Can anyone red pill me on this "destiny" guy...What's his deal ?

@29min10sec he asks: "why does it matter if white people become a minority"...

So i'm just wondering...As i'm listening to his debate... (with a guy who's ironically half Iranian/Hungarian himself yet totally understands the catastrophic ramifications of such a scenario)...

I'm wondering if "Destiny" is just plain fucking stupid or pretending to be ?...

I mean , i'm pretty sure (regardless of your race..) , it's very easy to understand "why" it's a fucking big deal.

Isn't it obvious ? If you change the population. (ANY population) , then you'll get a different result. Japan wouldn't be "Japanese" if it was filled with Chinese or Swedish people would it ?

Why is this basic concept so difficult to understand when it comes to Europe ? (or even America..)

Demography is everything.

And if you have a normal or a low birthrate , at least keep your population as homogenous as possible and don't let in hordes of people who'll breed you out of existence...

I mean , isn't it fucking obvious ? Are liberals pretending not to understand this ? are they playing dumb ? (maybe because they want to get rid of europeans/whites).

Is it a psychological problem ? hypocrisy ?...
I know that most people on POL will probably tell me that they want "white genocide" etc...etc..

Ok , let's say you're right. Can someone explain me this...

Why do these people (whether they're jews or not...feminist or not ) , INVARIABLY live in majority white neighborhoods ?

And this goes for all races.
Take that cunt , Beyonce...shills for BLM yet has a house in Bridgehampton, NY....In other words in a place where 75 or 80% of the population is white...Where blacks are about 5%

Or how about politicians ? or hollywood elites ? All live in gated white communities , yet they spend their fucking time demonizing the white race and claim they worship diversity. What's up with that ?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What's up with that ?
Idk dude but Destiny is a major fucking faggot. Lives at home and survives on Cheetos and Redbull all day long, LARPing and playing vidya. And somehow he has the audacity to think he is some debate king and gets his retarded, autistic ass handed to him in every debate or ends up making his debater look just as retarded as he does.

His Youtube channel is shit, his fanbase is shit, and after watching only like two of his "debate videos" I can tell this guy is a wannabe intellectual.

His videos are all
>autistic screeching DAWGG
>virtue signalling
>Why am I such a faggot, I don't know but I'm laughing and visually pissed off as I autistically fidget around in my chair

And he has the nerve to call himself "Destiny" holy shit what a flaming cunt.

My guess is that they often don't believe that there differences between various groups of people and if they do then they are usually certain they are going to be able to teach newcomwers the ways of a progressive Westerner so even if demographic replacement happens nothing will change for them. So being accepting and open to unlimited immigration becomes an oppurtunity to improve the world by educating swathes of third world savages.

Blonde hair and blue eyes are great but aren't worth treating everyone else like shit.

>Destiny: 'asks a bait question'.. ''or''

>why does it matter if white people become a minority
I think this is the demoralization that Russian guy was walking about. They hate themselves and don't care if they and their whole racial family die

>races can integrate & assimilate
>the court system is racist against blacks
shame he didn't press him on that he won the debate there and then but cuckboi changed the topic immediately

>implying cubans are white

Its not about blue eyes and blonde hair its about not being a thir world shithole were niggers murder niggers and society staganates till the end of time
people with those(blonde,white etc) traits have a tendency to be more civilized.

I dont know why ist almost like race is not a social construct and white people are superior....wait.....

>nothing's happening in Europe
Cheeky little shit.

He only ever "wins" "debates" because everything he does is hosted on his channel. He has a clear mic, while his guest often has minor sound issues, but the difference allows him to talk over them whenever they start to raise a point he can't defend.

He 100% thinks he's great at this, but the first time he goes out of his castle he'll get his ass handed to him, and he won't be able to figure out why. I bet he doesn't understand how Trump won the election.

Because its hard enough to carry society while being a majority.

As a liberal or was so satisfying watching him tear down every non-argument by the flailing retard Jontron, and by extension destroying the alt-right with its cries of white displacement (which is ludicrously false). Even with the stinging butthurt in your post you don't explain what's so bad about a white minority. Who cares honestly? People aren't that different, in my job I work with all kinds of people without issue. I think if Sup Forums got out of the racist exchanged and into the real world they would see that other races aren't so frightening.

Yea you're right who cares what the demographics of a country are, that's why it doesn't matter if the white population starts becoming a super majority again.

>what's so bad about a white minority.
here you go

As a hapa I agree
What does it really matter?

