I'm a paid fake account manager/troll for the greek political party of Syriza. Since I doubt anyone will read this...

I'm a paid fake account manager/troll for the greek political party of Syriza. Since I doubt anyone will read this, ask me anything. I'll try to answer all your questions (as long as I don't lose my job).

Other urls found in this thread:


Where do you post?

What are your duties?

Free Constantinople when?

Do you know where that russian is? I want to ask some answers.

pws se lene ?

Who are they shilling for? Germans?

What are your preferred shill techniques?

I have 15 Facebook accounts, all female. We use stock photos. I have a list of people to follow and "like" their posts every day. Also I'm a member of various facebook groups in favour of Syriza and have to like certain posts as well as share them. Also I post "flame" comments in a couple of specific anti-Syriza accounts/pages. My job is to make them angry.

Do you get free blow jobs courtesy of JP Morgan?

Can you make an effort to convince us that you are a real deal and not a LARPer that you are?

How much do you get paid?

who cares?
I'm shilling in favor of Syriza
Cause flame wars, Most of my profiles are sexy young women so even if I'm a total dick, people will side with me.

Why are you here instead of doing your job?

Oh wait, you're Greek. Nevermind.

How many of you are there, to your knowledge?

Posa sou skane re malaka?

How does it feel to be on the wrong side of the coming civil war?

Greek - Cyprus unification when?

said the laziest country in the world that owes us millions from ww2


What was the internal feeling after 1) the referendum result and 2) the decisions taken by Tsipras despite the ref result?

No, these are just conspiracy theories
I can give you some groups I use but definitely not my accounts if you like. I mean it's pretty obvious if you visit them.
600 euros. They check my activity log at the end of every week.

and 3) How much do you hate Germans now? As much as the rest of us?

When will you pay debts?

I shill on Sup Forums with anti-turk threads and memes. Why don't you do the same, sellout faggot?
Don't you want Constantinople back?

>My job is to make them angry
Can we have an example of what would get them upset?

>said the laziest country in the world that owes us millions from ww2
They dont own us anything because we signed off the war debts in 1953. Blame the Greek political parasite class that never fought in the war, their descendants and their cronies that are still molesting this place while the serfs obsess themselves with reality shows and daydreams of becoming a singer/footballer

Because I have plenty of free time
I suspect a dozen or so people but I'm not sure. A lot of "independent" trolls too.
600 ευρώ, δεν παίζει εμφύλιος kαι μαλαkίες
Who knows?
I don't care. It's not my problem if people trusted Tsipras. Their fault.

Do you prefer Gyros or Kebab?

kebab is a massed up minced meat that looks disgusting.
gyros is cut up actual meat pieces which u can enjoy biting. just look at pictures and decide which is more appetizing

I don't hate anyone. Why would I hate Germans?
I personally don't have any debts, I'm a college student.
Because I don't care and it's not my job.
I.e when someone makes an anti government post I start spamming articles as replies with illegall stuff the previous government did. This usually does the trick There is a list of articles I use.


When the money from abroad runs out, we're going to have a civil war whether you like it or not

>I can give you some groups I use but definitely not my accounts if you like. I mean it's pretty obvious if you visit them.

I'm highly sceptical about this whole ordeal. Shilling/paid trolling accusations in runet fly left and right just like here with CTR, JIDF and "Russian hackers".

Upon closer inspection, although, some of them are organized and indeed do the stuff with fake accounts and provocations (which is nothing new on Sup Forums), they do it voluntarily.

Basically, I don't think payed trolling can exist because there are so many people that would do it free of charge out of their own passion/enjoyment.

How did you get in contact with them, is it good or little money?

>I personally don't have any debts, I'm a college student.
We all have at least 35000$ in debt, that's our debt per capita

You're a bit ignorant I think

I don't think so
I agree with you. The only difference is that I'm not paid from Syriza exactly but from a member/politician who belongs there. I don't think it's organised. I certainly wouldn't do it voluntarily.

Would you consider Oikos real Greek yogurt?

>I don't think so
Do you want to explain why?

> but from a member/politician who belongs there

which one?

It's good money but it's not great because I have to post through my home computer (I'm not allowed to use my mobile or log into these accounts through another pc) and managing these many accounts can be a trouble. But it's an easy job and as a student it's more than enough. I got in contact through a relative.
I know what you mean but I don't really care.

Ive never seen Oikos in Greece. when a product says greek check on the back and see where it was made, if it was made in germany on england its not greek its a "type" of greek product.

Are you paid by effectiveness, or just engagement?

I haven't tasted it. I'm sorry.
I just don't think it's going to happen.
Nice try.

Lots of those are protected status foods, gotta name them something else if they're not legitimately made in wherever they're from. Always good stuff.

Just engagement. They check my activity log once per week but I don't think they really care.

>I just don't think it's going to happen.
Alright but why? do you base this on anything or you just dont care either way?? Same with being burdened with 35k in debt from your government, why do you not care?

