I, of course...

I, of course, agree with Jontron's world view more than Destiny but it was a horrible showing by Jontron and he was made out to be a fool and he's views at the same time was made out to be silly in front of thousands of people.

In case you have no idea what I'm talking about Jontron debated twitch streamers destiny on the subject of "demographic suicide"

Other urls found in this thread:


Current straw poll. Not looking good.


>spoken like a true redditor
>didn't leave a link and timestamp for anyone interested

And sage


I never thought i would see that day when pewdiepie and jontron go full redpill mode? 2017 is shaping to be an interesting year!


OP Is a nigger.


How much prep did Jon tron get and did he know what he was really arguing about?

Saw another vid where destiny just calls out some dude randomly and starts going full jew. Other dude didnt even know wtf he was there for or what the argument was about.

sick 30 second clip my dude. Love the part where i have no idea what the original argument is.

PS Welathy blacks probably do commit more crimes than poor whites. I mean look at the "rap game", filled with rich niggers bragging about committing crimes.

I love the incredulous disbelief when it's TRUE.

Destiny had Sky on and this came up. So Destiny looked it up, found out it was true, then immediately - literally within 1-2 seconds - dismissed it as ENTIRELY due to racist policing/sentencing. People will look at evidence and see what they want to see.

This is what happens when he debates someone who is adequately prepared/not a meme YouTuber:

t. bootyblasted Destishill

Maybe your faggot boyfriend can stop looking at his prep notes every 2 seconds and compose himself after getting BTFO on rich black crime and homogeneous Japan

>im an anti war person

Fuck i hate these fgts, Its like saying "im to stupid or weak to take any position on current conflicts so im just going to oppose any and all conflicts."

Its really obnoxious, unrealistic and disconnected. Kinda makes me take everything said after with much less weight.

Destiny.... that's a really embarrassing gay ass name.

Destiny is the type of "debater" that talks over you no matter what.
He'll make 5 points in one long run-on sentence and when Jon tried to address one of them, he spoke so slowly that Destiny was able to go WAIT WAIT WAIT I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT ABOUT THESE FOUR OTHER THINGS
this distracts Jon even further, leading to confusion and bullshittery

Of course black people are gonna commit more crimes than white people. They live in a society that hates them and wants them to fail or better yet disappear entirely. There aren't exactly a ton of avenues for advancement for blacks in the west.

The fact of the matter is you children feel bad about yourselves so you want to tell yourselves a fable that your genes make you intrinsically smarter and better than the majority of humanity. That's all it really boils down to.

Thats a cute bait post.
There isn't a single example on the planet of blacks forming their own successful societies or being peers to whites, Asians, or even the horribly inbred Jews.
We know for a fact that intelligence is as much as 3/4 hereditary. Its genetic more than it is nurture. We also know that things like increased aggression, and decreased ability to perceive consequence are also genetic.

Not all people are equal because evolution is not a force which exists to create equality within a system.

Maybe he's also a stripper

What a bunch of buzzwards. The fact is there are millions of blacks who are objectively healthier and therefore more successful than you, a racist forum poster. They quite literally have larger brains than you. If you were alone in a room with them they would dominate the conversation, or beatdown if that is what they chose to make it. You simply want to believe a narrative that you're worth something because you're white. The only person claiming they're equal to everyone else is you, because you think your genes are some sort of magical ticket to success in white society. Ths fact is you were outcast by white society and are now taking out all that resentment on a ficticious bogeyman that your little peabrain has dreamed up.

Why are retards making repeated threads about an e-debate between a twitch streamer and half the gamegrumps?

>no duplication checking

You're not even making an argument here, and your language shows you're quite emotionally disturbed.
Even in the US, among educated blacks, the top 20% of academic performers are only equal to the bottom 50% of whites. You cannot back away from reality. Expression of genetic traits and how they play out on average is very well described on a bell curve. There is no example anywhere to show that the average black is of equal intelligence to the average white, or the average Asian, or the average Ashkenazi Jew.

I am not merely stating that my genes are superior, I am stating with factual basis that lots of different sub groups of humans have superior genes to any group of blacks.

