I'm a Communist and Want To No What Is Wrong With It

I'm a Communist and can't figure out why you guys dont like it. It's a perfect system and all the arguments against it has been debunked by China itself which proves that communism does work.


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Antihuman communism must die

pro human communism has never been tried beacuse communism is a jew invention and the world is not united, so communism is always supported by some form of global oppression

Once we defeat the (((anti humans))) we can unit the globe and we might give it a shot. the point of an-cap is probably to install a better OS

The natural state of the communist is in the air, just after being thrown out of a helicopter, but just before hitting the ground.

>an ethnically homogenous population can just barely pull something halfway between communism and capitalism off
>but they need to rack up huge debts and subject their people to air pollution and shit lifestyles
>and gain an international reputation for shitty work and being conmen
>and also can't deal with their own minority populations while they're at it


"has never been tried"

How many more millions of people have to die before you consider it a failed idea?

hey Jason what's on the menu at BK today?

China is fully communist and has the highest equality of life.

>hey man, do you wanna go try this new extreme sport?
>in theory it is the best sport ever!
>oh yeah, unfortunately everyone that has tried it out so far has suffered greatly and ultimately died
>I'm sure though dude, we have perfected it now, don't worry
No thanks, I'll stick with something that has worked throughout the ages.

>Jason Unruhe

He sucks and isn't even a real Maoist.


What's wrong with communism

>Soviet Union
>North Korea

>Want To No What Is Wrong With It

stopped reading there. try a little bit harder next time sweetie.

Communist are puppets for the jews


I have a basic principle, any ideology that promises paradise on Earth is shit.

Capitalism never worked yet you still try that

FUCK OFF. Unruhe is the number 1 Maoist in Canada and an expert in Marxist theory. Fuck you for insulting him, he's a true Maoist and knows more than you will ever piece of shit.

All proof communism works.

Nothing wrong with Jews.

Venezuela is proof ultra-capitalism doesn't work

I have an idea, any ideology that does not promise a utopia is shit.

>want to no



>Unruhe is the number 1 Maoist in Canada

Jason's mom is here anons, post things that trigger the leaf.

Then why don't you go live back in china ling-ling?


No, Unruhe is a sleazy piece of shit who barely understands Marxism, much less Maoism.

>Hears name of socialist shithole where people can't buy toilet paper because the government nationalized all the businesses
> Let's change definition of socialism to "ultra-capitalism"
>Wow capitalism sucks guys WTF

You're not entitled to my shit faggot

China's economy began to thrive when they implemented market reforms which were directly contrary to Mao's ideological communist doctrine.

China isn't "Communist" any more than North Korea is a Republic.

There are cities in China where the government anticipates 30-40% of the people probably have cancer because of the intense air and water pollution.

Fascism solves all the problems that communism seeks to solve without all the starving.

Next thing you'll want us to explain to you why water is wet.
Get fucking bogpilled before coming to Sup Forums.

>So you try it again and your retarded system collapses but it's ok because it wasn't real capitalism
>So you try it again and your retarded system collapses but it's ok because it wasn't real capitalism
>So you try it again and your retarded system collapses but it's ok because it wasn't real capitalism
>So you try it again and your retarded system collapses but it's ok because it wasn't real capitalism
>So you try it again and your retarded system collapses but it's ok because it wasn't real capitalism

Because my family won't move with me


>North Korea
Ultra capitalism

Ultra capitalism

Not even communist

>North Korea


>China isn't "Communist" any more than North Korea is a Republic.

China is nationalist.

China is socialist.

Chinese are national socialists. Complete with the eugenics programs.

Which is why they're going to win.

It is a mystery

Fuck you bitch, i hope you have cancer

Sure buddy, sure, keep being ill

Then stop stealing from the working class scum

China is ultra-communist

The funniest part is that the guy has a patreon account and at the end of every video asks for donations.


This guy is such a fag. I remember in one video stating that he was a bisexual.

Throwing a commie off a helicopter has always been on my bucket list and he'd make that one real special.

Name one time capitalism has actually collapsed. As Zizek says, it is the phoenix. It never actually fails.

Saying something doesn't make it true. You're not even trying to argue.

Commie kikes, who would have ever guessed?



>Death toll 45 million
>Mass killing still continues, Famine Killed almost 1.5 million people because of it's incompetency
>Government dosen't allow anyone to leave, Average wages are 2 dollars a week, Mass famine

Cuba is a socialist country ruled under a communist ideology
Also Cuba is set at 1940's era of tech

I hate Canadians

Look up holocaust

Fuck off

That guy is ill

Do you think i give a rats ass?

Replace communism and socialism and you got it

I can admire the end goal of communism, equality is a pretty noble cause. But the economic policies and philosophies meant to reach that goal are completely retarded.

Guys we changed the name so it's okay now. North Korea isn't a fucked up dictatorship where people get tossed into labor camps. It's a ultra democracy where one guy has more votes than everyone else.

Democracy sucks guys, just look at North Korea! No one has ever tried a real dictatorship!

>Which is why they're going to win.
At what cost though? Living in a soulless shithole. No thank you. And no one wins forever anyways. They'll perish sooner or later.


>This guy is such a fag. I remember in one video stating that he was a bisexual.

Even the most normal leftists I know eventually come out as degenerates or faggots.


Literally said what's in the picture.

You can't make up leaf retardation.

i know you're baiting but this has to be the shittest attempt i've ever seen at provoking Sup Forums

>Name one time capitalism has actually collapsed. As Zizek says, it is the phoenix. It never actually fails.

>Saying something doesn't make it true. You're not even trying to argue.
Not an argument

>Capitalism works because DA BIBLE TOLD ME

>believing in a system because of a 2000 year old book

>Capitalism is the root of all evil as it neglects the lower class and makes it too easy for people to acquire personal fortunes that they never share with the needy.
>please donate to my patreon account! I like having a payment for making videos through a (privately owned) YouTube channel.

