Alright Sup Forums, we need to talk about the elephant in the room: how do we stop the WMAF craze? I mean...

Alright Sup Forums, we need to talk about the elephant in the room: how do we stop the WMAF craze? I mean, you guys are against racemixing, right?

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>I mean, you guys are against racemixing, right?

Not if it involves breeding QT Jap girls out of existence.

Asian women are less degenerate and you can still maintain a high IQ for your offspring.

>Asian women don't want asian men
>black men don't want black women
Black women and asian men should mate desu

it's ok for men to date down

it's not ok for women

Just let it happen, it was meant to be.

You aren't white so why do you care about what actual white people do? Are you scared that we are combining with the only other race on the planet that is worth more then your skin color?


1. Post a light-skinned East Asian model (usually Japanese or Korean) who will never touch a non-Asian in their lives.
2. LARP a fake story about getting an Asian girl despite the fact that 99.99999999999% of Asians are with other Asians
3. Post stats about 'Asians-in-the-West' despite that fact that most of these combine different types of the 4 billion "Asians" in the world under one universal term as if an Indian has anything in common with a Filipino
4. Ignore the FACT that most White men are with brown 3rd world low-IQ Southeast Asians from Thailand or Phillipines. They also never mention that these same SE Asian countries have GDP per capita's on par with Africa ... but of course all these girls REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALY love White guys.
5. When somebody posts actual real couples as expected the white men look like BETAS and the asian girls are ugly-as-shit (ala Mark Zuckerberg)

AsianMasculinity pls go

As a hapa and a child of WMAF, you guys seriously bloat this shit out of proportion.

I rarely see WMAF couples and when I do, 80% chance the guy is an enlisted USAF guy. It's ALWAYS THE CASE.

Fuck, I'm noticing more AMWF couples popping up if anything, and they're still rare asf.

I don't mind this

I'm feeling more positive about China already for cracking down on Uighurs

You recognize that white society in the Western world is dead, and the only ones who can save us from global niggerdom, Islam and sandniggers are Asians, right?

kek sorry about the small wang, Chang

race mixing is a negligible demographic.

the real problem is white males that aren't getting laid, and aren't procreating.

If people were having white kids instead of lamenting how white women are too slutty these days, demographics wouldn't be such a problem.

Yes you are in a shit situation. But what are you going to do? Prioritise r9k level thinking over the future of your race? It is the duty of all white nationalists to find and impregnate a white woman, regardless of her politics, sexual history, or attractiveness.

You either do this, or lose the right to complain that the demographics and reproductive rates for whites are in the toilet. You also have no grounds to complain about your corrupt establishment bringing in immigrants when you have a constitutional right and obligation to your nation to not allow them to exist as they do.

>just make child support payments for the rest of your life so your baby mama can go fuck all the Chad's she wants

We heard you the first time m8

Imagine it
Have the intelligence of an Asian as the athleticism of a black.

>you guys

It's like two Elliot Rodgers in waiting.

What an insecure shill you are.

>Fuck, I'm noticing more AMWF couples popping up if anything, and they're still rare asf.
because rich chinks are flooding US universities, so of course gold diggers will pursue them. you immediately know what's up when you see a swarthy chink rat in canada goose or other expensive clothes walking with a blonde bimbo.

Asian girls come on strong to buff white guys

Like I give a fuck that your shill thread is crashing.
So you're advocating having white males not reproduce then? Race mixers are negligible. The true demographic crisis is the R9K level thinking that is stopping white guys from reproducing. I bet you're not even white.

Autism in action folks

White men who date Asian women are traitors. I never understood appeal of asian women, they looked good to me when i was like 17 but i still always prefered white women, now that i grown up Asian women are totally unappealing to me. They look like aliens, they also look like their male counterparts and are boring and uncreative. Nothing beats a fair white women.



reminder that 3D women are not worth it, wait for waifubots


White women are shit. That's why.

I have never seen a black woman date an asian man. Seems like black women are on the bottom run of things.


Race mixers are negligible.

White men that value r9k level thinking over choosing from whats on offer to "do their part" and make white children are race traitors. They seek to keep high standards that are impossible in this day and age, and are the true cause for the demographic and cultural problems facing the west.

might as well make this a full blown shitpost thread

Convince white women that being only kinda fat, believing that lack of domestic skills is somehow a sacrament and that thinking that their political opinions actually matter is not the same as being attractive.


Blasians can be very attractive




Or the intelligence of a black and the athleticism of an asian.


Do you have a script?

Friendly reminder that race mixers are a negligible statistic, and the true blame rests of white men that are choosing not to impregnate white women because they ate up the r9k rhetoric posted here.



no don't stop its halarious i cant wait when in fifty years the proud white nationalist will scury home to the asian wives and their mongrel offspring proclaiming that they are saving the white race when in reality they are contributing to its extinction

My gf is half white half flip so ok


We don't you fucking twat, we have to racemix with everyone. Fuck the gene differences out of existence. It brought nothing but hate to this world, let's get rid of it, even if it costs us couple IQ points on average.


