In a Libertarian society, what stops me using parks, cemeteries, daycare centers etc..., to dump medical waste?
In a Libertarian society, what stops me using parks, cemeteries, daycare centers etc..., to dump medical waste?
the same thing that stops you from abusing your pets
So nothing?
>any big country
Eh don't worry abad it, it's all authy from here
although the owner of the park who has a monopoly on all the land in your area will probably make your life hell or get you killed
Their owner
Basic human decency and common sense, although almost everyone in this board has no idea of what that means
>libertarianism is anarchism
You guys need some new material. This got old many years ago.
That would stop people from letting their dogs shit on sidewalks without cleaning it up today
But it doesn't
The owner or his personal army would shoot you, now you only have to pay fine.
I thought that the government funded the military and settled property disputes in a libertarian society.
The same thing that stops you understanding the difference between libertarianism and anarchy
the police
There will not be any public owned places. Everything will be privately owned. The dumping of medical waste on the property of others will result in you being made to pay restitution for damages to the property of others. Quite simple, for those who are not retarded.
There will be no road to get there.
If we catch you we will break your fucking legs.
Why are you idiots equating libertarians to anarchy?
There are plenty of ridiculous and stupid regulations that almost all individuals could agree upon to get rid of, yet these fringe cases which would usually involve the most basic concept of government to step in are brought up?
Again, because they are treats very hard to find nowadays. We will never advance as a society when instead of talking about duty we talk about muh rights all the time
>1 post by this id
>no wait another here
>40 minutes of no more response
fucking retards, stop replying to slide threads
In a libertarian society parks, cemeteries and daycare would be private property, so you have violated the NAP
It's funny that the most free market economies in the world have the best roads too.
Are people too stupid to understand supply and demand?
The fact it is private property so the owner would retaliate?
>me a fucking billionaire with private army and monopoly on media
>made to pay restitution
>tryna make me
>spreads propaganda that its you who did the deed and thus breaking NAP by defaming me
>annex your park
Me a trillionaire with far larger private army than you. I would have your head on a spike.
>muh what about people who use bazookas to settle minor disputes with neighbors
Private property, armed guards