I have to see the whole argument but I'm pretty sure he dismissed it because it didn't answer his question, which was do wealthy blacks commit as much crime as poor blacks. Also, JonTron says "wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites" that's false going by actual amount of people. Even the article you linked says "10 percent of affluent black youth in 1985 would eventually go to prison". and how many fucking wealthy blacks were there in 1985? What a useless comparison.

Also just like 99% of statistics they are only relevant for that specific purpose. Blacks committing more crime even when they're wealthy doesn't mean they're genetically disposed or whatever nonsense. It means that black culture aka 'alpha' nigger culture has an affect.

It's like saying Asians just magically have better IQs and higher suicide rates than other races. No, it happens due to their cultures having an extreme emphasis on work and school. Unless you think Asians are just genetically predisposed to commit suicide.

Once again, the metrics you use to understand reality are completely and utterly inane. Why would black people outperform whites in a country that roots for their demise? The only futures black people can look forward to in America are sweating it on the playing field or sweating it behind the microphone. In other words, trained monkeys for the satisfaction of the white bourgeious. Moreover, of course blacks are going to be inferior in the US - but so are whites. That's because the only significant difference between the various branches of homo sapiens sapiens in the world today is the color of their bodies and their ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight. This may be why Asian Americans outperform European Americans; they are simply more at home here than we are. That said, if we're going to put huge swathes of people on the chopping block for their predicted economic efficiency, I'm pretty sure aggressively racist misers like yourself will be the first to go.

Is there a full video anywhere?

Your Communist rhetoric holds no water whatsoever. In absence of fact you are providing empty rhetoric.
Every people has been oppressed, has endured periods of slavery, have dealt with hardship. Only blacks continue to under perform, and its not because any nonsensical leftist talking point. They aren't succeeding because they aren't capable of the average level of success shown by other peoples in quantifiable key metrics.
The Irish and the Chinese were both heavily discriminated second class citizens in the US. That never stopped them from achieving great wealth, academic success, and notoriety in dozens of fields. The entire social structure of the country now is set up to cater to blacks. The welfare system inordinately assists blacks, so does medicare/medicade, so does WIC, even public schools have special rules for black students because they're simply too stupid to keep up with their peers. Because in truth they are not peer, they are inferior, and that is measurable.
It is not confined to the US, it is true everywhere in the developed world.

Blacks on average are incapable of the same average intelligence as other people groups no matter how much social assistance they receive. They are inferior to a quantifiable degree. Whites, Asians, Jews, all massively outperform blacks on average.

Oh come on. You're acting like white people just up and collectively decided to give black people a chance and the black people have now failed that chance. The fact is the forces of racism that allowed slavery to be seen as humane didn't simply disappear with the turn of the 20th century. In the 1950s there were still schools that didn't allow black children, drinking fountains for black people only because whites were so superstitious and frightened of people that look different. You can try and pretend that you're capable of some sort of objectivity all you want, but the fact remains that you're a fuming racist who earnestly believes problems of the world can be solved just by "getting rid" of minorities. The simple truth for you to take away here is, you are a worthless little wretch posting on an anime board in your adulthood at an ungodly hour of the day. There are quite literally millions of African Americans who are richer than you, and who don't go around calling for civil wars all night long, and who are that much more important to the wellbeing of this country than you will ever be, in spite of whatever swamp your ancestors hailed from. You just want preferential treatment from the government, and you are such an angry little man that you think the best way to achieve this is to get the government to treat people who aren't like you poorly.

I felt really bad for Jon due to him constantly letting himself get pushed into a corner and bot just coming out with what he actually wanted to say.

About Black Communites for example, Jon shoud of mentioned that these communities glorify the objectification of women and violence with constant rap artists that make money off of lyrics that involve bitches and whores and killing police officers.

And all together, and I think this is why Jon brought up Africa when asked why black teens commit more violence, is simply because they are a selfish and animalistic race that only cares about their individual needs and show barely any signs of empithy for other living things. Also, they are mostly just so damn lazy it is unreal. They are only kept alive due to the good graces of mad men that want to flood areas with blacks in order to have those areas vote more democratic.

I could go on, but in general blacks are nothing but a bunch of nasty individuals which the world would be better off without. And just because a handful of blacks hold respected jobs like being doctors or scientists doesn't justify how awful the majority of them are.

