Which would be more degenerate?

Which would be more degenerate?

Other urls found in this thread:


I would kill myself at the gate of the airport


The female

That is a big dick

anyone who chooses A is obviously a faggot

gas both

I fuck the trap.

Why not both?

i'm infinitely repulsed by both

>You can't say neither
So it's rape then? Trans-Degenerates.


it's also a pretty bad shop

>can't say neither, one of these draws your sexual attention
Bullshit. The left is fucking disgusting, and the right starts off ok, then bam - giant dick = boner potential gone.

Pic is old as fuck and made by a Sup Forumstard faggot from back in the day, it's fucking degenerate.


Why is neither invalid you degenerate piece of FILTH? I am not attracted to men with fake tits or woman who shed all they're feminity, because, and get this, I am NORMAL and not MENTALLY ILL.
You are degenerate piece of filth and one day will purge you from this earth in the most brutal of ways.

>one of these draws your sexual attention

No, they don't.

Each has either primary or secondary traits I do not find attractive and is a deal breaker.

Enough of your attempts to normalize mental illness.

I choose b. But I need a rundown on Buck Angel.

got me hard af

Neither is an invalid answer because even if you are repulsed by both, you are repulsed more by one or the other. No one likes them equally.

you can either eat a salad that a bird shit in or an entire cow plop with a mint leaf on top....choose one or youre insecure.

in the words of Bill Hicks, kill yourself.

I bet this webm is a lot funnier with the sound.

Tits draw attention first.
However then you release that the product is defective.

oh gawd its real waht the fuck

obviously by Sup Forums standards fucking A is not degenerate. Granted, that is one ugly as fuck woman, it's still a woman.

Now fuck off with your sissytrap fetish role play

this. also is something wrong with me?

Says who? You? Both are equally fucking disgusting

>Implying I wouldn't pay good money to have the one on the right bury their dick into my asshole

Same. What the fuck is that on the left, A.. never seen that in my life. While on the right, got my titties and sword fight

Man I don't give a fuck as long as neither of them bothers me. If they spend their own money trying to be happy by switching genders, great, I don't care.

It's a very difficult dilemma though if you take it seriously LOL. If you're a straight man, how do you get past the cock on the right, or the muscles and masculine face on the left?

If you're gay, how do you get past the pussy, or the tits and girly face on the right?

Goddamn lol

3000 hours in paint

Sup Forums tier shit.

Thats the most retarded logic I have heard since the election.

They are both terrible choices, to believe in this dilemma is to believe in a logical fallacy. There is always another choice which is not to choose.

Stop normalizing your mental illness

No you asked which one I am MORE sexually attracted to. The answer is I am NOT attracted to either for the reasons I stated.
You are mentally ill. You're family is a shamed of you, you have no friends, and you are overall repulsive. No one would miss you if you KYS. You are NOT wanted, and you will suffer from self hatred and depression for the rest of your life. It will never get netter, because you are diseased and there is no cure.
Just KYS

>neither one can fuck worth a shit

this was like watching retards attempt basic math

Purge the unclean

Shut the fuck up you degenerate lolbertarian cunt

I fucking cannot stand this "argument" that if you wouldn't fuck either of these genetic dead-ends that MUST mean your sexuality is fluid or not fully heterosexual or whatever.

I cant be sexually attracted more to the left or the right as im not sexually attracted to any of them

The one with the cunt so I can make it my bitch.

It was a mix of mental and sexual stimulation, indeed leaving me very erect as well. The thought of a trans-man having sex with a trans-woman has gone through my head before, but seeing it now has really put things in perspective.

>You can't say neither, because that's insecure.
Neither. There is a version just like that "girl", who has a vagina, so why would I settle for that trap? Nice false dichotomy fallacy, though. There's nothing insecure about saying I don't like my women with dicks attached to them.

As part of my answer I'm going to need a name for B.


Regardless of body type, I love cocks. Female body type is just more attractive becaue I can combine my natural attraction to females with my attraction to cocks

I'd fuck B in the ass and not touch the feminine penis

thats a nice dick for a feminine tranny.

those lopsided tits are fucking disgusting the closer you look


Which one is the female though?

How about you can't say neither, because that's not the rules of the game you dumb motherfucker. Obviously both are gross the game is tomoick one wamyways and argue about which is grosser and why. This is obvious to anyone who isn't a goddamn fucktard. I pick b because it's easier to imagine it's a real g-I mean im a huge faggot.

Can I just watch them fuck in the name of science?

