and feel the incessant need to rant and posture

>Trump will do everything for us :)


To continue, I think a lot of people are willing to break the mold but not entirely able. This is less to do with courage (partly yes) but also survival. In our world acknowledging reality means putting a target on your back. Not just physically, but financially. This is why I personally think a Trump administration will have so much impact. He will give people the opportunity to be financially independant, and when you're financially independant, you can pretty much do whatever you want and pursue a life strictly towards your values. Think about it - what is the biggest fear of fellow anons? Being doxxed, being outed. If you not at risk of losing a job because you're your own boss, or you're apart of a company owned by other anons, it doesn't matter if you're outed.

This will be the biggest strength of the next few years, being able to out ourselves and make the steps towards changing our culture

That's just because you're in the company of mid-20s NEET compulsive masturbators.

I'm going to make a redpilled comic that was influenced by classical art and DBZ. Can you guys support me and buy it? It's not going to be like the malayfag's shit.

>>Irrelevant to what I said
Not really, you first stated
>>dude, you live with niggers under the same flag
>>the only way is down
I stated that the issue with negros, is that we stopped viewing them as animals, as they are. If we can revive this, than things will change. That the wildlife will not be our undoing.

>>Struggle to stay on topic
I use existing topics to expand upon the issue, address the root problems, and solutions. A very pragmatic approach to the situation

Not specifically Christian, but this sums it up.

If you build it they will come.

Lol how are you so indignant? Why do you care ?


You're most welcome user-kun

Yes, probably, I will say that the best industries to get started closer down the road are those which speak towards basic needs. Food, water, energy, electricity, construction, or shipping for any of those. Industries which produce luxury products will probably not be doing to well. Companies like Apple for example only exist because they've positioned themselves in a monopoly with no real competition. Their products are of poor quality, and no practical regular use - ipads, iwatch, itv, being such things.

Trump allowing competition to enter the playing field may very well lead to such massive companies failing.

As such getting into comics may not be a viable career in the future. But the material you'd be going through to produce such comics, could help you in pursuing other things like getting involved in independant journalism since it's pretty much fitting the same need of information distribution.

is this satire or are you serious? is Sup Forums really this underage and/or autistic? i can't even tell anymore