American visiting Britain here, just wanted to say Europe is fucked

American visiting Britain here, just wanted to say Europe is fucked.

I'm in London at the moment and there's been multiple occasions on the last few days where I've travelled around and gone at least half an hour without seeing another white person. I thought the jokes about it being overrun by Islam was just that, a joke, but it's actually real.

Pretty funny when British people complain about the amount of black people in America, but their cities are all brown, we have it way better in the US.

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Yeah, we are pretty fucked in the UK, country is full of fucking niggers

>he thinks London represents britain
dude just go to any other city and all you see is the average toothless britbong

was it the tourist areas or off the beaten path areas?

>London represents the UK. It's by far the worst city. Liverpool is 96% white still and the 4th largest city.

now try sweden...

London is a write off. As are most major cities.

London is practically its own country. Its nothing like the actual real UK.

>Go to London
>All your cities are brown

"It's only London user...g-g-go see another city!" How does it feel to have a shit tier nation, you did this to yourselves.

Every white person should just move to Australia.

I've asked around heard the same thing, people say the cities are all like this it's only the rural areas where white people live now.

Do you idiots not realize that once your cities are gone your everything is gone? They are going to move out from the cities and take the rural lands easily when they get too full, or they get enough power. They'll fill your government. Control the flow of resources. You think hiding in rural areas and reveling in your whiteness away from the centers of your country will do you any good? Your future is done. Over. We're seeing the death throes of Europe.

You are mistaken my friend

Cities are easy to deal with because they can be starved off. Places like california or the Mississippi river are much harder to deal with.

London is 60% white. Were you travelling around with your eyes closed? Yes it's shit but do stop LARPing. USA is a lot more demographically cucked than we are.


There's the problem.

You aren't in the real Britain mate. London is a zombified globalist international zone.

Why don't you record a "15 minutes walking in london" video? Make it viral.

Seriously mate Sup Forums is an over 18s board. Children need to leave.

Londoner here. Can confirm.

Digits have spoken

Because that would show him up for the LARPfag that he is. There is nowhere in London where you could walk for 15 minutes without seeing one white face. Nowhere.

>but their cities are all brown,
that's the thing with american cities vs europeon cities - we have far more cities than them that are white while their limited number of cities are all getting filled up with human trash

How does one move to Australia? What are non-shit tier aussie cities.

>Americunt thinks he knows about Europe

Is this denial, is it shilling? Why is someone trying so hard to prove a narrative that is obviously, and very provably false? Do they think we're idiots? That we can't go on youtube or image search, or ask natives? What are they trying to accomplish?

You're not fooling anyone.

Visit East Ham and Tower Hamlets. You would love seeing the cultural enrichment. Advice, beware of the Shariah patrol and dress appropriately if you are a female.

Well then, you should listen to the child.

Just got back from a trip through England and then Ireland.

The memes about London being overrun by Muslims are true. I think I saw less white people in London the Baltimore.

Shilling doesn't work. The information is flowing free these days friend. We can find out from over 1,000 sources any time we want. Your tactics are not working. Yet you struggle on.

Death throes of a shill here.

Western Europe is no longer European. Or it certainly won't be by the time we're grandpas.
There isn't any reversing.
The thing that should be capturing your attention now is the prevention of the same thing happening to Eastern Europe, which is fully in the cross-hairs of the globalists.
The globalists won't stop. They are not going to at any point see what they've done and think "maybe that's enough migration."

>American visiting Britain here, just wanted to say Europe is fucked.

You've visited one country out of more than 50, American dumbass.

And also, Britain is far whiter than the U.S. It's 87% white, and the U.S is 62% Caucasian (Caucasian includes Arabs, North Africans etc.)

Thanks Vlady.

>that feeling when you remember reading the exact same post few days ago...

>using london as a benchmark for the rest of the uk
>using london as a benchmark for europe
jesus christ, you'd be screaming if you went to paris first
we're basically 96% white outside of London and close to 100% in rural areas (scottish and welsh towns, northern england)

>hurrdurr we have more cities than a continent with 2.5 times our population

Wait until you see Birmingham mate

>I thought the jokes about it being overrun by Islam was just that, a joke

hahah jokes on you then

Ok, now bin that knife!

Sasha knows

One place that I know is not fucked currently in the EU is Finland.

I've visited my extended family there since I was a kid, and from then 'til now the number of gypsies and occasional Africans has been pretty consistent.

As far as I can tell, the country and towns are still almost if not completely White and the cities like Turku and Helsinki still pretty much have roughly the same noticeable number of Africans and gypsies.

> So, would I be correct in saying the Finland is not fucked?

>american education

>It's 87% white
For the love of God don't trust racial statistics.



Pick one.

How is Stockholm currently. I do realize Sweden is fairly fucked due to their laissez faire attitude with immigration and Muslims, but how is the city really?

The point is that you won't stay white if you're not willing to do anything about it. Everyone thinks like this at first.
>Won't happen here, we're majority white
Then a few move in. Then more. Whites move. Suddenly it goes from majority white to half or less white, and you're on Sup Forums claiming
>Well at least the rest of the cities are majority white
You fucks are idiotic. Selfish. You don't think about the whole, you will be complacent until they are banging on your door wanting your home.

They fool enough.

And it's enough.

Post pics so we can laugh and shudder at the same time.

That is expert mode. He still needs to go through Paris and Berlin before Stockholm.



It's not much better here. I can't think of a a city off the top of my head that can be called white. Nigs got to live close to the welfare office.
Real shame too. I'll never get to visit a big European city and get to experience the local culture there.