>a fable

Take a look at this classic racist. "Black people are mean - let's genocide them!" This is the well balanced mind that Daddy Trump is TOTALLY going to listen to, folks.

>I can't make a real argument
>I'll just make petty insults like I'm a triggered tumblr landwhale
>ad hominem after strawman after ad hominem

I never said a single thing about getting rid of anyone, so for you to assert that is completely baseless. Do you realize that if you're trying to do a good job of arguing to the capabilities of black intelligence you are failing comically?
You might as well say
>Blacks can be great at math
>4x5 is 24
>we wuz kangs
Its comical.

You are asserting that segregated schools are now responsible for poor academic performance of blacks? I'll remind you again that these trends hold true everywhere in the developed world, not just in the US. Blacks are not as intelligence as whites on average, even all over Europe that were untouched by the modern slave trade.
Black students today receive the exact same potential for education as anyone else. The key difference is that blacks like the IQ to learn the material along with the other students, and a good number of them likely have no desire to learn as evidenced by the ones who drop out of school to join gangs and sell drugs as a career.

Try to make a post without rambling like an unlovable fat girl. I dare you.

Faggot name one bad thing if all the mudshits and niggers would die tomorrow.
>pro tip you cant

twitch tv/destiny

For a fun fact: "Hispanics" which include all Mexican Mestizos, and all the Central American ethnic sub groups, perform better than blacks academically, and even commit less violent crime than blacks in the US.

So blacks are less intelligent than:
If you broke down all of these groups into their mapped ethnic sub groups then you'd see that every group of blacks on the planet is less intelligent on average than dozens of other ethnic groups. Yet again we know for a fact that intelligence is as much as 3/4 genetic. It is hereditary. If the potential is not there then no amount of nurture can make up for it. The averages do not lie.

Evolution does not enforce equality.

About whites becoming a minority

The simple arguement, which Jon tried to say, is that a demographic that was a major majority only a few decades ago suddenly becoming only a minor majority is a cause for alarm in any area of the world. Hispanics are quickly becoming the majority in states like Texas because of illegal immigration being so easy and risk free once they get across the border and into sanctuary cities. These illigals do not care about American values and due this, they set up their own areas in previous white majority neighborhoods where they drive out white individuals. These areas then becomes awful to live in because they boil down to producing the same crime ridden problems that legal and some illegals try to escape from in Mexico in the first place, i.e. violence, human trafficking, and drugs. And due to Mexico honestly being run by the drug cartels, the government doesn't want to fix the problems forcing people to illegally crossing into the US.

Again, could go on but there is nothing else to being up that people here don't already know.

stop shilling this z-list mongoloid. he is fucking trash and his opinions are regurgitated garbage.

Oh please, describe which modern day institutions exist in the US or Western Europe that exist to oppress people of color. They are granted college admission much more easily than whites are despite often times lower GPA, test scores, and less extracurricular experience. After college affirmative action all but guarantees that they will have an easy job finding work in their industry of choice. Even before high school is out, there are many, many more scholarships available for people of color. Combine the above with the popular media and progressive viewpoint that minorities can do no wrong and whatever negative traits they do have tendencies toward are totally products of vestiges of racism and have nothing to do with their culture glorifying gangsters, drugs, and the objectification of women. Of course most African Americans here in the US are kind and hardworking, the one's, I've seen have usually been. But saying that the blame lies entirely on whites is to promote a sense of victim-hood within the African American community that focuses on reparations and divisiveness more than self improvement and national cohesion.

nice projecting

Once again we come back and back again to the same sad truths. The fact is of course blacks aren't going to perform very well in a hostile environment. They encounter people like you on a daily basis. You don't think it's demoralizing, being spurned and outnumbered? No, I suppose you can only understand cold, hard, statistics. Your autistic crusade to show the world that blacks underperform has succeeded. Has it proved anything? No. Does anyone take you seriously or even like your face? No. But what really matters is the test scores. Keep on fighting the good fight buddy - you totally aren't just a tool for malevolent corporations that want as many plebs like yourself dead as possible, regardless of race. You know what? While we're at it, why don't you give yourself a nice handjob for getting Trump elected? You know, because you memed him into office. That's right, you control the lives of the normies. You are very, very special.

