Why is nationalism only bad when it's for primarily white countries?

Why is nationalism only bad when it's for primarily white countries?

what do you think? honestly what do you think?

white people can never be proud becuase



So we have to bend over and let the niggers fuck us


you wont get a reply from this slider, hes already making another thread, why the fuck i replied idk

i'll enjoy my ban

Nobody likes Erdogan either and he's a full blown nationalist.

Hes just a nigger Turk and I hope Turkey gets bombed by Russia/Syria/Iran.

Because of economics. Elites want low skilled immigrant workers to do cheap labor in advanced economic and cultural societies (which happens to be white )

Because that's where the Jews want to live/stop being kicked out of

don't answer with a question. tell us what you think?

yup seems so

Ok, Jews. It was meant to be somewhat rhetorical.

okay. so how do you think "jews" are doing this?

Jews own the media. By using the media to convince the masses that taking pride in being white is wrong, they've thus built up a culture of guilt, allowing people to want fewer whites in their country to make up for perceived past sins.

So start a youtube channel and become the savior of Sup Forums?

You know that wouldn't fly on youtube... maybe vimeo or dailymotion.

white people have caused a lot of trouble though when you think about it.. Hitler got the entire world into a terrible war, all the white presidents we have had have invaded foreign countries illegally.. whites brought slaves to america. The list of atrocities goes on and on. We need to show at least some shame for the crimes of our ancestors.

so do that then

Fuck off nigger

Because white nationalism tends to turn into white imperialism.

>We need to show at least some shame for the crimes of our ancestors.

Why? We had nothing to do with it. Modern black people are even farther removed from slavery than WW2 or any war "started by whites," yet they keep bringing it up.

White people are supposed to always be answering for things they had nothing to do with, but black people should STILL be getting benefits from things they also had nothing to do with?

That's what ((they)) want you to believe.

Because whites are naturally imperialists.


Because we have a tendency for ethnic cleansing and genocide?

Because they know only we have the power to chimp out and forge armies that can conquer the world.

Cuz the first and only times you ever here of any kind of nationalism pertaining to white people Hitler is always associated with it and he is considered worse then Satan by the NPCs, we are propagated from an early age to therefore fear it because whites are the only ones capable of overthrowing Jewish rule, who's interests are primarily unnatural, hedonistic, satanic, and inherently evil so a spiritual retardation they suffer.

This, brown people chimpouts kill a few dozen and burn a few cars, white people chimpouts kill millions

Were literally giving them everything and keeping them alive and they still can't understand basic shit. Its sad desu.

What happens when mapuches chimp out?

The globalist elite don't want anyone to be nationalist. They want open borders, open markets, the ability to trick every uneducated motherfucker into selling themselves into debt serfdom. But they only have the power to openly suppress nationalist and self-reliant feelings in the First World. Which means white countries, to a lesser extent South Korea, and Japan is next.

Consider China