Poor whites rich blacks


So let me get this straight:
Despite their supposed intellectual inferiority and "weaker" genes, blacks in South Africa are capable of taking advantage of the fact the system ceased to discriminate them and now some of them are starting businesses, stimulating the economy, getting degrees and sending their children to elite schools.

Meanwhile whites, with their superior gene pool, are literally eating trash, complaining about "muh lack of welfare" and just generally being a bunch of losers.

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pol btfo

No, I really am curious about this whole idea. There are even black South African writers who describe the hardships of poor whites in South Africa, and I'm wondering how is this possible if whites are a superior race? I am not denying that there are physical differences between races, maybe also on a neurological level, but these appear to become neglible when the conditions of living substantially change.

If racial differences on a physical level were so pronounced, white would've never degenerated into filthy bare-foot caveman like the ones in South African trailer parks.

>whites take years to create productive farms and factories
>blacks kick whites off farms & factories
>by a miracle, a minority of these farms and factories still are productive

wew lad

strawman. There is a lot of poverty in the farming sector in South Africa. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17010247

the documentary depicts a black couple who went from rags to riches, not people who appropriated stuff that the white people had created.

Because the differences aren't as pronounced as Sup Forums likes to say they are. Obviously there are biological differences between races, and as these differences are measured across large sample sizes and entire populations you see that on average whites are better fits for society than blacks are. But this doesn't mean that any given black person can't be more successful than any given white person.

If you want to make some analysis on whites and blacks in society then looking at cases of individuals doesn't make for good evidence. If this is what you want to talk about, look at the accomplishments of white society, and compare them t the accomplishments of African societies.

But one has to consider the discrimination and racism that stalled progress for certain groups of people.

It seems obvious once the tables turn, blacks are capable of organising a good social structure. It won't be perfect right away, just like whites needed hundreds of years to get things right.

Yeah because the government favors blacks and jobs will pick underqualified blacks

They are murdered and all their property was stripped from them you stupid motherfucked. And South African niggers aren't even native to South Africa. Theyre from West Africa. Yet they still get nigger privilege.

No they're not. Whites created a first world country out of a barren wasteland and now you're giving niggers credit.

>Sup Forums is wrong again
How will you guy try to spin this around?

Funny how whites can conquer Australia and modernize it yet niggers can't even fix up their own shit. Whites are superior to blacks in every way. Jews use porn to castrate whites because they know masturbation is bad. Blacks are inferior in every way. Light eye color gives people superior critical thinking ability.

Discrimination and racism is no excuse for violent crime and laziness. Also, this video does in no way show that blacks are capable of organizing a good social structure, it simply shows the ability for good blacks to become affluent. A competent social structure would need to be able to work for not only the affluent blacks but also the niggers which tear societies apart. A society will always be held down by it's weakest links, and niggers are much more destructive to societies than white trash have ever been.

Most of the blacks are still poor because they were always poor and stole that land from the Khoisian Natives. The Zulu who were colonialists as well were wearing fucking loin cloths when the Boers got there. These whites were stripped of what they had and many farmers were and are still being murdered just for being white. You cuck bitch. Supporting blacks who are genocoding your own fucking race.

So you watched that video and now believe that white people are poor in South Africa and blacks are rich and intelligent?

Poland pls

complete bullshit, firstly the white population you are speaking about and showing in these photos make up only 1% of the white population in South Africa (in which only 10% of the population is white). Secondly in South Africa there are affirmative action law give financial breaks to companies that hire black people of white people (black economic empowerment act, which has been in force since the late 90's, South Africa also happens to be the only country in the world where the racial majority is protected against the minority). Thirdly the South African tax revenue service receives most 2/3 of its revenue from less than 30% of the adult working population (will leave you to do the maths on this one about the productivity of the South African economy). Not advocating anything about racial superiority or inferiority, but clearly you know nothing about social or economic constructs in South Africa.

They're not though. All the cities were built by whites. Blacks just took it from whites. The fact that they have been able to maintain it to some degree is evidence that they have some intelligence but only a fool would think that they had none. The fact is blacks would be unable to build this society from scratch. And most of what you are shown is the wealthy blacks. Most of the blacks are poor. Blacks are still more likely to be poor despite antiwhite discrimination.