Listen you dense little gypsy, I honestly couldn't tell you. But then again, I also couldn't tell you how your entire country sinking into the sea would negatively affect me.

You can talk to yourself all you want, but it doesn't change that you are willfully seeing what you want to see in order to justify your twisted, psychotic, paranoid, closed-in worldview. In other words, you're histrionic. All you want to do is cry to bigger, better men than you about how horrible and savage the foreigners are. That way, maybe your superior officers will pay some attention to you. But the fact is, no one wants to associate with a nazi. That's why you find yourself reciting your statistics and talking points here, hour after hour, with no apparent effect. Because despite your masterrace genetics, against all odds, you still managed to find a way to be a waste of oxygen.

Well it is based on a logical fact that I don't want myself or my family to be killed by a bunch of thugs that show little to no care about anyone outside of their close circles of people.

If I see that an there is a violent and force that wants to destroy the people I care about and ruin where I live, I would prefer them not being a majority.

Classic cases of majority black behavior are on everyday news broadcasts and by looking at Detroit, Chicago, and just all of Africa. They feel as though they are owed the world and lack a conscious in general.


read a fucking book.

Stop spamming this fucking garbage... No one gives a flying fuck, you fucking faggot

Nobody cares about raw numbers when whites outnumber blacks 6 or 7 to 1. Proportion is all that matters, dumbass. The argument is sound. Blacks are slaves to their impulses. Their culture is a product of their genes, it didn't come out of a vacuum and whites didn't force it on them.

Well, the President of the United States is a racist, or at least acts like one. That's pretty oppressive, surely you must be able to grant me that.

And yes, Asians are genetically predisposed toward group loyalty, which is what leads to shame suicide. And yes, Asians owe their high IQs to genetics. There's no shame in admitting that, and it doesn't conflict with the belief that we should both keep our own ethnic nations.

You just typed up more meaningless Communist rhetoric, fallacies, and petty insults.
Blacks, around the developed world, do not perform on par with whites. Nor Asians, Jews, or Hispanics. You can't keep framing your argument as if blacks only exist in the US, and is if the trends we see are only isolated to the US.

Nothing I'm stating is twisted in any way. It is plainly factual. Whats twisted is your ideology which demands that you discount or ignore any facts which you find uncomfortable. Blacks are genetically inferior to other people, dozens of other ethnic sub groups, and that is measurable beyond margin of error. It is repeatable decade after decade so it holds true over time as well. This is criteria for establishing a scientific law. It has to be universally true, and it has to be true throughout time, which it is.

You cannot deal within the realm of facts because all facts disagree with you.


Psychology. a. the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself, or to regard external reality as embodying such feelings, thoughts, etc., in some way.


i care

Once again you seem to be having trouble understanding that oppressed minorities typically fare poorly, that being the definition of being oppressed. But sure, call me a communist. Next you'll throw in the G*d word because why the hell not? You're on an all out ideological rampage to prove that you are superior to roughly a billion people because of your genes. I'm sure that'll work out juuuust great.

You have to look at the video section on Destiny Child's Twitch account. It starts like 9 minutes in on the longer, recent video.

Telling people to stop shilling this overweight unfunny neckbeard is not projection you fucking dumbass. Nobody wants to look at or listen to this fat fuck. Read the fucking thread for proof.

Asians owe their high IQ to a lack of real honor so a willingness to lie about it

You think China, with 900 million malnourished peasants, really has an average IQ over 100? Yours must not be very high

>Nobody wants to look at or listen to this fat fuck
But over 3 million people regularly do. Again, projecting.

Is jontron redpilled?

Potentially. That doesn't change anything I stated in my post above.

I assumed that since you were so delusional as to believe that the US government doesn't discriminate against nonwhites the rest of your post was garbage, so I didn't read it.

Having read it, I can confirm. It's garbage. Please refer to the rebuttals I've already posted ITT; I'm tapped for time, so I can't rewrite every single post for those who will not read.

Your arguments all fall apart in the face of evidence. It's why you are forced to continue making emotional appeals instead of logical arguments. If you were intellectually honest you would realize this and change your opinion to suit reality, but feels before reals amirite?

