ITT: Words or phrases when talking with someone that allow you to completely discredit their arguments and walk away

ITT: Words or phrases when talking with someone that allow you to completely discredit their arguments and walk away.

I'll start.

>Umm, sweetie...

>Are you a white male?

You're a straight white male...

I don't care what you say. I still believe that 6,000,000.00 Jews died in the Holocaust.

Sort yourself out

>ITT: Phrases that BTFO me

>That's racist

>Listen, do you even have kids?

Go back to the 18th century bigot

>listen here, nigger....

>Globalism is good.
>Nationalism is undisputably evil.

"And that is your opinion cuntface"

>but Hitler WAS a bad person


>It's (current year)

>W H I T E

>[insert any phrase in the form of OPs idea]
opinion discarded, and you get a punch in the face. If you dare to say anything more enjoy being beaten to near death and hung high.

Using such rhetoric methods as OP suggests is social and influence suicide. It's about to counter such convo ender and bait the opponent refraining to them into using more and delegitimating him, as it is a sign of weakness from a outside position. And if one is alone with such a turd, just beat the shit out off them and if possible cut out his tongue

I find that problematic

>as a woman, ...


"You were stating your opinion as fact!"

"You're just proving my point!"


>I support the 2nd Amendment but . . .


a true alpha

BASED austria!

>I'm not X but..

No I'm a Nigger
Lets have sex
cant be countered
Make me
Yes, and so?
Yes (regardless of having kids)
Make me
Their is no real person saying such thing, it is a meme
What's yours btw?
What has Hitler to do with it? Stop normalizing the crime of the German national socialist party
No you
So are you actually saying that women and men aren't equal?
If you would stop pointing out the meta narrative and actually could give some insides people wouldn't take you for a moron
I don't. Discuss!
All hope lost

Room full o bitches and not one worth a dam.

>Using such rhetoric methods as OP suggests is social and influence suicide
As opposed to what, wasting time arguing with retards who you will never be able to convince?

It is never about convincing the subverted retard.

>I don't. Discuss!

Well yeah, you're European. The point is you either support the Second Amendment or you don't. There isn't a middle road.

>you do or you don't. No middle road
And the one making that statement automatically loses. Hillary showed that pretty nicely.

I don't mean in the context of the 2nd amendment, but regarding the strategy to simply accept that their is no middle ground, instead of moving the middle ground

kill yourself. do you think honestly reads the shit you wrote

Yeah, but...

Every fucking time I get into an argument with some leftwing fucker who doesn't know his shit I hear this.

>scientists say

>i've studied sociology

>according to experts

>according to psychology

>thats racist

>you cant say that

>my liberal friends

Often said by Glenn Beck while fag enabling.

>i'm not doing your homework for you google is your friend

if you walk away at that you got triggered

Then what is it about? Convincing the moderates?

This one really bothers me.
At least give some key words or articles to Google.
I mean, if someone's genuinely curious about a topic, this is the worst way to encourage further reading.


>This reminds me of Harry Potter

You haven't figured it out by now? They say this when they are lying and get caught. It's their last ditch attempt to salvage a lying argument. It's so intellectually dishonest to make a argument then demand the person you are debating to validate your own argument for you but for some reason liberals all adopted this defense.

>as a woman, I...

>Kindly fuck off.

I don't know why this phrase rustles my jimmies, but it does.


so every german ever

>But the reality is...

> Problematic

Immediate cue that this is a fucking pretentious liberal douche you are dealing with.

>scientists say
>according to experts
>according to psychology
These are the ones that piss me off. Liberals always challenge you to provide studies or scientific evidence for your claims, and then mock you when you don't immediately produce a bunch of them on the spot. Meanwhile, their own references to studies that supposedly support their points never include titles or dates of publication or authors. It's always phrased along the lines of "studies show that".

Pulling the studies card in an argument or debate outside of an academic context is plain retarded, unless you both know you're going to be arguing in advance and come prepared.

>I'm a centrist

>Name me 1 (one)
>Punching down
>Our guy
>Signal Boost
>Pick one
>When did you realize
>The Happening
>meme magic

The dubious disclaimer nearly all the time.

I'm not a hillary supporter but,
I'm not a fan of soros but,...
That's not to say that...
I know I sjw's are bad but,...

>CTRL+F "redpill"
>0 results



Usually means their to immerse in their own feelings even as they rant about others doing so.


>ctrl + F "Drumpftards/drumpf"
>No results

really, Sup Forums?

You get that a lot, don't you, user?

>Educate yourself


protip: any post with the word jew in it was made by a mudslime, or a paid mudslime shill.

Forgot one

>literally Hitler!

>As a Jewish woman, I think...
>As a gay Muslim, I think...
>As a transracial dwarf, I think...

If you're starting your agument by whipping out your labels, it's not an argument.

>I'm Black
>I'm Gay
>I'm illegal
>I'm Christian
>I'm Athiest


>What about...

The ubermensch of this is that actor who left a voicemail for Paul Ryan about Steve Bannon's appointment.

>As an actor who played a Jew who got stabbed to death by a Nazi in Saving Private Ryan...

Jesus wept.

>"Their is no real person saying such thing, it is a meme"
Oh boy have I got something to teach you, my dear negroid friend.

Last year, my History teacher exposed the reason why nationalism was "cancer"; of course, it was because Hitler (((invented))) it, using it to kill off all of you negroes, with the Jews and Gypsies in the same package

Truly a man of great intellect.

>As a (insert jew, gay, or black here)

At the end of the day, I'm the cunt with the pool cue.

>What are you? Some kind of Republican!?

>Poe's law
>Horseshoe theory
>Streisand effect
If someone uses any of these phrases, you know they get their thoughts and ideas from some tryhard fake intellectual website like plebbit.

>person of color
Anyone who seriously uses this.
Is there seriously a more retarded way of referring to these people?

Claim to be offended by what they have said.

Using an exclamation mark!

What's up doc> (pic related)

>You know, what I saw on Sup Forums...

>I stand with Israel

I don't know how it's like in other places but feminists here replace letters to make words genderless. For example, instead of saying "Todos y todas (Everyone in both Masculine and Femenine)" they would say "todxs". It's extremely cringy.

>Wrong side of history

We have that too, "gender neutral pronouns"

>ayo hol up! so u be sayin...

More than two sentences of emotional appeals with no point made