>ywn be a new japanese with pure jap wife and hafu kids


Unable to comprehend someone being able to construct actual arguments without relying on a script? Go back to r/asianmasculnity, faggot. Go be butthurt somewhere else.

The true reason for the demographic problems of the west are the millions of white men that are choosing not to sacrifice their high standards for the sake of white children. Blaming a negligible statistic like race mixers is damage control and an attempt to shift focus away from their personal failures.


he looks like shit

>be ugly AF in the states
>do steroids to cope
>move to japan

just lmao at his life

You can't contain it.

It's already happening.

By deporting every single one of those yellow bastards.

im gonna get ready for when we have this thread 10 more times tonight

Race mixing is a negligible demographic.

the real problem is white males that aren't getting laid, and aren't procreating.

If people were having white kids instead of lamenting how white women are too slutty these days, demographics wouldn't be such a problem.

Yes you are in a shit situation. But what are you going to do? Prioritise r9k level thinking over the future of your race? It is the duty of all white nationalists to find and impregnate a white woman, regardless of her politics, sexual history, or attractiveness.

You either do this, or lose the right to complain that the demographics and reproductive rates for whites are in the toilet. You also have no grounds to complain about your corrupt establishment bringing in immigrants when you have a constitutional right and obligation to your nation to not allow them to exist as they do.


Blasians are the most powerful race in the world

>children aren't happy
>wife isn't happy

So now you are telling me most hot white bitches are left over, Well I am ready.

If i was a doctor I'd something but I'm not

meanwhile in reality

This is false advertising and there should be a hotline for claiming such

tbf I have respect for a white guy who marries an asian and tries to assimilate to some extent.

Anything is better than those beer bellied middle aged dudes who marry a SE asian half their age and can't even communicate with them.

Also, that bitch is ugly as fuck. He may've done the genes some good.

lmao u mad small dick yellow bois?

i fuck as many as your women as I can before leaving them with a gaping vagina for you to suckle up when she decides to "settle down"

delete this

>being this butthurt about WMAF because the gym is scary and he's approached zero women in the last year

White men need to stop betraying their women


Race mixers are a negligible demographic. By targeting them instead of the majority of white men that are choosing not to pursue and impregnate white women on the grounds of their sexual history / politics / attractiveness, you show that you are in fact to blame, or at the very least, just a butthurt faggot from r/asianmasculinity annoyed that the sky is blue

>being this butthurt about BMWF because the gym is scary and he's approached zero women in the last year

If white men not getting white women pregnant is the problem, then wouldn't race mixing be part of that problem? Also having kids for the sake of having kids is nigger tier thinking. Modern society is about one major shit storm from total collapse. Just enjoy the ride for now.


Do Asian women find red hair appealing? I've always been under the assumption that they're repulsed by it

we can target those men too
but this isn't what this thread is about is it?


Asian Woman want White Men
White Woman (((want))) Black Men

No one wants Asian men or Black woman. HAHAHAH

This is true. Your wife will be viewed as a race traitor and your children will be viewed as gaijin (foreigners) even if they were born and raised in Japan.

The Japanese are based as fuck.

>Friendly reminder that gooks aren't human.

>will asian women love me where white women don't

Jews are for blacking whites.
jews are against WMAF

>maybe the joining of two seperate successfully evolving races is a good thing?

You are absolutely right.

Actual hapa here. Life's not that bad if you aren't ugly.

>As a hapa

Race mixers are a tiny demographic. They are not going to make or break this. The millions of white men that are choosing to just rage in front of a computer instead of actually going out and making white children is the true face of this battle. White men that don't go out and have white children because they have high standards in an age where the majority of white women are burnt from feminism are race traitors, plain and simple.

This thread is r/asianmasuclinity faggotry.

this is also true

why would you want that

Racemixing in inevitable.

In the US this seems to be an issue that's OK, an Asian women marries with a white guy.

In Asia however, this isn't so easy as the girl's family will most likely reject you.

Asian American are the worst Asians anyone can date.

>inb4 English teacher

I work as a trader in Japan, I get all kinds of ass.

Regression to the mean friend, chances are you'll get an ugly freak with 90-95IQ and who's a bit more athletic than the average asian.

Hory shit, they're ugly asf

Cheers for using a different word!

>jews are against WMAF
Jews are against WManyfemale.

Everyone here needs to watch David Bond. He triggers the fuck out of the pathetic /r/asianmasculinity queers

This is almost every woman ever. Shit like this isn't even close to exclusive to Asian women.


>jews are against WMAF
how does it really feel having an ideology based completely on MUH JEWS

Richard's a qt. Just saying.