What I said Sup Forums's ideal wealth distribution?


There is no ideal wealth distribution. If you're tired of being paid $10/hour, why don't you just become a CEO?

Wendy's chef here. I make 120k a year and have a 9" dick.

Not an argument




Ideally the top 1% would only be able to afford something that is also in reach for the average person if they saved up a bit.


fuck off commie

There is no "ideal wealth distrubution." We don't care. Ask lefty retards what their ideal is (protip: it's everyone is equally poor).


Whatever correlates to the percentage of your population that is willing to take it upon themselves to vote against big government and start competitive businesses.

As E. Michael Jones would say, you've internalised the commands of your oppressors.

Striving to reach a certain wealth distribution is stupid because there is a reason why those at the top are at the top. The wealthier people in a society simply contribute more.
If we were to lose 100 fast food workers, nothing significant would happen. If we were to lose 100 CEOs or executives, we'd probably be visually see that loss.
America was built on hard work. It is un-American to ask for handouts. If you want to be a communist, fuck off to Venezuela or something.

day of the rake when?

Are you a rake vendor by any chance?


I'd love to hear your justification for stealing from people.



How is he wrong? CEOs are move valuable than burger flippers.

How do you combat NEPOTISM

Pic related, the only reason this uncreative loser has a job is because both his parents are producers in Hollywood and tv

...Not an argument

CEOs of what?

If you're shit at your job, the free market will ruin you.

Being in the 20% in the country you are living is more than enough.

If a CEO had no workers, what could he do? Nothing. The CEO needs the workers, not the other way around, and it's unjust that the economic system doesn't reflect this.

Literally any CEO of any company. The self declared CEO of a brand new startup with no prospects is still more valuable than a minimum wage fast food worker.

*helicopter rotor in the distance*

Of nearly anything.

Workers would be fucked without someone with the brains to actually call the shots and lead the company to success.

>muh shared means of production
Then stop whining and make your own hippie commune. Nothing is stopping you now.


>literally any CEO
>of nearly anything
is it literally or nearly?
obtuse simpletons

The non-CEO workers wouldn't have jobs if it weren't for the CEOs; they require one another.

There are far more people suited to be non-CEO workers than CEOs. Wages, like prices, are influenced by supply and demand.

>different people have different answers
wow who would have thought

I honestly find it hard to believe how some people just can't comprehend that you will never have a society where the distribution of wealth is equal.

That's like actually believing society's biggest lie, everyone is equal. It won't happen. You will always have a caste system of have's and have not's.

The people with a mass amount of wealth typically have a gigantic sphere of influence that could fuck everything up if they do something wrong. The biggest fuck up Tyrone and Jose can do is screwing up a burger or cutting my bushes too short.

That's life.

oh so it's just a matter of opinion oh who would have thought oh wow what a revelation

Hey OP, i'm genuinely interested in this issue in an academic/theoretical context. Is there a place we can talk?

>if you think serfs - I MEAN WORKERS should be able to have better compensation you should go smoke weed with the hippies, brah

How did you pick up this ideology of servility? Don't you work?

What about greed? Being a faggot managerialist doesn't warrant a billion-dollar salary plus bonuses while the workers don't even have a living wage

Because liberals believe people are inherently equal. It's a religion.

not all opinions are created equal either

Nice strawman. I believe in higher wages which is why I support nationalistic capitalism.

What's that even supposed to mean?

>not all opinions are created equal either
either? who said they were?

i've never understood why people use apostrophes when they're not needed. it's like they've heard of them and know they're used for something, so they just throw them in hoping it's correct. it's really a VERY simple rule, too. that they can't learn it makes me think they're pink halfwit retards.

The workers willingly agree to the wages they get.

Use that noggin of yours. Capitalism that is lightly regulated to benefit the nation's people. I.E. slightly protectionist but largely free market.

It was a reference to my other sentence.

And additionally many people opt out and go on social welfare benefits because they value their time more than the difference between the welfare basket of goods and investing in themselves.

To demand they get paid enough to make them work is kind of silly when you could just reduce benefits.

So either everybody can own a private jet or nobody can own a private jet?

none at all

people think wealth inequality is a bad thing because for most of human evolution if someone was hoarding 90% of the groups resources it really did mean you were going to starve to death and they probably literally stole it from you

but modern capitalism is so successful that someone can have a hundred thousand times the resources as you and that doesnt mean you are starving, in fact you yourself have a hundred thousand times the resources as someone who is starving (who probably lives in a socialist country lmao)

Then explain the CEO's that destroy companies but have million dollar golden parachutes.

And if they don't? Unemployment. So either you work for a low wage or you don't work at all. Can't you see there is a huge power imbalance here?

The free market works, but in an industrialised society you need more government intervention because it makes it easier for power and wealth to concentrate in the hands of a few.

A private jet seems to me to be the perfect symbol of decadence, so it would be better if nobody could.

>I honestly find it hard to believe how some people just can't comprehend that you will never have a society where the distribution of wealth is equal.

But most people don't believe that it should be.

They just also believe that our current distribution is far too lopsided and it's not due to inherent inequalities between people, but due to powerful people being able to cheat the rules everyone else has to follow.

>you work for a wage you agree on or not at all
>don't you see the problem

No, I don't. Please explain. Why would someone be allowed to work for a wage that the employee or employer doesn't agree on?

>A private jet seems to me to be the perfect symbol of decadence

The funny thing is I was originally going to use a yacht.

But here you reveal the flaw in your ideology. Who the fuck are you to decide what other people should be allowed access to? Why am I not allowed to say retroviral drugs for people who got AIDS from sharing needles or unprotected anal sex (bugchasers especially) is not a symbol of decadence?

Who am I to say that organic foods aren't a symbol of decadence?

Some people like flying, or boating. They should be entitled to those hobbies if they can afford it and not have some retard communist complaining. Rather than figuring out a way to enhance peoples' lives you want to make us all equal in the mud.

these cats look at spending on luxury goods as stealing from the mouths of the poor. as in, to them it's literally a crime and a human rights violation. unless the people buying luxury goods are caviar liberals or blacks, and then its OK

The ideal distribution is 0% for all classes. Get rid of money. Get rid of all the degenerate bullshit from "modern society". Go back to living in small clans where each person provides a service for clan (baker, smithy, farmer, etc.) and trades the fruits of their labor to other members of the clan.

The best way to make money is to have money, unless you find a way of limiting inheritance the problem is just going to perpetuate but good luck finding a way to do that without having a capital flight since globalist no longer have a sense of duty to their country and bow only to money.

Possibly the most retarded thing I've ever read

why? because if we did, we wouldn't have Romantic Comedies and Mercedes and Artificial Insemination? most of that shit is degenerate anyway.