Oh they'll maintain their cultural soul. The Chinese socialism is not run by Jews hostile to Christianity like the soviet union.

>Look up holocaust
What does that have to do with fascism?

Sure buddy, sure

You're a really bad troll, im having you banned not for trolling but because you are a bad troll.

I don't want to pay taxes
I don't want to earn the same salary as everyone
I don't want a rich ruling class while everyone else is starving
I want to own property
I want to own a business
I want free speech
I want guns
I want food and plentiful everyday life items

Sorry its communism, you dont get to say no

>debunked by China itself which proves that communism does work
Why dont you move to China then?

this is why I don't like it



Jason, you need to do something about your drinking problem.

Guys we changed the name. America isn't a Nazi state, it's a DEMOCRATIC state, and the FEMA camps are just joycamps, this totally isn't 1984 or anything. HUEHUE

Social conservatism is good but left-wing economics are better, anyone arguing with that is dumb.

Are you denying that these things happened?

>I have an idea, any ideology that does not promise a utopia is shit.
Provide one example of an ideology that promised a utopia and did not end in totalitarian societies.
Pro-tip: you can't.
And you know why? Because eschatological ideologies never survive the practice of power. Once the ideologues see their little dreams crushed on the wall of human imperfection, they either go cynical or apeshit. Either way, they turn things more shittier to everybody.

>What Is Wrong With It
All communist theory is based off of Karl Marx's communist manifesto and Das Kapital.

Its entire premise is based off the faulty assumption that humans originally lived in communal environments which had no concept of private property and shared everything.

With the advances in anthropology since Karl Marx death we know this to be false and if the premise is false the entire concept cannot stand.

You basically believe in a political theory which aims to get rid of the very thing which has advanced mankind. Competitiveness.


What even more infuriating is that Unruhe is a FUCKING LEAF

K, i don't give a rats ass

It's fascism

>I don't want to pay taxes
Then be a communist

>I don't want to earn the same salary is everyone else
Then be a communist

>I don't want a rich ruling class while everyone else is starving
I hate capitalism too comrade

>I want to own property
Exactly why capitalism sucks comrade

>I want to own a business
And exploit others? FUCK YOU

>I want free speech
Exactly why capitalism sucks

>I want guns
That's why i hate capitalism, it has guns banned

>I want food and plentiful everyday life items
Exactly why communism is great

>nothing a few hours in an oven won't fix anyway

Because i can't afford a plane ticket

Because you have a low IQ? Oh ok

Fuck right off


>Provide one example of an ideology that promised a utopia that did not end in a utopia
The fuck?


>thanks SAbro, came here to post exactly fucking this.

China only works for the elite and the people just follow.

Their people are treated like dog shit and hundreds of millions are literal slaves. So yeah if youre a jew that wants to enslave the world then, yes, communism is perfect.


you must be the biggest piece of shit in the world if you enter a privately owned establishment, and either buy something from there with your money or work there to be paid and then say that you've been exploited

>It's fascism
Where in the Doctrine of Fascism does it say to kill 6 million Jews?

Except capitalists hate competition, they pass laws to ban other businessees

This post gave me cancer. Good thing I've got Canadian dual citizenship so I can die waiting in line.

>I'm just gonna keep on projecting
it's what I expect from you Jason you drunken fucking loser

Don't say that about china


sure buddy


>free market
do you even know what you are saying?

Wait how did you know i was Jason? Not saying i am but just answer.

>What's wrong with it?

You're still alive

That's because it isn't anywhere in there. The ideology of Fascism does not have genocide as a core belief.

>No market
>Not Communist
Are you ill?

Then why a skull on the helmet.

China is objectively a country with market capitalism. It isn't debatable.

You did not ask what was wrong with capitalism you asked whats wrong with being a communist but that's ok I am used to communists moving the goal posts.

If you don't think we know who you stupid whiny fucks are, you really are this retarded. I say again:
You have a drinking problem, listen to your real friends and get some fucking help

>Then why a skull on the helmet.
Because looking like a fashionable badass is one of the core beliefs of Fascism.

>China itself which proves that communism does work
fucking hardcore bait here


Here's the thing with the original communism (Soviet communism).

Communism was founded by a Jew, Karl Marx, who is related by blood to the Rothschild bankers.

You see, the Bourgeoisie wanted a system of complete control, so that the masses gave them 100% of their wealth voluntarily.

So they got this Jew, Marx, to indoctrinate the poor fools into giving their wealth to the "state". Not only that, but he also indoctrinated them with ideas that the family unit, racial preservation, national borders and all those things are bad because of "capitalism".

The problem was who runs the state?

The Jews. Via the Central Banking system usually owned by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and all these powerful Jews, and in the USSR, the Soviet government (Kaganovich, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Lenin...).

Look at Venezuela, it has a Central Banking System, and it's falling apart.

Why do you think people never become rich in Communist nations, only poor, that all communist dictatorships ended up in failure? Why so many people starved and were killed in the USSR?

The solution is to End the Central Banking Systems, and the Jewish hegemony that comes with it, not communism.

China is objectivily a communist country economically. This is not debatable

Don't give a rats ass

Fuck off whiny brat

You're a hardcore troll, still having you banned

you could say the exact same about capitalism


Communism is the worst cancer of them all I'd rather eat shut and dies painfull death then live in a communist state

read 1984

Can you point to a situation where capitalism has lead to mass starvation?

>keeps projecting
as expected
you do realize your drinking doesn't make you fashionable, just a fucking opinionated drunkard

First of all you cant even spell so there is that.