Let's put aside color for a moment then
There are whole towns in Sweden that do not speak a lick of Swedish, huge areas that don't follow swedish laws, but instead have their own Sharia law systems and local "courts" set up to enforce it. These people are not interested in integrating with Sweden and because they're coming in such huge numbers they don't have to. Arabian culture is steadily replacing the native Swedish culture.
The entire narrative of the last century was last colonialism by whites is a bad thing, so why is it okay when whites are being colonized?

Because the people who say these things cannot see past their own life cycles. They dont care for the future. Whats important for them is looking good right now. It doesnt matter if you're flushing a race of people down the toilet. Think of how tolerant and caring you'll look to your friends!

Its an extremely selfish and thoughtless mindset and trying to explain this to them will just sound like a criticism, meaning they will shut down their brain and attack you. They cannot be convinced.

You have to understand that if you basic premise is that "everyone is equal", that every people on earth stands in the same relation to one another than two molecule of oxygen, then it makes absolutely no difference whether or not one group is swapped for some other group. Complete sameness, which is the basis of an equality discourse, implies that the stuff you're talking bout is fungible, at which point in makes no sense to speak of some subset of that stuff being a minority relative to some other subset.

Of course, the equality Destiny is talking about will stop soon enough, even in his system, as Destiny will have no problem talking about white people's collective and historical responsibility toward non whites, which must have has a basis of division of humanity into the guilty whites and the innocent non whites.

Therein lie one of the fundamental contradiction of the left, that they maintain, when convenient, that humanity is fungible and all its element interchangeable (patently untrue) and that, on the other, historical division are important enough to warrant a different behavior or different moral prescription depending on what group you're looking at.

Explain to me how whites are being colonized? Are indigenous whites being ruled and controlled by immigrants? As far as I've read the Swedish sharia zones are a rightwing myth, a reputable source would be appreciated.

Between different populations there are significant differences between physiology, stature, appearance, and behaviour as a result of adaptation to the different social and geographical environments of the respective populations.
As a result of this, a community or nation that is not homogeneous will never be able to create adequate policy for all groups within that nation, as some differences between populations are impossible to reconcile at that level.
A key area of friction is morality, which differs greatly between populations and is often impossible to create compromises that are stable and satisfying for both groups, while it is very doable for monocultural nations or communities.
Differences in physiology are also important to consider, for example some European populations are more capable of tolerating alcohol than Asian or Middle Eastern populations, so those separate groups have chosen to regulate alcohol in different ways.
When attempting to merge vastly different populations, there will always be aspects that cannot be reconciled.
Ultimately, the best solution is to keep different populations separate and allow them to govern themselves, as they will determine the best policies for their groups in full respect of their most commonly held values. As we have seen, attempts to bring foreigners en masse into broadly European nations has resulted in high levels of cultural friction and a dissolution of societal cohesion.
In order to preserve the beauty of all cultures and peoples, it is necessary that they remain separated and self governing.

>His Youtube channel is shit, his fanbase is shit, and after watching only like two of his "debate videos" I can tell this guy is a wannabe intellectual.

Definitely , stumbled on this..

I mean just...Wow...I haven't watched all his vids , so maybe i shouldn't judge him but he seems pretty clueless on foreign policy.

The whole debate about immigration is first and foremost an ethnic conflict by another name. In a democracy, demographic weight is proxy for political power, as the number of votes you have will simply translate in your amount of representatives and the amount of influence you have over the legislative, executive and judicial agenda.

Therefore, it stands to reason that by systematically inviting people that are not white and do not consider themselves whites in (formerly) white nation, they will, inevitably, end up forming a non white majority, often seeing themselves in opposition to the (former) historical white majority, at which point they will vote strictly and purely in their interests.

This is already true in America, where Latinos and Black vote ethnically. Only white people do not vote ethnically.

Once this shift is accomplished, there is no coming back, and the shift was entirely unnecessary to begin with. The only thing white have done in the process is relinquish the option to rule themselves. It may turn out okay, it may turn out bad, but the important thing is that whites have taken their own power to chose away from them. As far as I can see, no positive case can ever be made for doing so.

Fucking pathetic alt-right retard.
Just because you hate blacks doesn't mean you can bring back segregation.
I can't wait for whites to die out, they are the only reason we still have third world countries (because whites keep exploiting them).
Try again next time, right-wing virgin.

>in my job in America I work with all kinds of people who were born here or immigrated here and have integrated to our culture to some extent which is largely based on white christian values without issue
>I have never been to another country outside of other white countries or tourist traps in non-white countries and I believe these places represent daily life in non white countries.