Name one South African city that blacks created.

Oh look who it is again...it's that one poland poster who hates white south africans

I got your back bros.

>depicts a couple who went from rags to riches

>only moments after killing some white farmers in their beds

hey OP

What the fuck? Did both of you misread what I wrote? I said the video doesn't show that Blacks can create a functioning society, only that the best of blacks can themselves become affluent.

Wait till somebody makes poor blacks rich whites video. Mainstream media writes about white supermacist

Because South Africa massively discriminates against white people you stupid motherfucker.

Poor whites make up a small percentage. There are a small number of blacks who are rich. Basically blacks in government are making tons of money while the poor black population is suffering however the poor blacks still vote for them because they'd rather live in a shitty situation and know that a black man is in-charge instead of living a decent country with decent services with a white man incharge

black logic, however the blacks are starting to realize this and the blacks are starting to vote for commie Julius Malema and Jew-puppet Mmusi .

All this talk about expropriation of white land is basically Zuma telling black South Africans that he isn't a cuck.

Well duh. There's rich blacks in America. You don't need to see this to know that. But they don't really contribute shit other than entertainment. They are less intelligent.

lol can't wait for the niggers in africa starve to death like rhodesia once they kill off too many of the white farmers.

There's elite schools in SA?

>Can't wait for them to kill white people

wow it's almost like there are general trends that don't define every individual case. just because blacks have a lower iq on average doesn't mean that every white is more intelligent than every black.


It's almost like they can take a country from whites and then claim they created it when they actually didn't do anything at all.

That was pretty hard to watch toward the end you can see everything in his eyes.

private and prestigious model C schools

Didn't they recently become a food net importer? Thats quite an achievement for a former farming powerhouse.
My guess is, they'll probably pull up a classic african/shitskin-style economy where they become totally dependent on their natural resources (rare earths seem likely), the generel population becomes poorer (their gini coeffecient is already one of the worst) while a few families around the poiltical leadership make all the profits


Coming from my sister, a teacher in a large city, it's not unexpected because nigger and jew degeneracy reaches every race in those areas.

Do a comparative study

>how many "poor" Negroes per whatever
>how many "poor" Caucasians per whatever

Looking at cherry picked things doesn't give you any actual data

>A society will always be held down by it's weakest links, and niggers are much more destructive to societies than white trash have ever been.

the lowest common denominator.

Actualy, brown hair, brown eyes are master race. Anglos have conquered the world and still hold a death grip on it.


Keep thinking that way latte sipping melbourne socialist

Janusz Waluś? is that you?

get the flag extension you cunt, I'm from NSW

That's called Capitalism sir.

Tell me about the black women, do you mess around with them?
Do they prefer your type or the black guys more?

This question is for you too For anybody in S. Africa

niggers no matter where you find them inherently act like niggers. i for example live in a small 100% lilly white northern montana town and there hasnt been a violent crime here (gun related or otherwise) since 1958.

The trouble here is that you mixed up being a degenerate good for nothing who comes from a family who didn't know how to survive in a modern world...

... with...

... people who are having a hard time surviving the hardship of the crashing economy in these troubling times and have a hard time making a living.

One does not excuse the other but you need to understand where both come from and no... just because there are more black people who had trouble back then doesn't mean that white people can't become total trash if left to their own devices for far too long without any form of social help whatsoever.

Everybody who are faced with economical trouble should be helped to the extend of what the system is supposed to cost them to prevent social decay.

Whatever you say, negro.

actually, those kids are well groomed and clean, despite being barefoot. barefoot is perfectly normal when the weather is warm, and you don't live in a drug infested backwater like poland where one has to worry about stepping on needles.

South Africa is still pretty segregated, blacks keep to blacks, coloureds for the most part with coloureds and whites to whites. I don't prefer them, black women are really fat because their "culture" enables them to be and in general are uglier(a poll was done at UCT are the most attractive race and blacks were dead last).

There are also 2 different kinds of black women, the upper class blacks prefer a western style of living and typically try and get white men or black socialites and then there are more traditional black women who keep to their own.