Yeah, that's what I've never gotten about shilling as an industry. The people doing it seem so disengaged. I don't blame you for taking their money, but no way I'd put my money there.

because I've seen people pretending to be angry with Syriza but behind everyone's back they come to my uncle for help or to find a job etc. I know it sounds awful but Syriza actually helps a lot of people who pretend to be "radicals" and "rebels" against the government. It's all a big game.

do u want to stay in greece and work for 600 euros all your life or u want to move out?
also what are u studying Thanasi?

How do you get recruited by such organisations? I already do it for free so i could make some bucks on top of it

these people are not social media experts, they have no idea from facebook, they just want a couple of friendly accounts that they can control 100% They'd do it themselves but it takes a lot of time. I have them maxed out at 5000 friends each one. This takes time.

I'm planning to leave Greece.
You don't get recruited. A relative asked me if I wanted the job and accepted it.

Sure this country is full of hypocritical opportunists but do you honestly believe that this downward spiral can continue forever?

Syriza is declaring elections before the end of the year and ND is probably going to win since the Greek voters either don't care or are nepotistic retards. Even then, the money is going to run out at some point, unless 80% of the public sector is fired and the private sector becomes deregulated we're going to be the first banana republic in Europe

Extreme poverty and dissatisfaction with the govt is a volatile mixture

Do you have a super long name like Diametrius Giankonopopolis?

What do you think about Greek niggers playing monkey ball in the nba?

I agree with you. But what's the other option? Leaving Euro? Return to drachma? This would be a disaster.


Hahaha! Yes.
Come on, don't use the n-word man

Yes. Greese had a hardy and growing economy before the euro.

Then it came and you were forced to slash many sectors like agriculture and were left with tourism and debts.

It will come to this anyway, only following some huge crisis and conflict.

>But what's the other option?
The only option is to burn the whole thing to the ground and rebuild from the start.
Going back to the Drachma will be beneficial after 5-10 years if there is a proper plan to be implemented. It really saddens me to say this but the only form of govt that can save this place right now is a "benevolent" dictator like Tito going full state capitalism, it's a fucking disgrace

How do you evade bans from kikebook if you can only use home pc?

Thought they flag accounts if you use 15 accounts from the same ip?

we import everything, going back to drachma is a disaster, in agriculture we even import watering hoses.
If you are members of LAE btw, come on. I'm Syriza, we both know what's going on and we both know you will support us in the next elections. Unless you are one of the last few "believers"

Well, obviously, Greece's best bet would be a radical dictatorship and deep economic shake up from it.

And there is also Erdogan, a really really opportunistic and ambitious chap.

>Yes. Greese had a hardy and growing economy before the euro.
Wrong. We actually devalued the drachma 3 times from 1981 until the euro in 2001, if I remember correctly. Go read about the Delors packages which was EU money given to us so we can build up our country but was wasted on building an army of state and para-state actors through bribery and job appointments in the public sector. Back in the 80s you could go to a political party office and say "I want a job and I'll vote for you", literally easy as that

The 2 biggest parties in Greece had 85% of the vote for almost 40 years. Think about this for a moment

nope the only advice they gave me is to not add more than 60-70 people per day

>If you are members of LAE
Lol, no, I've never even been to Greece.

How do you think it's gonna end, though? The debt is going to be cut off one day, and the EU economy will shift severely, while dependencies like Greece and all of Balkans and Eastern Europe except Poland and Hungary will end up in the gutter.

The only solution to it would be a painful reform beforehand, because it will be more painful anyway.

I don't know. But I know that going back to drachma is a very bad idea.

>we import everything
True but we have enough worthless shit like iphones and in the end you won't die if you can't get salmon and coconuts for your brunch parties.
Rebuilding our agricultural sector should be our first priority instead of whatever the fuck is going on now

>If you are members of LAE
Nigga please, I'm not insulting you. There is no party that I can feel like being a part of, communist pipedreams are something I really hate, these people are functionally illiterate

tried to make a thread before on the topic of greece un-fucking itself finacially:
my idea is that you rally the melvournians to re-invest in the country

thoughts; greek-bros?

Getting people over the age of 45 to die is more beneficial than investing money in this shithole. The old ways of governing this place must die

This is not about iphones. We import everything. We even import hoses to water our farms. My family has been in the agricultural sector for their whole life. Things became A LOT better with cheap imports. We can afford tractors and quality fertilisers. Before Euro everything was shit. At least now we have a chance to make something out of it. You clearly have no idea from the agricultural sector. If you think I'm gonna miss salmon or coconut or an iphone, I;ve never eaten salmon, only coconut ice cream and have a shitty android phone.

>Things became A LOT better with cheap imports.
Then honestly answer me why when I go to the supermarket I only see potatoes from egypt and oranges from spain and cherry tomatoes from the fucking netherlands out of all places.

If our parents didn't vote for parties that destroyed our industry sector and put everyone in a public job we would make rubber hoses. Do you know that Nissan had an assembly factory here in the 80s? They shut it down because workers were striking all the fucking time chanting PASOK slogans. Pirelli had a tire factory too, shut down for the same reason.
Greek businesses wrap things up and go to Bulgaria because taxes are through the fucking roof, some companies have to pay close to 75-80% if you count taxes and social security contribution.
How can you even wonder why we don't manufacture anything in this country ?

