Does Resume Fraud Still Happen? This I Believe is America's Biggest Problem

How do we know whoever is in certain positions are actually qualified? How do we know it isn't bullshit? How do we know their resume is legit. Just saw Catch me if you Can and realize how scary it is that anyone can impersonate anyone.

Yes, plenty of people do it. Of course the blame is entirely on the employer for not doing a thorough background check and proof of ID.

How do they do it? I mean how do people fake degrees?

They just forge one or some shit

But don't they actually call the university directly? And have the university send it directly.

Happens all the time. I work in financial accounting at a large publicly trade company. Our dipshit leadership has failed to develop and implement aptitude tests for incoming aplicants. As a result our annual atrition rate at junior and senior level staff positions is around 80% due to new hires with accounting degrees and in some cases advanced degrees and 2-3 years worth of experience not being able to comprehend very easy concepts or preform even the most basic accounting tasks.

TL,DR people lie on thier resume and suck dick at their jobs.

How do they fake the degrees? Don't they call the universities and actually see if they have the freaking degrees?

most do not. it isn't as simple and quick as phoning up one person and asking "did bob cuck graduate with a first in economics in 2014?".
you have to remember that HR is mostly staffed by women who are lazy, otherwise they wouldn;t be in HR.
big companies will spend the required money to do it properly, but most smaller companies might only ask for a jpg with your resume.
i have never shown my degree in real life, just a scanned copy.

No, only big companies do. Small ones don't have time for that shit

Just say you have it. You can say anything.
Sometimes they check sometimes they don't.
Sometimes it is easy if you have a few people you can trust pretend to former employers.

For a lot of jobs they don't care, and I don't mean minimum wage shit, something like marketing, if you lie and and convince them in the interview you are telling the truth they don't care if anything you told them is true.

Once I got an interview and they called me on some made up shit. I stuck by my fake story and got the job and he told me my lying was worth more than the qualification.

>tfw 26
>had to lie on my resume to get a interview at panda express
>didn't get teh job

Interviews, typically.
You get an expert in the field to talk shop with them and figure out what their level of knowledge and aptitude for learning.

Seen it happen twice, maybe three times at my place in the last year. My team is small and there's not that many people so 3/dozen people is insane ratio.

All senior level engineers with at least 1 decade of experience.

Claiming to know x,y,z software languages and fluency in dev environments they clearly just googled about.

Resume fraud is made largely obsolete by H1B fraud.

Bong is right, nothing so complicated.

I work, now, in security (IT type) and the position I was applying for required alot of shit, alot more "Preffered" shit too.

I lied about my certs, I lied about going to college and even past job history. No one gives a shit, it's just something you have to look for.

The real talent is the ones who, regardless of training or past experience get the job like I did, with piratical knowledge

Absolutely resume fraud is a huge problem, particularly when job seekers fill in the "i am a legal US citizen" box!

You work cnc mill?

Pretty much commonplace in Sweden, job ads want you to somehow be newly examined with PhD and also 5years field of work experience minimum. And this to some monkey job running a mill or lathe.

You are what you can prove you are in an interview. Never have anyone ever checked proof of graduation. They may check a certification though, may call your last employer,but tell them youre still working there and theyll prob only check the biggest cert if at all. When you interview someone they just wanna talk shop to see if youre legit, a bullshitter who knows how to act and what to say could easily get a job he has no qualifications for.

Contrary to popular belief; resumes, diplomas, and even unions are not legally binding. Even written contracts can't be enforced on a federal level, and have to be disputed in court.

There is absolutely nothing in the legal system that protects job security. No one is forced to give jobs. The 13th Amendment is the only thing stopping serfdom in America. Everything else is at the mercy of the court.

The education system is entirely fucked because your degree is worth nothing, legally. Tuition fees are for services. You're quite literally paying to stay in an overpriced hotel.

All those retarded court cases where some religious person sues a company for not adhering to their religious beliefs are carefully planned out and not spontaneous in any way.

Go ahead, lie on your resume. Your degree is a lie anyway, legally.

Google the job, listen to hours of someone who youre trying to copy, learn the buzzwords anecdotes and analogies to drop. Make your resume according to what they need.

What about a law degree?

practicing is illegal. you'd have to be a pretty good bullshitter to pull that off, which begs the question, why didn't you just become a real one in the first place?

you can easily bullshit yourself into a cube job.

My thoughts exactly. I'm in law school now cause it seemed like the only profession I couldnt bullshit into.

I don't think it's much of an issue in the engineering fields