What kind of gay ass rationalle is that? Don't you have a sense of community, a moral sense of what is right and wrong? If you lived in a village o 200 people, would you tolerate people doing ANYTHING they wanted as long as they did not "bother" you? You would be okay raising a family in a community full of mentally ill faggots, pedophiles, zoophiles, and shit?
Were is your sense of decency and virtue?
You are a guttles piece o shit and your only value is in being used as target practice. Faggot.

> would you rather have sex with:

> hormone disfigured lab experiment A
> hormone disfigured lab experiment B

I heard the condom they were using tore....

i'll allow it

She has a nice pussy tbf

>Implying a sissy's asshole isn't one of the 7 wonders of the modern world

I myself am a chick with a dick and would fuck "B" . . . . . .. "A" Is fucking Gay as fuck and I have no use for a man with no dick . . like they could not even fuck me.

>that "gotcha!" paragraph at the bottom
lol did a teenager write this and think he was really profound?

The image on the right is closer to what I find sexually attractive because it more closely resembles a woman. Thing is, as soon as I imagine having sex with it I remember that I have to put it inside its asshole, which is not appealing to me at all.

The one on the left looks like a man. I'm sure its vagina feels alright, but it looks too much like a man for me to be attracted to it.

Therefore, "neither" is a totally viable option and I've given pretty extensive reasoning as to why.

The only acceptable answer.

I have the biggest frown on my face from watching that.

for you

No one is playing your "game" you friendless degenerate whose worth nothing but ridicule and scorn till the end of time. JUST KYS

Jesus Christ

>You actually had this saved onto your computer
user I...

Tits or gtfo?

Much better thank u

>14 year old

literally, lol. I bet some of us right now were browsing this exact same thread on Sup Forums 10 years ago.

How do you live with yourself knowing everyone is disgusted and laughs behind your back, and that your family is utterly ashamed of you and wished you never existed? Must take a toll on your already fucked up mind

Why are you in an airport?

im a faggot and literally neither does anything for me

gas them both


One is still worse than the other, and you know it.
That's the key word. One of them is BETTER than the other even if neither is good. It's comparative, not absolute.
The situation is hypothetical, so the dichotomy is assumed and therefore cannot be false.

cut the dick off of the trap and fugg her in the ass

>white culture

Oh Canada, how the faggots flow like the leafs in fall.

Not even a wiggle

i remember Sup Forums having fewer 3d dick pics, but it's been a while.

I've mildly squinting in dismay and disbelief

what the hell is this shit

>Cooking Doggo alive cruely while muzzled
Checks out

both are gay and lame just like this thread

Both would be equally degenerate if the sex was outside of marriage and not exclusively for the purpose of procreation

I have a big dick and
has me beat. I would fuck a trap probably but with that trap I would feel too cucked

Fucking kill yourself.

>everyone is disgusted and laughs behind your back
It might actually be a 14 year old or woman typing this. Only they are preoccupied with what society thinks of them like this.

>the only reason you would say neither is to protect yourself from sexual insecurities

So I have to like every single vagina I see?

Can't I not like dick AND not like women(?) that look like men?

Strangely enough I got a husband . . . and work as a teacher . . It is funny how most guy's on here act like they hate fag's like me . . but the only people who are dicks to me are old women in public . . . . and sand Niggers. seriously go on cregs list and look up how many guys look for TS girls . . .. it is fucking crazy . . . .

Delet this, you soulless gook


and people wonder why I'm against transgender people

>that pic
I am so glad we murdered milllions of you. You are worth less than the shits I take in the morning.
CHINKS = completely expendable

As a gay male, definitely A

Yes I would fuck B because I feel attraction for B because B looks feminine
Not that I'm into traps this is only because I'm being forced to

Just because your cock got hard and you rubbed one out doesn't mean you hate it.

Suppose your girlfriend and your mom switched bodies. Which would you rather fuck?
This is how stupid your question is.

Seriously, why are chinks, japs and gooks so fucking void of morals? It's not even that they are evil, they are just souless abominations that lack any sense of right or wrong.

Is that what you tell yourself to push the suicidal thoughts away?
Well it aint working. You are diseased and there is no cure. You will suffer for the rest of your life, and you DESERVE every. single. bit.

Worse for a man to have sex with the man (XY chromosome pair) pretending it's a woman than for him to have sex with the really ugly man (XX) chromosome pair. The opposite for a woman.

Bottom line is don't try to subvert reality by pretending that a man is a woman and vice versa.

How sad that today my views are considered extreme when 10 years ago they were fine..