Why would anyone support a flat tax over a progressive one?

Why would anyone support a flat tax over a progressive one?

Labor shouldn't be taxed.

Fuck it, let's go for a regressive tax.

When you go to the supermarket you don't pay more for a bread because you have more income. Why should you pay more for the services the government offers?
Also this . You tax shit you want to discourage. Why discourage labor?

More ethical.

Ethics are bogus, rich people have more money so the government can steal higher amounts from them before they start to get mad.

To annoy liberals I guess. To be edgy and as far right as they can.
I'm OK with rich people paying more taxes, but taxes are way too high and there are limits to what this can accomplish. And the very rich will bypass all of that. People often confuse the wealth and income disparity too (saying that the rich are incredibly rich doesn't mean you can tax that continually). Trying to tax the rich to make up for systemic problems that make people poor isn't a very good long-term solution at all.

>You tax shit you want to discourage
That's just one justification. The other is partaking in the social contract and "doing your part", i.e. paying for the privilege of having a state perfom services for you.

Depending on how you structure your progressive system (i.e. if it were pretty much anything like any of the ones in use today) it would be extremely easy to administer comparatively speaking, you wouldn't need anything like a complicated tax agency like the IRS, people could basically just sign a form and be done with taxes that quickly and simply.

Flat taxes promote people to achieve more, Australia is a prime example of why progressive taxes don't work.

I can earn $50k/year and only get taxed 35 percent (Meaning I take home $32500) or I can earn $60k/year by doing overtime and get taxed at 40 percent (meaning I take home $36000).

I am essentially working another 5 hours a week or 260 hours a year and I am only making an extra $3500, honestly what is the point when that extra hour per day (remember only 5 day working week) on something more constructive?

Still any action is automatically discouraged by taxing it.

Because that's actually fair?

Life isn't fair, why should policy be?

if someone doesn't pay taxers, then they should not be able to vote; otherwise, they will just vote for more free stuff.

You are assuming that actions go on a spectrum, which is not always true.

If you would do X of a thing and still would do X of a thing even if it is taxed Y, then all else being equal it makes sense to tax that.

A flat tax isn't even the extreme option, you could have a regressive tax which you could argue is fair saying everyone should only have to pay a similar amount to support the nation.

That doesn't explain why you'd have to pay more for the same services

The more wealth you have the more you benefit from the state providing security and enforcing contracts, since more wealth is preserved. So you do not have the same benefit as some poor person so it is justified you pay more.

>The more wealth you have the more you benefit from the state providing security and enforcing contracts,

Yeah, that's why most corporations pay privately to handle security. They have their own legal teams, IT security. All of it privately paid for.

Why don't you think about what you're saying?

The flat tax is just a way for the Boomers to fuck us one more time. The economy is shit, so younger people who don't make as much don't pay as much in taxes. With a flat tax they can extract more money from the young while lowering their own taxes.

>legal teams

Lawyers don't enforce multi-million contracts.

Sure, but you can pay for that through other taxes
Income tax is the government saying you don't own the value of what you have produced. That's fine for public sector jobs, but absolute bullshit for private sector

Thanks captain.