How often do you go out of your way to read and look at opposing political viewpoints?

How often do you go out of your way to read and look at opposing political viewpoints?

HARDMODE: discussions with colleagues/family or edited clips on Rebel Media do not count

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right wing conservative doing (((sociology))) here.

I frequent the woman's/lgbtq areas of my uni so often that I practically live there. Sadly all I hear is how trump sucks and how the pussy bites back. And then someone yelling about how that's offensive to trans women who don't yet have pussies.

Nonetheless I do recommend it, it's highly entertaining

really dont have to go out of my way. the shit has been rammed in my face for like 10 years now.

I get most of my news from the site mediate. The comments section is 70% liberal baby boomers despite the news being somewhat balanced so I spar with them to get the talking points of the week.

In addition, I have 5+ years of experience with Tumblr. In the end, eugenics and natsoc are the correct answers.

I'm not concerned about the opinions of other people however, if they are exposed to enough they will come to the right side on their own. It's why Nazis are so tabboo, (((they))) don't want people to become exposed to non cosmopolitan ideas

I act at my high school, half of em are trannies and the other half consists of sjws

I read political viewpoints all the time that differ from my own, it's considerably one of the main reasons why my viewpoints are what they are. OP is a fool.

Nearly everyday, having a goybook makes it unavoidable to see even if I wanted to be in an echo chamber. In case you haven't noticed, how pompous and full of shit the left is revitalized the right. You were || close to finishing off the right and you fucked up and shot yourselves instead. Good work with the perversion, degeneracy and racial politics...really helped us out. lol

>How often do you go out of your way to read and look at opposing political viewpoints?
Are you serious? MSM, school, university, state-owned media influenced by the leftist government and all that doesn't count?
We still read 'fake news', even Alex Jones does his show based on news articles and information provided by Reuters, we just don't agree with the agenda and the blatant bias they're confounded with, the character assassinations of people with different perspectives and the censorship as it occurs in Sweden.
It's hard to avoid you fuckers and your retarded emotional blackmail about the Syrian babby holocaust and how we should ignore all reason, debate and consequences for the sake of feelings.
>discussions with colleagues/family
What's wrong with that?
Whenever I talk to Anthropologists/Sociologists/the average peer at university, they are not ready to engage in any intellectual argument whatsoever. When I give them reasons and facts for why I support certain policies and they can't refute me, they simply roll their eyes, call me a Nazi fascist KKK islamophobic bigot and refuse to talk to me again.
Women are especially fond of forcing others to conform to their ideologies, but I have lost both friends and girlfriends over political disagreements, and not because I was so intolerant of their beliefs.


I often read the guardian it's crazy shit but it's good to keep up with it all, also the bbc is pretty left wing but it does seem to at least try to not be biased.

Just look at my fucking flag. My whole country is one giant politically opposing viewpoint, I've yet to find a Swede who actually agrees with me and isn't a leftist cuck.


Recently read, I don't think I'm missing much.

My political views are close to anarchico-communism and I enjoy lurking here, that's got to say something.

So I pretty much go out of my way every time a read a book, watch a movie, study or discuss with someone about a politic topic.

Well in burgerland you don't really need to go out of your way to get liberal news. The ideology is basically shoved in your face at every turn.

>discussions with colleagues/family
>What's wrong with that?

Most people aren't born debaters and can't provide you with evidence off-the-cuff. So, if your vision of the "opposing political viewpoint" is framed by how well someone can flesh out their views, it may not be representative.

Unless you're watching guys that debate for a living, I find it's best to stick to written form, where people can easily look up any supporting evidence they may not know off the top of their head.

I work in academia so I am inundated with liberal views incessantly. People tend to assume that everyone is liberal and have no qualms just blurting out the most asinine post-modern garbage to you, presuming that you'll agree.

>How often do you go out of your way to read and look at opposing political viewpoints?

Very often. Gotta study the enemy to defeat the enemy.

I lurk leftypol, watch communist and anarchist podcasts, read left and radical left wing books, etc.

It's good to know your enemy.

>How often do you go out of your way to read and look at opposing political viewpoints?

You mean how often do I read/watch the (((medias))) ? And go into the nearest city ?
Well too many times for my heart.

I'll listen to Webster tarpley. I used to agree with about 75% of his arguments. With trump,it's down to25%. He's too aligned with main stream nonsense including Russian hackers and the need for increased immigration from the third world. I used to appreciate his views.

Well I often watch liberal youtubers and browse what people say on reddit just to understand the other side

And man they're as fucking retarded as you'd expect. it's insufferable. they simultaneously show incredible ignorance but also smugness. you just dont see that particular kind of smugness on here.

They view themselves as being so logical, rational, scientific and skeptical, but there are many topics they refuse to even consider. Their belief in egalitarianism is religious.

I've read more communist/lefty literature than the average American lefty by far

Defeating them with their own logic is hilarious

Go out of my way? Anytime you turn a TV on or go outside you see opposing views. Who needs to go out of their way to be flooded with idiocracy.