>For years European authorities have denied any problem with Muslim immigration, but now crisis is exploding and is getting worse, with the number of so called “no-go” areas in Sweden rising, says Ingrid Carlqvist, editor-in-chief of Swedish newspaper Dispatch International.

Attacks without giving solid argument. Melbourne libtard detected.

It still makes no sense though...
Let's say they really believe what they're saying..let's say that deep down , they're actually genuine with their intentions...

Why avoid blacks like the plague then ? Why even blacks themselves (when they have enough money) want to live in majority white neighborhoods ?

Why do hollywood celebs champion public schools yet send their own kids in majority white expensive private schools ?

It's a "Do what a i say not what i do..." type situation. Which gives me the feeling that it's all about virtue signaling...Yet i don't understand why they even bother considering all the fucking money they have...
It's just fucking bizarre...

Low quality bait.

>"Although ethnic affiliations can be compartmentalized -- that is, their relevance can be limited to some spheres and contexts -- THERE IS NONE THE LESS A TENDENCY TO SEEPAGE [emphasis mine]. In deeply divided societies, strong ethnic allegiances permeate organizations, activities, and roles to which they are formally unrelated."

>As diversity increase, ethnic political formation are bound to find an audience, and I believe the most recent election in the US was the first round in this process, with the Republican increasingly becoming "the white party", while the Democrats are those of every non whites who are waging a democratic inter ethnic warfare against whites over the degree of openness of the borders.

>Ethnic affinities constitute an obvious organizational link in divided societies. By the same token, ethnic antipathies dictate that a party identified with one ethnic group repels members of antagonistic groups, who are then attracted to other parties."

>"In divided societies, ethnic conflict is at the center of politics. Ethnic divisions pose challenges to the cohesion of states and sometimes to peaceful relations among states. Ethnic conflict strains the bounds that sustain civility and is often at the root of violence that results in looting, death, homelessness, and the flight of large numbers of people. In divided societies, ethnic affiliations are powerful, permeative, passionate and pervasive."

But we are

>I think this is the demoralization that Russian guy was walking about.
What Russian guy ? You mean him the ex-KGB agent ? Yuri something ?

this guy calls central europeans non white and told that there is nothing going on in sweden. he was just being a manipulative jew shouting buzzfeed propaganda

I live in a muslim community in the North of England. It use to be a white community. The real world is what sent me here. Two years ago I was liberal who didn't believe race mattered either. It changed when I realised my pakistani neighbours do not share this sentiment. I have a strong fear that they are not the only minority group to think this way. The Rotherham sex scandal and the 100's of other muslim rape gangs all over England have cemented my new prejudices.

Whites have had the world in their hands and become magnanimous.

When other groups get control they would have to commit the same level of atrocity before they would get these pangs of pity and remorse. Then they would look at the extinction of the white race as an object lesson and not be magnanimous.

And that is if they were exactly like whites in a different skin. That is unlikely either because of culture, history or biology or a combination of the three.

Asking why does it matter if the white race goes extinct is like asking why does it matter if your family goes extinct, or if you go extinct. At the grandest of scales it probably doesn't. But at anything like a human scale, such as the scale humans operate best, and on a daily basis at, whether you go extinct is of paramount importance.

We're built to keep this from happening at all costs and we should do so until the day we are extinct no matter the cost.

Regardless the day we stop will BE the day we go extinct.

>Yea you're right who cares what the demographics of a country are, that's why it doesn't matter if the white population starts becoming a super majority again.


If you look at my post, you'll see I'm no multicultist by any means, but this behavior is not incoherent with their worldview. They believe that IN PRINCIPLE people can be equal, not necessarily that they are materially at any given moment. Since people's behavior is, in their view, largely determined by their material condition of existence, it follows that many pocket of black neighborhood could form subpar living environment when compared to the white ones, especially if they hold the hypothesis that these poor material condition have been caused by racism and exploitation, which just so happen to be their thesis.

Now, of course, the white uroboric liberal desires to see equality be reached -- which means a white minority, incidentally -- but they also want good living condition for themselves -- and never imagine in a million years that a white minority could result in a degradation of their own living condition -- and thus will avoid these sub par pocket of black neighborhood provided they do not have the qualities they want. They may also avoid them simply due to the unconscious need to be with people that are like them.

This is a great verbal back hand to hit any pro race mixer with.

If everyone is equal, then you are not being hurt by whites having exclusive white communities.

