Should we let Sweden fall?

So obviously as is pointed out everyday on pol, Sweden is cucked and overrun, but there is no strong reaction from other EU countries, should we let/encourage Sweden to fall which could speed up the response from other countries and we could just write Sweden off as a loss, we could use the Sweden situation to our advantage, should we encourage the downfall of Sweden to save other Countries?

Let it collapse but then retake it. We can't let mudslimes gain a bigger foothold in Europe.

Sweden doesn't deserve it
Neither does france.

If you want a country to fail as a warning to others or something there is one clear contender who deserves it more than anyone else.

Yes. Then nuke them.

>there is one clear contender who deserves it more than anyone else

The best thing for western civilization is for us to crash and burn really fucking badly.
No Greece level economic collapse but a full on failed state happening.

Yes that was what I was implying.
Well done Burger.

sweden is technically the best place because its so isolated, germany on the other hand is critical not to lose because its mainland europe

They best thing is to kick out you shitskins and remove Jewish influence from our culture.

All countries are doomed, bruh.

>implying Sweden is falling or going to hell over migration
>doesn't know it is a liberal utopia and literally a beacon of human rights and liberty
>jealous as fuck over the fact that Integration in Birmingham failed
>wants to see a perfect European nation fall because is butthurt
Oh England. You really are a bad loser. :)

>Should we let Sweden fall?
> Should we let Sweden
> Should we let
>Should we

i dont know if disentery curry fried your brain but even with our degenerate problems we are still going to survive the outcome if it comes to it, you will not, your Capital City is brown, and 1 white / 30 minutes of walk is the metric for your genocide.

airlift the pretty women and let it burn. just turn into one gian camp. soon it wil it get inhabbited then destroyed it will be the norths africa. the women will come to the desert here in california and make a new city where they will be the master race

If Germany is overrun by kebab, how difficult would it really be to take it back? If we beat Hitler, what are some inbred kebabs going to do, really? They may as well be cave men.

we don't let our distant brothers and sisters die face down in the mud OP.

1. take all muslimfags to japan
2. nuke it to the ground
3. take care of anime and muslims

if you deny immigration has been a success is Sweden you are only proving my point further

Is this a cry for help?

they're going to take hostages and thus basically enslave the Germans.

> airlift the pretty women
Cuckspeech again. SAVETHEWOMYN so they can accelerate the destruction of other countries, right? It's the "first feminist government" to blame for ALL problems of Sweden, from insane amount of gays till rapefugees.

Traitors get nuked with them for the greater good.

In order to actually do this the country needs to collapse. "Removing" kebab and falafels is only feasible from a reset.
The kebabs would leave as soon as they didn't get shit "for free" from the government.
Da j00z will leave if the economic situation stays shitty for a decade or two.

Yes. Unfortunately, I believe you are correct, sir.

Why not use kebabs to remove jews first? And then suddenly stop giving them gibs.

found the cuck that would rather have its people raped than admit shitskins are the plague of humanity

Because the "all white, over night" fanfics includes a genie in a bottle.
Also "Jewish influence from our culture" is not in any way related to jewish population.