Why did Jontron have to debate Destiny? He ruined all of his credibility, and for what? He looked fucking stupid

Why did Jontron have to debate Destiny? He ruined all of his credibility, and for what? He looked fucking stupid.


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He was right tho. Suck a dick shill.

Not a shill. Did you watch the debate?

He wasnt prepared, simple as that.

Why would debate if you're not prepared?

Because he was pressured in to it.

dezzy puts the tiny in destiny
he got BTFO by based jafar

That is just homicide rates.
He has millions of subs and has no need to debate against dudes like Destiny. There was no point to embarrass himself like that.

stop posting your shitty videos on Sup Forums

He's literally a Sup Forums poster

Apologies, I meant to post the Destiny debate. My video link just happened to be the last one copied. Honestly feel fucking dumb.
Yeah, but he has clearly not done his research, his explanations are vague and put him in a corner.

>he looks fucking stupid
*posts his own garbage video*
suck a dick

I think OP is cute.

Fuck off Osmur, Jon might have been a fucking idiot for debating a literal nobody but he was right, Destiny relies on saying a huge amount of shit to make his guests have to ramble to try and refute it rather than bringing up one topic talking about that then moving on. Jon was unprepared and definitely isn't use to this sort of thing, he probably thought by "debate" destiny would ask him how he feels on "x" and Jon would talk about x and they'd have a discussion before talking about y instead destiny brings up x,y,z asks Jon to explain that then as he struggles to make a coherent point to all 3 Destiny goes on about muh Jim Crow cutting him off and taking him even more off balance.

Do you have the link to the actual citation for that?

Also in all honestly, murder rates drastically change in a decade so I'd take that with a grain of salt.

I honestly agree with JonTron's overall message but he's such an amateur and clearly first time debater.

Because he's a fucking moron.

Fucking stop with these retarded threads, no one cares about some meaningless "youtuber" neckbeard autist. Go contribute to an actual thread, morons.


>This is just homicide rates

Is that supposed to make it better?

It's 2006. A lot changes in a decade with murder rates. Do you have a more recent citation?

Literally didnt know who the fuck this Destiny asshat was until he started baiting Jon on twitter. Saw this all coming from a mile away as soon as they started talking. Destiny talked in circles and honestly listening to either side was just cringy. Looking back on dude tweets, it seems he has an extensive history of baiting, reading into things taken out of context, blowing things out of proportion, double speak, and all around talking about topics deemed "controversial" only to turn around and use the same language and shit talk that supposedly discredits those he argues with. It seemed like he took an opportunity where he knew Jon didnt know shit about what he was trying to articulate, gave him minimal time to prepare, and then hopped on his back in some bullshit piggyback name association promotion.

He baited jon with his bullshit, and jon mouthfucked that hook like a starving African. Now they both look retarded to me personally.

Probably not gunna stop me from watching Jontron tho. Plenty of more racist people have made me laugh before.

Using pic related you can calculate that 84.9% of interacial violent crime is commited by blacks on whites

That's not what the argument is though. That's a completely different statistic.

Jon walked into a lot of traps but nonetheless he dropped real facts.

Destiny just kept talking over Jon and interrupting.

If Destiny had been as polite as Jon, he would have been destroyed.

The closes I can find for the same chart is even older.

I wouldnt say destroyed but regardless that was clearly the dudes intention was to bait him and then pretend to take the moral high ground. Its like the first page in troll book 101. Its a shame so many sheep will not see through his baiting horse shit.

Lmao what? Destiny showed how much of an ass he is by debating a non-debater. Really made me think.

This. I doubt he's been on internet debates and while I think he was generally right about what he was saying, he wasn't able to articulate very well and the other guy kept changing what he was saying before JonTron could keep up.

not only is this not crime, just homocide rates
this still kind of hurts the argument that socioeconomic forces are not the main drive in violent crime rates.

>Says a fact
>Everyone gets triggered
>But Jon was actually right...
>Call him a nazi to save yourself...

Jon should stop revealing his power level if he wants to preserve his career

That' victimizations, as in havign crime done on you.

Yeah right
why would you copy the url for such a shitty video? are you drunk?

Because I made the video and had just prior to posting this shared it on my twitter.

I was just trolling the video is fine

"A non-debater" in other words someone who doesnt know anything and sucks at arguing.

Destiny is himself a non-debater. He just uses the Gish Gallop. Destiny just says a tonne of bullshit, jumping from topic to topic, knowing that nobody can refute that much bullshit in a debate format.

Gee (((who))) could be spamming these destiny threads? Nobody knows who the fuck these people are except Sup Forums losers. SAGED

holy fuck i didnt even notice that. what a fucking retard
>Using pic related you can calculate that 84.9% of interacial violent crime is commited by blacks on whites
where did you even come up with that number?

The "rich blacks do more crime than whites" thing? That isnt true. The study he was referencing was to a town of ~1.2-1.3k people in an isolated location compared to a suburb of a big town with ~1.3k people. The first town was much more spread out and rural. The second was tightly packed. It isolated for people but not area per person and outside locations.

yeah c'mon guys its only murder, nothing serious

>no overlap between black and white homicide rates at all
>"this still kind of hurts the argument that socioeconomic forces are not the main drive in violent crime rates"

Both of them were deep in cognitive dissonance
Destiny resorted to the absurd absolute more often than not, and jon was in over his head trying to argue points he wasn't actually informed on

Quit embarrassing tbwh

That's not the point. That "cited" chart says nothing about the argument Jon was trying to make.

Why do blacks commit so much violent crime like murder when they make $85k+/year? Is it drug income?

>have to debate destiny

Destiny is a fucking retard, and all of his points were wrong, flawed, or straw-manned.

I could debate that fuck no problem, guys a fuckin idiot.

Who the hell is destiny? Some sort of libshit youtuber I'm supposed to give a shit about?

>E-celeb shit

whoo whee who cares

Cool so why do blacks that make $85k+ commit way more murders than poverty-level whites?

Crack that mystery. Unless even considering it causes all sorts of doublethink and thoughtcrime alarms to go off in your brainwashed head. Answer the question.

I don't know, can you go find that chart online somewhere aside from in that picture? I'm having a hard time, starting to believe it could be fake.

It's probably higher.

>100 years ago Irish wasn't considered white


They most definitely were, they were just thought of as "lower caste", not a completely different race.

Destiny is a faggot all he is, is a appeal to emotion ad nauseum. If I ever meet him in person I'm going to put him in a coma.

stop promoting your channel niggerfaggot

OKAY, I'm going to state this one last time. I did not mean to share my video, I had just shared it to my Twitter before posting this and had forgotten. Incredibly coincidental I know, but I wouldn't post my videos on here, because as you can see, it garners a ton of dislikes.