Any law bros?

I need advice on how to fight DFS. My wife and I got into a fight, I gave her a bloody nose, and now am getting child abuse charges for "emotional" abuse. Because my daughter witnessed it.

you're fucked shell bleed u dry sorry bud

Here's some advice; don't hit your spouse.

Just a quick jab

Lol rip in piece faggot. Self enrol in anger management and beg that the judge uses lube while he fuck you.

Darken your skin, and claim that you're an African-American.

>wife hitter
no sympathy for you

>My wife and I got into a fight, I gave her a bloody nose, and now am getting child abuse charges for "emotional" abuse. Because my daughter witnessed it.

RIP user, enjoy paying her for the rest of your life.

Lawyer up, asking for legal help on the internet was mistake #2 (the first was beating your wife in front of your fucking kid, Sparky)

Taking anger management and getting alchohol screening.

Couples do sometimes fight and thats usually OK. They however don't usually get bloody noses from these fights. Yup, you're fucked OP

Didnt beat her.

Its pretty simple, you gotta start with your family, then move on to your neighbors. Keep going unti somebody stops you.

Tell that to the fucking DFS.

Lawyer up.


>marrying the vaginal jew

Well, time to pray that you avoid jail and might one day get one day a week to see your daughter. At this point you're fucked financially and there's no way out.

lol dude child protective services are not cops, and cant make you do anything with out a warrant

congrats you're a nigger subhuman, just kill yourself the human race is better off without you

no seriously go do it

>is so sensitive a woman gets to him
>solves argument with violence
>traumatises daughter
>heeyy guys!

>Didnt beat her.
>Just a quick jab
>My wife and I got into a fight, I gave her a bloody nose

How about you learn to deal with your anger like a non-retarded person instead of lashing out at your S/O like a nigger.

I'm glad you're getting those charges leveled against you. Maybe a few rounds with Tyrone in the county jail will have you singing a different tune from the one you're singing now.

>hitting your wife

Truly nigger-tier. Your whiteness is hereby revoked.

Im not saying what I did was ok. I plead guilty. Im just saying thw child abuse thing is over the top. I already lost my job over this

Tried to subdue, tried to leave...

>I plead guilty
>Tried to subdue

keep digging, you're doing great

Have you ever considered that it may have actually been traumatizing for the poor kid and the charges are totally justified?

IDK what you're thinking expecting sympathy from Sup Forums, but that could explain why you did such an idiotic thing to begin with.

You should have tried harder. It would have been easier than what you're going face next.

Please dont say that in court.

Yes, I feel like a piece of shit. Im trying to rectify the situation...

You can't.

You dun goofed, theres no getting out of it now.

She has you by the balls, and the state has a say in what happens whether she drops charges or not.

shouldn't have been a degenerate faggot.


Kill your wife....the only acceptable answer

I know its hard to understand that actions have consequence.

You don't want to hear it, but you are truly fucked.

There is no way out this time since you got arrested.

The other times you've hit her, she didn't call police and you "worked it out".

Good luck.

Flee to Mexico as long as the border is open

how does that even happen

you need meditation and probably magic mushrooms
read The Law of One

Lmao hits his wife and thinks he can get our of it.

Kiss your gun rights goodbye even if you get misdemeanor domestic violence thanks to a law they passed in the 90s .

at think point your only hope of getting a decent paying job is in construction/trade

Unless youre some mentally unstable M2F degenerate I dont think you could find an excuse.

when you go to court, dye your hair, cover your face in feces and drool from the mouth shouting like a mad man, pleaing insanity !


>Getting married
>Having kids

Normie, get out. Go post this shit on Facebook or something.

also even if you get charged or locked up, just pretend to be an old nanny to babysit your kids !