>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

Other urls found in this thread:


I really, really like this meme

You didn't really give me a reason to smoke them.

Save it, it's all yours my friend :)

Nicotine is for pussies. I only do bleach.

they make you smell bad to non-smokers (most people)
t. smoker

>smoke in moderation


>in moderation


reason i'm trying to quit, when i visit someone's house i can smell the fucking smoke on my coat as i take it off and it smells like a walking ashtray

nice copypasta

>And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?


lol. yes. this is so dumb, and the only thing i can equate this too is pols political posts. just yes.

I have only ever smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes a day for the past 4 years, never felt the need to have any more unless i'm really drunk.

t. Philip Morris employee

It's possible. Especially if you're an ex smoker who has conquered their mental addiction. I bought a pack on Saturday night, smoked two while drinking, and have the pack sitting in my coffee table drawer. No urge at all. Completely fine if you're not a degenerate pleb with no self control or self respect.

I miss these posts

Smoking makes you weak, feels like shit and is degenerate as fuck. Ex smoker master race here

To all the fags trying to diss smoking.
Try living a stressful life ya pussies, sometimes cigs are the only thing that gets you through your day

You know cigs cause stress right? They raise cortisol levels. Also make you weak as fuck.

They help with stress. You only get stressed if you get withdrawal symptoms.
As for weak, I don't think so I'm still stronger than the majority of people I see about the place

And they only help with stress by removing withdrawal symptoms.
You get withdrawals 20 minutes after your last cig. I havent smoked in 2 years, if I smoke now it wont help with stress at all, itll just make me want to smoke more.

Being stronger than everyone else in Ireland isn't an achievement >.> Even if you were shredded you'd still be stronger without them.

It's easy not to be addicted I usually just smoke when i drink around 3 times a week
I used to smoke almost everyday last summer because I was outside all time but I only had a couple a day and never had the urge to go outside for a smoke

>this shill is back

To all you faggots who never smoke, I pity you
and to those whole smoke a pack a day, i pity you more.
Smoking is only good on occasion/while drinking and anyone who fails to get this concept is fucking retarded

>Smoking is only good on occasion
It's never good. Unless you're retarded.

>Im not addicted
>Smoke and drink 3 times a week

Chad is fucking your girlfriend while you're drinking and smoking.

This. Shit is really annoying. For some reason I don't mind cigarette smoke scent, but a person who smokes smells like a homeless person who pissed himself.

Nicotine gum is more convenient than smoking, doesn't leave you with smoker's breath, and can be done anywhere. Between nicotine gum and caffeine pills I dispense with two useless preparation rituals.

RYO Master race here
And I never have to deal with niggers every time I need a pack

>he fell for the smoking jew
Oh, Canada, you're cucking yourself way too much

>And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

Yes actually

Cigarettes make you and your house stink as well.

Thing is, despite the questionable rebuttals to very valid reasons to avoid smoking, you've missed an essential component of an argument: a reason *to* actually smoke. You could argue it's enjoyable, but is inhaling burning tar actually enjoyable? Is COPD enjoyable? That's the problem with highly addictive activities, its hard to extricate the enjoyment component from satisfying the addiction.

Coffee contains other stimulatory alkakoids aside from just caffiene though.


Alright man I'll pick up some Parliaments

Rooki has convinced me

>Can't do athletic things such as sprinting without getting out of breath
>Becomes all moody and bitch-like if he didn't feed his addiction

Yeah what an amazing habbit to have if you're planning to survive the smallest shit hits the fan scenarios.


>the same low-quality tobacco used in box cigarettes
>no added chemicals to make you feel good
You're a retarded hipster.