He will say But the KKK, Nazis, etc.

Then ask, so you believe all whites are guilty for wanting to have white communities? Or all whites are murders because some whites are murders? I thought you said not to judge people based on the actions of a few.

But it's not a few... So why have the whites not killed you yet? You sure are scared of white cops. So they must have the strength and the will to enforce the laws they like.

You have to go deeper with the thought process than the anti white goes if you want to break his conditioning. Don't waste your time on non whites. Do ask white Liberals these questions.

Cuckstiny is the ultra-cuck, hes a liberal music school drop out, and full fledge bern out turned hillary shillary.

This, they think they will be treated as good by the non whites as the non whitesare treated in majority white western societies.
It's basically the delusion that western civilization and culture is a standard that can't change, something eternal.

Colonisation is the extraction of resources. Immigrants are coming to the west to extract resources. Claiming its justified is like saying you have the right to kill the son of the man that killed your dad. Nobody here colonised Africa.

Destiny and people like him think if you flood a country with millions of migrants from an entirely different culture they will all magically assimilate, despite all evidence to the contrary

Non of them do.

Moral universalism and the ideal of equality are, ironically enough, historically white phenomena. There are no groups outside of Europeans one who fell for some version or another of Kantian philosophy and its universalization principle. Whites became powerful enough -- through liberal democracy and communism -- to start believing that their own moral presupposition had universal validity, that they sat outside space and time to reign eternally over every human soul, but this is simply wrong, as is readily attested by the facts on the ground.

One of the primary propaganda task of the right ought to be the analysis and subsequent destruction of the leftist universalist myth.

>When other groups get control they would have to commit the same level of atrocity before they would get these pangs of pity and remorse.

Ever heard of the Ottoman Empire ? Do you think they have any remorse ?

So the elites that exploit the 3rd world are my guys? Then why are the flooding my area with 3rd world people....

yuri bezmenov

Why do you care about what fucks like this say? They have no authority. I get PewDiePie's opinion being relevant but why are you giving the rest of these no names views?

Always kill a traitor before a enemy.

>He 100% thinks he's great at this, but the first time he goes out of his castle he'll get his ass handed to him

This happened awhile back when he debated Ryan Dawson.

He made it pretty clear his insight is limited to talking points you hear from mainstream news outlets.

>Now, of course, the white uroboric liberal desires to see equality be reached -- which means a white minority, incidentally -- but they also want good living condition for themselves -- and never imagine in a million years that a white minority could result in a degradation of their own living condition -

It still makes little sense to me...
I mean just look at Detroit. Or South Africa.
Or my country...Or any country where there's pockets of 2 digit IQ 3rd worlders..
Why would anyone want to be a minority is beyond me...especially , a minority in a country where the majority hates your guts , wants your money and see you dead.

I don't know if it's an "unconscious" thing as you put it...Maybe they live in their own little bubble...i don't know , but i get the feeling thet're all monumental hypocrites...

yeah that's the guy..

Martin Shkreli called him out on bullshit multiple times and "won" without 6 minutes of debating. Then the video went on for 2 hours of Destiny sucking Martin's dick. Destiny had to name the video "a conversation with" as damage control.

Let's not get hasty, goyim.

The person doesn't matter but the ideas do. It's important to know what the idea does to people, what it relies on, how it is expressed and the precise way in which it is flawed if it happens to be.

I don't Sup Forums has the best tool to counter the liberal myth of historical convergence and of a unified humanity.

tfw if hitler just waited 40 years he could have exterminated all the jews through breeding them out of existence

>Whites became powerful enough -- through liberal democracy and communism -- to start believing that their own moral presupposition had universal validity

This perfectly articulates what I've come to feel.
We need to champion absolute free speech otherwise we have no way of destryoing the leftist universalist myth.



To simply answer your question: the decline and eventually the extinction of white peoples would succinctly be the end of the civilized world, as that is what we brought and upheld to societies.

Without us, there would be complete lawlessness, which in itself would revert universal society back to the Stone Age, even with all the technology and whatnot provided already. At its current rate trending, lets humour ourselves and say by 2055 a good portion of the world will look like the Middle East and Africa, and behave like it as well. Other races literally have no control over themselves anymore because of all the past inbreeding they've done, which largely causes recessive genetic disorder (amongst other disorders and diseases). Even with medical knowledge and technology in its current state, there's no cure for that, and without us, it'll run rampant throughout the world, instead of just Africa and the Middle East. A main factor to this is not being able to adapt to society, especially because of spurts of rage. Throw in mass rapes and infighting, and you basically have a recipe for worldwide disaster.