There is not one successful black majority nation on the planet. Does that not speak volumes? South Africa is Zimbabwe 2.0


So Mr Polski...i am currently working in the most impoverished town in south africa with the highest unemployment rate per capita in the country. I work in Law Enforcement as a crime scene investigator. I am white and i want to improve my community and keep criminals where they belong. Its true what they say...there are poor whites in South Africa. But if you compare a white ghetto to a black ghetto...you see differences such extreme differences that you would think the white ghettos were windsor hotel in london. you see those poor whites in that video and think that is truely living i squalor. that is rich and affluent in the enviroments i work in. and i tell you now...there are more affluent blacks in post apartheid South Africa but the poor blacks have multiplied ten fold. you will not understand. you dont understand them cause you do not know them. They (read:the majority) do not kbow how to take reaponsibility for their own actions. cause they have been told and said that it is the Evil racists fault. not your personal development. not your family based education. not your lack of a cultivated religion. not your lack of education. not your hand that has been dealt...but all your problems are the fault of everybody except your own. and until they do not accept that truth...they wil never truely become affluent or sucessfull.

>There is not one successful black majority nation on the planet.

There was one

Apartheid South Africa

SA is also a jew stronghold. I can't help but wonder if the destruction of whites was their actual goal, and how they are coping now with trying to maintain some semblance of civilization in a black-dominated society. this is an important experiment, and its failure could possibly spark a change of heart in the jewish community's desire to cuck America.

can jews survive in a world without whites, or would it be one worth jewing in?

Nailed it, I've been trying to get info in the Volksgraad, what are your thoughts?

BEE basically stole all of their shit...

The 'French style' hahahaha. HAHA wow. These people aren't even rich....


I heard from a German girl that one of her friends did a study-abroad thing in South Africa, and she could not go out without an escort because it was too dangerous.

Does that sound plausible to you?

Wow what an adventurer, such an open mind
I'm glad you got knocked down a few pegs. I mean a man who won't even sample the local goods

One thing is not being able too or finding it hard to do so under the circumstances but for you to not even have the curiosity for it, that's just beyond pathetic.

what is up with cape coloureds after Apartheid?

Say the american that I'm pretty sure isn't native to america

that is a dream best forgotten.

they sort of the forgotten people of South Africa, majority of them hate blacks, even more racist than some whites.

Coloured communities have become overridden with crime namely drugs and gangs. Coloureds don't get the same funding as blacks do from government cause they not black.

You should go on vacation in south africa. From all of the stories I've heard, they'll love you.

>total inversion of reality Saul Alinski

That is just sound doctrine for anybody that cannot defend themselves, wether it be a South African ghetto or a Swedish street. Most of the time...might makes right. There are certain areas in South Africa where...as a white person you just dont go...for having a want to go there i cant really imagine. Then there are places where it i reletively safe and even comforting. the rural areas are quite safer. the cities are cest pools of scum and the stuff that feeds of the scum. or atleast...that is my opinion.

I wasn't talking to you. You don't know shit.

I wanted to know if he's ever had sex with a black girl and the difficulty rating involved, so go shove another big mac in your hole cletus

Exept Balck are creating society using the model of white society, they never created a society themselve they always have to copy on the white




Do you want to get aids dumbass

>i have clearly never been to south africa or even read a book or watched a documentary about it

Like I said people keep to their own, I rarely see a black girl particularly with someone who isn't black. Much less frequent than black guys with other races.

whereas race mixing happens a lot more often with other races particularly whites and coloureds.

Ok Juan but first get aids you nigger lover

All African aren't the same race. An Egyptian would not be considered the same race as someone for New Guinea just like a German isn't considered the same race as a Russian

White people in are considered the same race because they are mongrel immigrants and don't have an ancestor to claim other than being pale skinned "white" americans, just like the dark skinned "black" americans are mongrels from africa

The concept of white and black is from old propaganda intent to separate the common or normie americans

Now it's this guy.. anybody but the autistic white guys in question


Well, good luck over there mate.

I do not partake in having sexual relations with black females cause Aids is really a huge problem here. so...as a person i talked to in the past stated to me...but its onlynof his experiences...that is the only frame of reference here. He has slept with many a woman. white...black...asian...coloured...He stated: A white girl you fuck until her toes curl. A Black girl will fuck you till your toes curl. do with the information what you want.

thanks alot...

Why do you write like an idiot? Did you drop out of highschool?

