Accept the truth


what's MPC and TRS

an actual mobile personnel carrier would squash your fuckin face, fag

I have, here it is

Imperial System>Metric System
>>Get Mad


>Not just making your own measurements from the size of your hand

I laugh at you sheep.


Where's reddit?

Can someone congratulate me on getting trips?

checked mother fucker, also reddit is god tier

MyPostingCareer and They are ideologically similar to 4pol with better quality content

that little ballsack brain. so fucking cute.

Is this why burgers are so dumbski?

TRS is the right stuff, MPC is probably something real shitty if OP feels the need to open a whole thread to shill it

a the right stuff, the false flag "right wing" crew managed by a Jew (no offense)

tell me kike

what is the general opinion among kikes about the recent resurgence of white nationalism?

does the average hooknosed lying penny pincher know that their ways are being exposed?

None taken
I hate Jews more than you, Internet nazi faggot, so I really wouldn't know what their general opinion is. I like it and can't wait for shit to hit the fan.

>I hate Jews more than you
typical tricks SHLOMO

Lmao you can grow up in new york and be around less Jews than I was when I grew up. Not to mention that they murdered my motherland and practically ruined the Russian people forever.
And as far as I know Israelis aren't really aware of the current rise of white nationalism.

>anything but pure trash, like the rest of 8gag

This explains so much! Leaf power :DD

without us leafs, Sup Forums would have no culture

>our vibrant culture enriches Sup Forums

This is the correct one

What's 8pol even like?