He is a communist retard
I saw himm once when he got BTFO by mister metokur so hard that he was trying to recover for 30 mins beeing silent and looking depressed after the rape.

>why does it matter if white people become a minority
why does it matter if we closed the borders and deport every last shitskin?

gas the nihilists. fence sitting scum who seem to care more about arguing than having a position on anything, they do nothing but obfuscate issues

I get what you're saying..But this peaked my curiosity.. It was difficult to ignore...I had no idea who Destiny was before that debate. (or JonTron for that matter)

>Swedish sharia zones are a rightwing myth

And that's the thing about Dethtiny, Dawg. He isn't debating to find the truth or compare notes. He's doing it as a competition. He's doing it to "win". He has his macros saved. He has his combos memorized. And that's how he does it.

Shkreli broke all his combos and ravaged his asshole within 5 minutes, thereby establishing dominance. So, just like a fanboy who can't play LOL (or whatever) as well as Dethtiny, dawg, will drop to his knees and say "yes, massa!" so did Dethtiny when schooled. He lost. He knew it. He bent the knee.

Yuri bezmenov

A fuckin leaf

Xyr asked for a reputable source, shitlord.
If CNN does not report on it, consider it FEIK NEWS!
Fucking nazi frogs and their 4 chan

John Tron is a horrible impromptu debater.

Just look at him. A single look at him tells you all you need to know. Can you possibly imaging someone looking like that and NOT being a massive pathetic beta cuck?

>Japan is a dying country with high suicide rates and rampant real xenophobia, is that a model country?
>Jon Tron: yeah

I believe the deeper structure of their mind, the fundamental assumption that guides them, is the basic idea that they themselves are good, and that the rest of the world is just like them in this respect, that is good and with a desire to live in the particular liberal social order in which they themselves live. It is very difficult for a liberal, who see in other a potential copy of himself, and who lives in a particular historical condition which he himself does not see has historical but rather as a manifestation of human nature, to notice that perhaps there are other humans groups out there who are not like him not because of some sort of deviation from a universal human norm, but rather because there is NO universal human norm, that there exist profound and genuine disagreement between the way of life of different group.

But having posited the fundamental goodness of "humanity" (the liberal believes in "humanity") then the liberal finds himself confronted with the following problem: why is it, since the rest of the world is just like me, that not everyone lives just like me? Starting from a place of fundamental goodness and sameness, the liberal has also re-created the problem of evil for himself. Why is it that the world is not like Europe, is not like America, is not like Canada? It should be given our fundamental equality.

I scarcely need to tell you who the devil is in that story. Suffice it to say that he has to become a minority so equality can finally be achieved. (Capitalism also plays a role.)

But this (mythical?) structure of the liberal mind is such that it does not allow him to make interpret empirical observations a certain way. The problem is not that the liberal cannot see the dismal result of such and such policy, but rather that he does not have the cognitive tools to see these result for what they could potentially be: the indication of the falsehood of the myth of universal humanity and morality.

>what's wrong with communism?

>everyone worried about "MUH white minority!"

When whites start getting ACTUALLY backed into a corner and threatened en Masse, and I mean government declares open season on whites, THEN whites will organize a chimpout that will destroy any threat as they always do. These are the same breed that fought at Marathon and Normandy, these are the same people that snatch victory from the jaws of defeat again and again. If things get bad for whites, they get stronger, adapt, and survive as they always have.

>We need to champion absolute free speech otherwise we have no way of destryoing the leftist universalist myth.

This seems like a non sequitur. Free speech is important in so far as it is the process we use to structure our thoughts (see: Peterson) but the belief that free speech will save us, that conversation and dialogue will save us, is itself a delusion of the western mind. First, it's not clear at all that free speech in the west has been the norm for much more than a couple of decade, save perhaps for the United-States, even though there has been strong tendencies to favor free speech in many western nations before that. Second, it is also not clear that free speech has ever been the primary mechanism through which political action has been carried out. Perhaps in what we consider ordinary administrative time, free speech has been unhindered because of how inconsequential it was, but we are possibly entering non ordinary times, times in which different groups fight over resources, and in which universal morality will be systematically attacked in the name of various group interests.

The xenophobia is perfectly okay in a context in which all the non Japanese are outside the country, at which point the xenophobia isn't something they have to live with.