>feels before reals
Ooh, I'm going to use this~

You're spewing Communist class warfare rhetoric. You're a Communist. Theres no point in trying to deny it when there are several poorly typed paragraphs attesting to it.
You cannot quantify what constitutes oppression, you're just stating that poor little blacks are magically oppressed every single place on the entire planet. This is the ideological stance you have to take because you cannot cope with the reality that blacks are genetically predisposed to lower intelligence.
It is white ethnic groups, Asian ethnic groups, even poor Chinese farmers, Jews, Hispanics, even those who come from abject poverty in Guatemala. Blacks display lower intelligence than all of them.
Are Hispanics not oppressed now? Hispanics show higher average IQ, and commit less violent crime than blacks. Or maybe they're just slightly lower on the magical oppression scale. But wait! Trump wants to build a wall to keep them all out. So this must mean that their average IQs are going to fall, since magical oppression is what dictates intelligence instead of genetics?
Why did Chinese immigrants in the US perform so well despite the government passing legislation specifically targeting them for discrimination in hiring?
Why did the Irish perform so well when other white Europeans barely considered them civilized, even barring Irish people from some bars and other establishments?
Why didn't that lower their IQ scores?

Make one single coherent factually based post. I double dog dare you, fat girl.

Seems like most people generally North of a certain longitude have higher IQ.

I can see you've decided to stop replying to my posts altogether and instead post a tidy little conclusion to announce that you will be retiring. I fully welcome your decision to surrender because it was honestly embarrassing watching you autistically repeat the same tired lies over and over again, even replying to your own posts in your desperation for even a glimmer of a victory in this argument. Good talk, son, and good day.

I don't know either. Retards here are getting bent out of shape for Jon Tron.

The point was that the comparison wasn't a fair one to begin with, it's irrelevant.

>Their culture is a product of their genes
There are clearly black people who aren't subscribed to thug culture. You know, the ones speaking like normal people and not committing crimes. According to you though that culture is genetic. I guess they're just lucky that gene wasn't too prevalent in them, right? Nothing to do with their individual experiences or anything.

you still failed to show how whites are oppressing blacks.

Too stupid to know about ID's, delightful.

Cute how you went straight for the analytics. Over 3 million people subscribe and listen to Game Grumps so does that make Game Grumps something worth watching or listening too?

I admit I may have confused you with my other opponent, but please forgive, because I am posting on my phone and you guys do sound tiresomely identical. What with your basic insistence that, you know, entire races of people are inferior to yourself, not because of your achievements, but because of your SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE GENETIC POTENTIAL. But what was I expecting, coming into a thread like this? It would be sad if it wasn't so awesomely, pathetically hilarious.

>hurr not all blacks
>what is the bell curve
>what is evolution

It does, actually, to millions of people who are aware of them.

Are you actually retarded? Do you not know how averages work? Do you think Magnus Carlsen is an outlier, or do you think all Norwegians have the potential to become world champions in chess?

You're in the wrong neighborhood if you think virtue signaling works here, fat girl.

Hahaha that level of closed-mindedness and delusion is exactly why the Democrats lost the election and will continue to do so until they can find a way to compromise with white America.

But not to the people here on Sup Forums so fuck off back to redd1t. That's your safespace buddy.

You argue like a shill, do you have stairs in your house?

Who is destiny? He seems like a faggot. Look at his avatar. He's doing this whole deep thinking intellectual look even though he's just a twitch streamer.

destiny isnt a bad debater but he is

>but because of your SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE GENETIC POTENTIAL. But what was I expecting, coming into a thread like this? It would be sad if it wasn't so awesomely, pathetically hilarious.
Attacking a strawman is sure easy
I love how leftists have moved their goalposts, first it was that IQ tests were done by racists whites even though they showed that Asians have higher IQ than whites. Then they said it was economic factors and when they were showed that rich blacks still commit more crime they say its racist police and judiciary. What is next step in your master plan?

Yeah.. because the election was totally legit and HRC was a beloved champion of nonwhites everywhere. And in spite of that niggling little detail, she still won the popular vote by the largest margin in history. And it's no wonder considering that Trump and his sons are quite literally, retarded.