Didn't Greece use to have a competitive agriculture until the EU still, and export a respectable amount of goods on the European market? On the Soviet and Russian market for that matter?

You need to grow and produce value somewhere, you can't live in debt forever.

Don't emigrate. None wants your apathetic commie ass in their country.

so lower the taxes and fire the public sector
going back to drachma is not the solution
as a country we don't have the power for quantity but quality
we can create some high quality agricultural products
potatoes from egypt etc will always be cheaper no matter what

How much did the Athens Olympics play a part in destroying your economy?

I remember all the empty seats in the stadiums

>as a country we don't have the power for quantity but quality
>potatoes from egypt etc will always be cheaper no matter what
Not if we can dictate our own monetary policy
>going back to drachma is not the solution
In the long term it;s the only solution unless you want to be a debt slave forever to some pedophiles in Brussels and their cronies in Greece

At least grow a fucking spine and sabotage the SYRIZA facebook shilling, is your dignity only worth 600 euros? Serious question here

What are you studying by the way?

How do you get a job like that?

less than most people think
the problem is that we have an impossibly huge public sector that nobody dares to touch

at least I'm not an idiot who believes that devaluing our agriculture with drachma is a solution.
You know who believed that cheap agriculture is a solution? Pol Pot. And this worked well, right? Fuck off buddy.

what are you studying

I'm not gonna answer that

I have to go. Just to be 100% I'm gonna post this.
Make anything out of it if you want but I need to be safe.
I have been lying all the time, this is a fake thread. I was joking.

is it such a narrow field?


It was the last big govt party before the end. I know a friend of mine for example got a job for the summer of the olympics where he got 1500 euro a month for 2 days a week. So 4500 for 2.5 months all paid by the govt. Ministers probably made tens of millions in bribes and I'm not exaggerating that much.
For example we bought a surveillance system from Siemens called C4I for the olympic games safety. Just the bribes for it were around 100 million euro. When the scandal broke out the head of siemens hellas left to Germany which won't extradite him becuase "reasons" and one other mainy guy fled to Uruguay or Paraguay while his family was arrested. The system wasnt even used after the olympics because no one gave a fuck and rioters smashed all the cameras and pylons


Then there are more unlucky faggots like this guy


Live your myth in Greece hehe

Good fucking riddance, hope you leave the country as soon as possible

Golden Dawn #1

you leftists faggot

Does Golden Dawn have a chance?

No but when Greece erupts into chaos, they will take over Junta style as they have most support from Army and cops.

also are you retarded? OP is a leftists anti-greek cuck faggot. Of course he will say Golden Dawn doesnt have a chance.

>Am I retarded

No, my wog-greek-cypriot-projector-aussie mate.

I'm assuming given how callous, uncaring, and uninterested he sounds, that he might be objective. Like Josephus about the jews.

I'm not OP you smarmy cunt

Golden dawn is a street gang that got lucky. They are the lowest of the low, basically neonazis who put on a suit.
Since they got elected they became really quiet, that 8k MP salary really works wonders. They just put on a show for their followers every now and then to keep their seats in parliament. How retarded must you be to say we are neonazi in a country that lost 10% of its population in WW2? I cant even imagine

>we are neonazi in a country that lost 10% of its population in WW2?

Yeah, never got that. It's big in places like Ukraine, Poland etc. too. To the Nazi's there was not a "white" race, but a German one.

>I'm assuming given how callous, uncaring, and uninterested he sounds, that he might be objective
Not even close, he is one of the thousands of apathetic cunts that loiter around this place, trying to get out of here so they can go live the capitalist dream in EU and jump off a window after 10 years because their life didnt turn out like a disney movie

wow great response brah

That "retarded" comment wasnt for you dickhead. It was for the spaniard.

Id rather have neo nazis then fucking communists shitheads like you fuck ups. Communism has killed more people then Hitler could ever dream of.

Atleast the neo nazis dont want greeks to be invaded by arabs/africans. Bet you enjoy your female relatives getting dicked by niggers.

Greece is becoming a third world dumping zone. Greek people will be a minority in their shit country in a few decades. Ottomons will rule greece once again

Do you honestly think that if you pour more money in Greece things will get better?
The problem is not lack of capital, it's the whole Greek mentality. What do you even know about Greece anyway?

For some reason, I doubt the Syrizniggers are competent enough to even consider using paid shills.

I would like to ask how did you get a job as a political troll? I'm an invalid and this job would suit me. I've heard a lot about paid trolls, they exist in Bulgaria too, but how do I become one of them??

How did it even appear to you that I'm a communist? Please do tell

Nazis are same communists anyway different side of the same coin.
I don't want immigrants but I don't want chimps with suits for govt either. You do understand that this choice is not either flooded with immigrants or golden dawn, right?

>Greece is becoming a third world dumping zone.
The faster the better, maybe then we will wake up, as miserable as this sounds. Erdogan open them floodgates mang