Jontron isn't that great of a debater, i'm not sure I want to sit through that
but in this one destiny gets blown the fuck out very hard and very fast
www twitch tv/videos/128503581


Destiny is going to continue to win debates until his opponents start telling the truth about race.

>Lives at home
I assume you mean at his parents house or something

Hello Destiny! How are you doing today you autistic libcuck faggot

tfw will never be white
the few white men i see here are all a few inches taller than me and built like brick houses
t. chink

just own being a chink
get into business and start ripping others off like you forefathers

with all the anti white shit there is out there now It's dreadful to think what america would look like if whites where a minority

imagine the reparations bullshit and white guilt, god it would be horrific, they'll never drop the white privilege thing, calling it now

>tfw I have yellow fever even for the men

Love me senpai.

I can't see how letting free speech continue being swallowed by the PC brigade is something we should ignore? Even here we rely on it to not only debate opinions but use it as a sort of recruitment tool. If these discussions were not in place then our growth would diminish to people being forced in the dark corner of a pub (or darknet).

"Physical warefare is the lowest form of war"

Surely being able to speak freely to challenge ideas is the very preventative measure to war?

at least im not a faggot
stay away leaf

It's important that we be able to develop and air our ideas, but the idea that we share a moral framework with our enemies is mistaken. They have already demonstrated that they care nothing about these alleged "universal values" and this is because they understand better than us the situation they're in. This is an inter ethnic conflict. Conflicts exist when incompatible objectives collide. Free speech, as a process, can help one see what the conflict is over, but it cannot resolve the conflict.

To take a simple example: you and I want the same parking spot, the only one left. Logically, only one of us can have it. Our wills collide on this point. Free speech would not save us in this situation, meaning that no matter how long we talked, we would still be in a situation in which only one of us could have the parking spot.

Likewise, demographic dominance is a zero sum game. We can talk about it, but we're still gonna have to wake up tomorrow in a world in which somebody does dominate from a demographic point of view, simply because it cannot be otherwise.

But demographic dominance is not about defending values like free speech.

actually that's when the real party starts, once shitskins are fighting for influential positions then their prejudices against each other come out and we become a third world in a generation since they're predisposed to violence.

The country is doomed.

You're heading down the rabbit hole OP.

>There are whole towns in Sweden that do not speak a lick of Swedish, huge areas that don't follow swedish laws, but instead have their own Sharia law systems and local "courts" set up to enforce it.

The problem is that no swedes believes this no matter how much you try to tell them. They just go "where are these people?" and "Where are these towns?" when they LIVE in Sweden. They can't even see it themselves

Destiny went from a good video game streamer to an attention whore who can't even read stuff that isn't online articles. Stop caring about him? t. justin tv viewer

Even I know who JonTron is. Gamegrumps was a huge deal a few years ago.

Can you fk off back to r/ddit fagget stop spamming this Destiny thread fuck i'm just about to leave this retarded place now that Twitch and r/ddit invaded and stayed.


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we must defend ourselves with a spiral, as kamina did. KAMINA LIVES!
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mods are warning me for posting this despite digits... and the first thread i find it deleted from is the christian one. Mods have no respect for digits and gets, are they of our culture? NO!

we must defend ourselves with a spiral, as kamina did. KAMINA LIVES!

row.. row?

I see your point. Well said.

I see your point. Well said.

>Isn't it obvious ? If you change the population. (ANY population) , then you'll get a different result. Japan wouldn't be "Japanese" if it was filled with Chinese or Swedish people would it ?
>Why is this basic concept so difficult to understand when it comes to Europe ? (or even America..)
>Demography is everything.
The countries stay the same if the new majority has the exact same culture/goals as the old one.
That is the problem with mass migration from other cultures that don't share the same values and have no intend to assimilate.

>Why do these people (whether they're jews or not...feminist or not ) , INVARIABLY live in majority white neighborhoods ?

Its not that "Why do people with this opinion live in white neighbourhoods?" Its that they have this opinion BECAUSE they live in those neighbourhood

They live in a bubble thinking that everyone is a decent human being and people do not like, say blacks because of their skin colour and not because of what they do.

He's jewish. He's a fast talking deceptive kike. He's the tim wise of video games.

You could also gtfo back to r/ddit or t/tch where you belong and stop making those spam thread about dumb faggot no one care about.

>Minorities are heavily oppressed and lack human rights
>huh, why don't you want to become a minority?

It's so easy to defeat leftists you don't even need your own arguments.

how did no one answer this? this is basically the biggest argument...