Who do European women prefer to breed with inbred ugly smelly migrants instead of their own men?

Who do European women prefer to breed with inbred ugly smelly migrants instead of their own men?

they don't breed with them, they don't breed at all is the problem.

Pretty much it.

Then where are these things coming from?

They don't though, even in places we stereotype as cucked like Sweden interracial dating/sex is almost certainly way less common, even per capita, than it is in America.

this shit is incredibly rare, can't remember the last time I saw a mixed race nigger.

1. Rape
2. Whores

In my town it's full with white-trash fat women and skinny welfare leech shitskins

>tfw no gf

They don't. Look up interracial dating statistics and you'll see just how rare it it despite what a bunch of spergs on Sup Forums think.

Actually, white men dating Asian women is a far worse problem imo.

In canada it's ridiculous how many of my white male friends date Asian women

They've been conditioned since birth by (((globalists))) to hate their own kind, luckily it's hard to deny your instincts entirely so it's taking far long than (((they))) would like.

they've been told it's racist not to, basically

Not so fast Hans, quite a few of the good ones are coming to America, specifically California and I can assure you they breed.


I started sucking him and quickly learned he wasn't all the way hard yet. He got that way inside my mouth and he was big. Girth wise, he wasn't massive. I've sucked fatter cocks than his but I don't think anyone was going to complain about his pleasant girth. Lengthwise? Yeah, he was big. Did I think it was because he happened to be black, too? Honestly, that thought never occurred to me.

I was once at an open swinger party that was bi-guy friendly. I went down on the guy who organized the party. He happened to be gay and was having some fun putting the married, bi-guy to the test. Much to his surprise, I was good. Good enough that he interrupted my blowjob, turned to one of his gay friends and said, "Let this straight guy suck your dick. He's amazing!"

So, my anonymous black friend at the adult bookstore seemed satisfied with my skill and techniques. Several times, I pulled away to admire his cock. In a way, I wished his cock wasn't so dark toned because it made appreciating it difficult in the dim light of the theater. Then again, seeing his dark toned prick reminded me, "I'm sucking BBC!" He was definitely bigger than me and I'm slightly above average in the dick department.

Yes, he came. Yes, I swallowed. Yes, I had fun. No, he did not seem interested in sucking me, too. After he came, I left: mission accomplished. I went to the adult theater in hopes of sucking some dick first and, secondly, hoping to suck some BBC.

Based on my experience, I can verify that feeling a black guy's cock inside your mouth feels EXACTLY the same as sucking on a white, Hispanic or Asian dick. Personally, I feel vindicated. I've "gone there and done that." I know I would have offered my mouth to him regardless of race. Him being African-American was a pleasant perk and if my experience helps solve a mystery for anyone else, then I feel better about writing this.

Looks like Stefan Molyneux.

In the UK the big racemixers are polish women

any polish woman that fucks a non-white is ostracized from polish society, you can keep the dirty cunts

Nice try why don't you post the picture that shows her eye colour?

indeاتيed it is a problem my friend

rap culture prolly has something to do with it.

>53% white country talking
eat shit subhuman

You mad white boi?

It's because muds are sexually aggressive and 2 generations of feminism has turned white men into passive niceguy consent faggots.

That's all it is.

No, she is unwanted. Enjoy your rape victim black boy.

>40% muslim country talking
Honestly when I see your flag anymore, I'm not sure if I'm talking to a mudslime or not.

> European
> Men
Pick one & only one.
You've been cucked by the feminine Jew. You believed the bullshit & lost your balls so women go to subhuman immigrants because they're still alpha

They are looking to be dominated and controlled. White men will not oblige.

Because don't fucking grow up. They are mentally immature. This fucking bullshit that men are giant boys is a fucking lie and a means of stopping men from even enjoying themselves.

Because women are so mentally immature it means they are maleable and easy to brain wash. They've been brainwashed to believe that these fucking niggers are real men.

If there was an app telling women to throw themselves off tall buildings, lest they be called racist, they'd fucking do it.