>Name one South African city that blacks created.
>All of them kek

I'm pretty sure the privileged whites from old South Africa weren't doing the low wage shitty labor jobs

Some groups made the laws and some groups built the road

Neither did you so what's your point?

The amount of mental gymnastics in this thread is staggering.

>post some random statistic
>provide allegorical evidence like "i heard nigger steal"

The point that I was trying to make was that discrimination affects your means of development, and that is all, a simple fact, supported by empirical evidence. Literally only tinfoilers can deny the discrimination that non-whites faced in the last 100/200 year, and that racist practices have no inlfuence on the development of discriminated people.

Man, have ever tried though? I mean you're in africa. The whites in that country make up 10% of the population right, so that makes you somewhat rare
I find it hard to believe you've never had the opportunity to approach them or have them approach you

Been to Jo'burg.



Wow this is some shameless propaganda.

These are called statistical anomalies

Even if whites had an IQ of 200 and blacks 50, there would still be SOME blacks that succeeded and SOME whites that live in poverty

>discrimination affects your means of development

Perhaps blacks who don't act like niggers (loud, criminal, retarded etc) don't get "discriminated" against and subsequently do better in life?

I have had an opportunity but I didn't take it. Black women are very forward and I find it a turn off.

For me, the turn off would be that she isn't human.

>South Africa (in which only 10% of the population is white

So basically whites are a discriminated minority in South Africa which is the exact point I was trying to make.

The difference is of course the fact that whites in South Africa used to be privileged class, unlike blacks in America which had to start from dirt. Whites in South Africa got used to slave labour and that causes a lot of sloth. Literally Hannah Arendt predicted whites in Africe woulld gradually turn into shit as blacks start gaining more rights and government influence.


Pick one yah salvic hipster

>the discrimination that non-whites faced in the last 100/200 year, and that racist practices have no inlfuence on the development of discriminated people
There is a difference between boundary conditions, starting conditions and path of development. Sure, your parents can be poor and be living in the ghettoes, but once you reach maturity, you should at least try to improve your lot. It's about 30 to 40 years after apartheid (say 2-3 generations), and there is no measurable improvment, even with all the freedoms and money thrown at them.
There is a case to be made that for some reason or other, blacks don't try and improve their surrounding and lives. Wether it is genetic or cultural, we cannot know at this time.

Even after apartheid ended and whites are heavily discriminated against the income gap between whites and blacks still widened significantly.

You've let one shitty documentary brainwash you. They essentially found one wealthy black family and then took videos of some poor whites and introduced that as proof that blacks are doing well in South Africa when the polar opposite is true.

I think you are missing the point man, APARTHEID (that was the name of system) was the only way South Africa could function, it would always debilitate SA but without it, you see the country slowly becoming another African shithole.

SA would've been great if it wasn't caught up in the Murrican cultural groundswell. That country was ñiterally fucked in the ass until it gave up apartheid, so consider it more of tragedy

OY a few blacks does well that means all blacks does well(your logic)

>Despite their supposed intellectual inferiority and "weaker" genes, blacks in South Africa are capable of taking advantage of the fact the system ceased to discriminate them and now some of them are starting businesses, stimulating the economy, getting degrees and sending their children to elite schools.
Fucking Kek.

Under Apartheid, able blacks were perfectly free to start businesses and send kids to skills if they had the ability.

Since apartheid, the government has been discriminating against Whites (in a way Blacks were never discriminated against by the Whites) while discriminating in favour of blacks (in a way the Whites were never discriminated in favor of by their own) which is why South Africa is a shithole which is on the verge of collapse you fucking tool.

Poor Whites in South Africa receive fewer rights and government assistance than Blacks did under Apartheid.

>Hannah ((Arendt)) says whites aren't shit
The more you know.

why are those broke barefoot whites not improving their lives? Why are they living in trailer parks? Why Americans in the rust belt are so fucked even though they pick up welfare checks?

Anybody can draw dumb inferences like that if he or she ignores a bunch of historical, political and socio-cultural intricasies. Throwing money never works; you will find the same "niggers" living in Poland and having 6-8 babies, picking up "500+" as well.

It is not to say they are similar, but clear, the issue is much more complex than "niggers are dumb".