I've read many of Lenin's essays and I have read Marx & Engel's Communist Manifesto.

My opinions are still the same as they were before: All Commies Must Hang

Pretty much every day. I also like to roleplay with myself and pretend to be someone with an opposing political viewpoint, and then do my very best to understand and defend "my" views. I think it's important to understand why people think and believe the way they do. To make it more difficult for myself, I'm not allowed do come to simple conclusions such as "they're just dumb/uneducated/brainwashed".

You have to go back

i just have to log on my facebook, i have plenty of full blown communists, LGBT activists, feminists and politically correct normies spamming my wall with their ideology.

I use facebook

I use two extremes to balance everything out. Infowars with Alex Jones, then The Young Turks. Then I get both sides to a story.

I watch TYT and secular talk

i use reddit

I don't have any forms of traditional social media (I fug around on Sup Forums and so fantasy hockey). I gather all of my liberal intel from work.

As for specifically reading left wing journalism, maybe once or twice a week to get a good chuckle.

As long as you think politics matter, you're still in the mousetrap.

All everyone says is someone's or another's marketed product. The truth is between the lines.

I browse 9gag

At school in real life.
I don't reveal my true power so I can listen to them and it's basically what media ask them to think.
The same words you heard everywhere on internet, not a single difference, not a single originalité compared to the other 6.000.000 discours I've heard before.

There's not a single leftie that can hold a serious debate for more than 5 minutes.

The motivation to do so comes and goes. Sometimes it feels like the right thing to do, sometimes it is just amusing. But after a little while of reading their recycled nonsense and attempting to make some sense of their cognitive contortions, I just long for the panacea of Sup Forums.

Visited /r/FULLCOMMUNISM just yesterday out of boredom.

It's interesting how the far left is memeing against a strawmanned version of far right and far right is memeing against a strawmanned version of far-left.

Neither side seems to want to admit this though.

yeah this

>awwww poor wittle leftcucks arent being indulged anymore awww wahhhhhh

good get fucked

Every single fucking day when faggots like you post threads like this.

All the time.

What you will find yourself doing as your political sense evolves, is you will stop reading for content, because you already know what's going on. Instead, you will start to read to see who is representing a particular thing in a particular light...who is "raising the flag" over an issue, as it were.

For example, listening to Sean Hannity while you drive: You already know what he's going to say about the latest immigration executive order, you just tune in to see what his stance on it is, and which opponents he's pointing the finger at.

You can get a pretty wide-angle picture of the news cycle by going to RealClearPolitics and just reading the daily headlines. "Oh, this is the stance of the NYT on this particular issue, and this is the Washington Post's." etc.

>How often do you go out of your way to read and look at opposing political viewpoints?
I spend so much time BTFOing liberals in newspaper comment sections and their own communities, that i think i am addicted.

That was also the way how i redpilled myself. I got better in discussions and i spotted every single logical fallacy or "Muh, feelings" immediately. And suddenly i didn't care anymore if people agree with me, i didn't try to appeal to as many people as possible anymore.
I have discussions to better myself and maybe redpill people, not to get "likes". And so i was suddenly able to BTFO 10 people at the same time. Then liberals started to avoid discussions with me, because they knew that they would lose. I got banned multiple times in an lefty newspaper, because i argued with their "journalists".

And finally i started to use Sup Forums, this is literally the first board where the majority of people share some of my opinions.

Rarely. I'm not willing to listen to globalists or leftists, and they won't change my mind anyway. No point listening to their lies but to get angry.

>le Sup Forums is an echo chamber xD
why do dissenting posts get the most replies?
post a white nationalist thread and a communism thread, come back to me with which gets the most attention

All the time. Which then leads to small debate which when I dismantle their argument leads to nonsensical rhetoric...

Example. Discussing government regulations. Eventually the argument end with one person saying they were from Europe and expect everything to be heavily regulated, one person saying that essentially people shouldn't be able to do anything with state approval then only within guidelines and it's up to them to pre-emptively keep up to date with new and changing regulations, and the other saying that's it's just too big and complicated for us to fix (I.e. there are no breaks on this crazy train).

No one will be honest think about it.

If they say that they're neet, their words will be meaningless.

Why? Where? Even if there is an echo chamber website that reflect my views it would just be a waste of my time, I don't do internet propaganda, doesn't interest me.

I'll just keep lurking here, I promise I will not shitpost.

>How often do you go out of your way to read and look at opposing political viewpoints?

all the time, i love browsing pol even though its full of shit

I mostly watch debates. I usually dont like echo chambers even if i agree with them

You can't make a convincing argument without understanding the opposing side which 95% of Sup Forums fails to do.
>omg why do liberals think x
>because y
>fuck off retard reee
As if I'm the idiot for answering their stupid questions.

I'm aggressively independent, so every day.

What's he looking at?