AI Revolution

No careers will be safe from the oncoming automation revolution

AI everything

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i wanna see white color suffering because of AI as soon as possible

t. 105 IQ

Be careful what you wish for. AI is autistic as fuck

haha good luck solving the halting problem you cunts

My AI says that I need to connect it to the Internet in order to solve that problem

What do?

AI is not the panacea that everybody thinks it is. Most of it is just based on simple statistics. Sure, there are some jobs that can be replaced by AI but the vast majority of jobs cannot, despite what the elite media is peddling. They are bullies and they just like to pick on people and make them worry.

AI isn't this nebulous uber smart thing that just goes and does a job, it requires training and it still makes a lot of errors. AI's can't think, they can't emulate feelings and they aren't even close to how the media portrays them.

Sources: I work with AI

should have learned java when you had the chance, the future is poo

This right here.

Automation will make life easier in the end, just don't make excuses and become a dinosaur in your respective industry - be the guy who automates and maintains it.

Thats what my AI says
Should I connect it to the internet?

Enjoy the radiation from Fukishima, cock sucker.

You guys claim to be so smart yet you build a nuke station on the coast line of an ocean.

How exactly does one calculate the odds of a tsunami hitting a nuclear reactor. "This should of never happened according to our calculations." Such idiocy, can't wait until Japan dies out as a civilization, you need some Somalians and Sudanese to boost your population numbers.



>invest in ai companies
>family lives off dividends perpetually

Know this. Most of humanity is going to get culled. You need to put yourself in a position where you're not the one that gets culled. This means having wealth.

Bust your ass now and invest your wealth before work itself disappears and your only chance of survival vanishes. On the plus side, you will witness the greatest happening of all.

any interesting companies, besides the obvious?

On the contrary. The more AI is able to fill in for people the more valuable human work will be viewed. Humans can do things that AI's can never do. AI's can really only take over jobs that they can be trained to do, which were jobs created by human activity in the first place.

Most organizations have more work than their human work force can even get done. Projects that nobody has the time to get to. The human workers that do get displaced by AI tasks will be able to move on to those other projects.

It might be common for the poor and lower middle class to have items created and made by AI but the upper middle class and wealthy will always prefer artisan touches that only a human can provide.

Also there is a lot more money to be made more quickly in the trades right now then there is in software. Tech jobs are horrible and abusive at most companies. It's not the cool scene everyone is making it out to be.

The same argument was made when washing and sewing machines became the norm. New jobs were born and people adapted.

Don't you just love how leaders of countries (Canada) say we need these 3rd world invaders to fill labor needs...

Nigger, what?

Even if automation wasn't real (well, it's still largely sci-fi at the level people are trumpeting it as) most of of these 3rd world invaders don't work and haven't since we brought them in, and as a group they've been a net drain on the system. They don't "pay muh pensions" or whatever shit narrative politicians use to shill for this mass immigration.

Who is this seminal fluid druid?

Labor > Capital

Looks mystery meat and has disgusting hair. What's wrong with you.

(((They))) need 3rd world invaders to fill labor needs. This even happens in white collar gigs.
They bring in people from India and Multiple South American companies because the people from those countries are compliant and subservient and can be sent back home if they refuse to work the 70+ hour workweeks the boss demands because he shoved half the workforce budget up his (((nose))).

Foreign labor distorts the reality of rising costs in the labor market due to inflation and allows them to kick the can down the road.

Then, the (((person))) who hired the foreigners can feel good about themselves (rationalize the robbing of their countrymen and exploitation of foreigners) by pretending they are doing such good for the poor people in the other countries.

Most AI companies are going to be bought by the big guys (Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft)

I've put most of my money in cryptocurrency and mutual funds. Save up every dollar and make your money work for you because, as I wrote before, you may not have the capability to work for money in the future.

Guess we dont need those mexicans after all

>most of of these 3rd world invaders don't work and haven't since we brought them in, and as a group they've been a net drain on the system.

Even if it is so (I know it is), it won't change. You don't think this is a drive to lower the quality of life, to make us at the mercy of the establishment/powers that be.

You're missing the important part. They are always jobs that require better training, better education. If several million truckers were displaced by self-driving cars in half a decade it'd be catastrophic. Many of them would find jobs but it's just too big a shift to fix itself. It'd be a lot more immediate than a lot of other innovations through the years, especially with how many companies operate on a national and international level now as opposed to regional and local operations

But imagine all the cocaine (((we))) can snort without paying those truck drivers!

Truck drivers will become in-cab autonomous truck supervisors as insurance companies demand human supervision based on the lack of historical data for automated vehicles.

Come on man, the US and other western nations have had super cool technology for a LONG time and have successfully set it back 20 years whenever it's released or cockblocked its use for anything other than exporting death to brown people for more than half a century now.

Have some more faith in the less than utopian reality that is our bureaucracy of Lawyers, Politicians and other buzzkills.

ai can't replace doctors.

A robot can take your blood pressure but it can't respond to general feeling. What if you suddenly have a seizure? Mr ai robot won't realize it and get you an epipen.

>it's still largely sci-fi at the level people are trumpeting it as

I've seen the inside of media companies and how it gets to this point. Technical people explain something to someone like their five and then that someone (who has the mental maturity of your typical city partygirl) goes and writes some no-bounds fantasy version of what they were told.

Then we all read the news and shit ourselves while the future never comes...

Remember that it wasn't long ago that futurists predicted we'd all travel by rocket pack.

Most likely these stories are being pumped out to trigger a buy up of stocks related to AI and automation technology so that the people who bought them long ago can dump them at higher prices on the way up.

>But imagine all the cocaine (((we))) can snort without paying those truck drivers!

OMG, that sentence plays the strings of my heart.