Wow, who let this cuck in? Have you ever even been in a black environment? Have you seen the way they treat the place? Is it the "white man's" fault they decide to litter everywhere, speak with a rare recognition of proper sentence structure, resort to violence quickly, have little empathy and regard for strangers? Any black person is going to feel comfortable walking into a predominately white neighborhood and get a coffee at a Starbuck's and everyone will be nice. Go to a fucking McDonald's in like downtown Baltimore and try to not feel like you'll be robbed. Not even the worse place. You realize black peopel BRAG about being "hard" right? BRAG about PRISON rules being STREET rules? Do you not understand the American Negro culture is literally self-driven crime culture? Its not even all of them, but its the consistencies people want to avoid. Instead of blaming black people for their actions, you're blaming white people for causing blacks causing crimes. Backwards logic through and through.

Of course all you can do is just espouse Nazi Nazi, like that is a real fucking argument, and not just ad hominem tripe.

>What is next step in your master plan?
Language is racist n shit, nigga. Tests have to be administered in hieroglyphics like their Egyptian ancestors used to write in, because they contain the ancient African kang magic.

Why would I possibly care what some no-name brainlets think

Sort yourself out, OP

thats because he is a dumb actor. woops inbe4 "projecting" xd lulz dont critizie my neckbeard hero

By "people on Sup Forums," you mean "you." I'm not the one sperging out here.

>And it's no wonder considering that Trump and his sons are quite literally, retarded.


You sure about that honey?

>hurrr durr you never gave them a chance!
>what is affirmative action
>what is welfare
>what is LimpBonerJockey's great society

The irony is that that's exactly what they've started doing. One of the most popular contemporary IQ tests is Raven's Progressive Matrices, which literally has no words or questions beyond "choose the right figure".

I'm arguing it's not all genetics, try to follow.

I'm against full immigration and supported trumps but you're full of shit!

If you live in a area like africa for years, of course you will likely have a low IQ.

But if you live in a area with education, then it's the contrary.

Genetics can have a MINOR part on it but that's it.

Genetics really is destiny. Your personal experiences don't matter if your brain is predisposed to respond to situations in a certain way, which is why so many blacks impulsively break the law for short term benefits. It doesn't matter if less than 10% of them are tolerable humans when well over 50% of whites are by comparison.

Nope. "Read the fucking thread for proof" Remember that thing I posted before that your eyes just glazed over Jon? The second reply told you to fuck right off, as you should.

Wait did Jon reveal his power level? Fuck yes.

>Attacking a strawman is sure easy
Really? You seem to be struggling.

Wow, a collection of tired, inaccurate stereotypes laboriously pieced together to fuel your racist agenda. Really compelling!

Kinda funny how I'm outarguing maybe 6 or 7 Sup Forumstards at once... on my phone. Keep em coming boys - just remember, the more racist shit you post on the internet, the better your future. Keep those memewheels churning.

Is it normal for people on this board to call each other honey? Because that seems a little far out even for a motley crew of homosexuals such as yourselves. Are you sure you aren't a woman, you know, inside?

Never accept Destiny's offer for a streamed debate. He has been practicing his shameful, underhanded debate tactics for years. You can't win.

The trips of truth /thread lets kill all the niggers.

Why are you living right now? What is your purpose?

Because of course, you're better than black people who are actually integrated without shitting on white people right?

They're just all rappers who rape women right?

>Really? You seem to be struggling
What? You literally said that we all think we are superior to every single black man, its literally a straw man

What that fuck are you even spurging about about?

Yes, it's also about indoctrination to conform to a majority who DO follow the culture by instinct, i.e. blacks conforming to white culture. You can't honestly believe these outliers would act like that as part of an ethnic majority.

It's primarily genetic. I mean, Somalians in Norway behave very similarly to the ones in America, and they've never experienced discrimination, nor are they the descendants of slaves.
The pattern is exactly the same in every country, regardless of culture. You have blacks at the bottom. They commit the most crime, have the crappiest jobs and are overrepresented among welfare recipients. Then you have various brown races, like middle-easterners and spics. Then you have whites, Asians and Jews.