>I've visited London, it's fucked
>we have it better in the US
It's nice to hear cities like NYC, DC, LA, Houston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix etc. are all 100% White paradise outposts on Earth.
Do you want me to continue? All the way down to bastions of whiteness, like Richmond, VA, Montgomery, AL, or Jackson, MS?
Face it, both of you are equally fucked.

Fuck you, I almost missed it.

There is your mistake. The city of London is a different state, a different nation to the rest of England.

Most whites have moved out of the cities.

Also, it could be a time of day thing. If you walk about at 7am you will see a lot more whites on their way to work.

I took an epic road trip across the USA - 80% was White people - Colored are only in the Welfare cities in population centers.

>Be right wing American
>Get beaten up at Trump rally by skinny manlet
>Go home and shitpost about Britain

If you have a STEM degree, it's pretty easy. Skilled migrant visa. All the good jobs are in the major cities:

Sydney: beautiful harbour, plenty of jobs. Median house price is over $1m
Melbourne: somewhat cucked (not as much as people think though), similar job opportunities to Sydney, but you can buy a house for 300k in some areas

Brisbane: Cheaper, better weather, near the Gold Coast, economy not so good because of the mining downturn. Should get better when the current government gets the boot

Perth: Don't even bother unless you want to get laid off from your mining job me make 500 a week as an uber driver. Your weekly rent will be 300 minimum

Adelaide: Electricity isn't even reliable, don't bother

So you're really stuck with east coast for major cities. Regional centres like newcastle and Townsville can be good for work and are cheaper to live in.

Your problem is being in a major fucking city you stupid fucking tourist. Try going into Sussex and some of the rural towns in the South Downs Park.

You probably come from a city yourself you useless faggot


Thats what good goys get for being good kike servants

Allies chose poorly

Take a trip over to Paris, you're gonna love it.

What a wonderful world... at least you beat those evil nazi krauts x))

don't know when, but generations from now I have a feeling that's how it'll end up.

Eastern European countries are not deluded like the west and can see everything that's happening. There is no chance of them getting over run.


>Big cities
There's your problem, white flight happened here


Yes, it really is not a joke or a meme.

The nigger and muslim hordes will take city after city, town after town, village after village.

That was (((their))) plan from the beginning. But you wouldnt listen. Now you die with us.

But at least your mixed race grandchildren can remember the victory over nazi Germany in their socialist quran school

You could go to almost any school in London and the only white people you'll see is the odd easter european kid or the teachers.

Exceptions are public/elite schools and maybe the outer suburbs.

You're in denial pal.

We're in big fucking trouble, aren't we? I was at a shop near a school in a nearby area recently, not even in a large city, and nearly every single kid was of African or Middle Eastern descent. There must have been about a hundred of them. We are very quickly being outbred.

capitalism can fix

yes, we are dying a slow and silent death while most whites arent even aware of it. I mean all people are the same amirite xDDD ?

So yeah, we are basically done I cant really see how we should recover from this. Because whites dont WANT to exist as whites anymore.

Most people when shown the facts will get angry at you because you wake them up from their death slumber.

Yes I know. I'm talking about the eastern Europeans as whites. I fucking hate them but the undeniable fact is that they are whites.

Jesus Christ you reddit newfags need to die.

This. My granddad said it was all for nothing while we were driving through London once.

My whole life I was conditioned and taught to believe you were an incredibly evil adversary, Germany. Whilst I still may not agree with some of the tactics of old that your nation used, I can now understand exactly why you used them.

"The next time we fight, it'll be side by side."

And guess what? The majority of people in London live in the outer suburbs! Which are majority white (except Brent). How amazing I know my own city better than some braindead r/the_donald Americans and a Serb.

Please go back to r/the_donald and stay there. You are an embarrassment.


It's not over yet. It wasn't really too long ago that I was one of those people of whom you speak. My eyes are now open. I am now thinking clearly. And it is my hope that one day soon, others will join us; before it's too late.

It's okay guys. Foreigners get the wealthiest, most prosperous parts of my country. Us native Brits will bear the burden and be displaced from our ancestors' homeland and have our culture replaced. God save the Queen!

Just pray that there will be a next time because I dont see it.
When I go downtown I feel like I am in a different country and I live in the suburb of a small 300k city. And this is the case in all cities in Germany even in the east.

So I guess we had a good run of 2000 years of Europe...

Pic related is a socialist (Schulz' party) politican posing with party members :))

Implying American cities aren't filled with minorities

Transhumanist breeding and enhance programs and robotic productivity amplification will shape us into a new, more competitive form. We will win.

I'm in Kent and they're slowly but surely shipping them all out here too. We recently got some black Muslim families move into the area.

>tfw London, our absolutely worst city, has the same racial demographics as the USA.

Yeah man Tower Hamlets is fucking minted. Streets are paved with gold. Go there right now.

I'm not shedding any tears for your fate. It's pretty amusing in a sense.

We're in a similar boat, degeneracy and communism has poisoned the land, there's no going back. Maybe some global cataclismic event will shift the tide.

>this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper

I was quite surprised when I went to see a Gills game to see a nog wandering about. Some of the Gills lads did a monkey chant and I felt much better though.


Milton Keynes, here. We're overrun. It's almost unrecognisable from 10 years ago.

Our fate isn't sealed yet.

I fear you came too late :(

Thats BS and you know it. Curryniggers and others invade every stemfield and will never work against their own.

We are being taken over.

You should go out of the big cities. Problems weren't.

It's not over yet. Try not to despair. Let's fight back. All of us.

That would be wonderful, however, regretfully, we are full.

I wanted to do some Open University stuff. But it includes some on-site appearances. Would it ruin my great experience?

Wrong. Now stop your pessimistic nonsense. Fight or die out.