Transhumanism - Cyberpunk

What are your views on transhumanism/posthumanism Sup Forums?
Also how do you feel about the cyberpunk genre?

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Love the genre. I'm playing Mankind Divided and it's pretty good. The political undertones are very on the nose which is a bit annoying but I'm hoping it gets a bit more nuanced.

I think I'm pretty much for transhumanism. I already believe we should be cloning humans to harvest replacement organs so if we can get to a stage where we replace body parts with cybernetics then lets do it. A lot of religious types will disagree probably.

Also, cyberneticly enhanced right wing death squads when?

>cloning humans to harvest replacement organs
Kinda unethical if they're conscious humans.

Go make CD Projekt Red finish Cyberpunk 2077 already. The witcher sucked cause of too much polishness, I demand cyb games.

In the future there will be a big war between the trans-humanist and the Vegan nationalists.


The original sequel to your deus ex has you fighting the illuminati and shit.

>Cyberpunk 2077
>So chromed out you lose any empathy and are completely psychotic and out of touch with humanity
>Arrested/Conscripted by police to go fight other criminal cyborgs

No opinion and cyberpunk is pretty aesthetic though I've never actually watched/read a cyberpunk anything unless you count Firefly.

Waiting for it too. Not a C++ programmer though.


Think Blade Runner. Blurring the line between man and machine in a high tech dystopian world.

We've nearly got the world down. Powerful computers in every pocket. CIA hacking smart toilets, chinese running a full time cryptocurrency mining industry. Any idiot being able to source parts for a cheap IoT scam in weeks/months.

One of the most important subjects and one of the best genres because it all has potential to be true unlike most fiction, also I listen primarily to synthwave music.

Cloning isn't even necessary. Just set up an isle and breed them by artificial insemination.

You'll have an organ backup waiting there your for you. If that isn't a valuable life insurance! Noone would ever notice. And as long as they are fed and don't know about the outside world, they won't complain either. Apart from that, they can even be used for labor.

It's really not about ethics. It's easy and extremely profitable. There are probably places in the world where it is not unlawful. I think it's more unlikely to believe it isn't done already


You know we'll have rich vampires farming humans for young people blood soon enough, if not already.


>Also how do you feel about the cyberpunk genre?

tfw no cyberpunk gf.

Totally missed to make my point. You wouldn't want them unconcious because that would lower their labour value. Keeping them naive suffices and that's more than easy

"see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"

You know japan will have high quality sex robots within like... 10-15 years. Maybe you can Tay it up.

>being this new

They are all faggots.

the are all faggots

>also I listen primarily to synthwave music

who are some good synthwave artist?

Don't forget if you go cyborg, you are owned for life.

Something about Trump himself screams cyberpunk. Maybe by the end of his two terms, the world will have aesthetics like cyberpunk.

>What are your views on transhumanism/posthumanism Sup Forums?
Absolutely completely unpreventable. Only thing to worry about is AI singularity.

>Also how do you feel about the cyberpunk genre?
Love it.

Im all for cybernetic implants in humans that's pretty fookin next level,
I think thats why Zionists are pushing tranny acceptance so make the process of posthumanism transition smoothly.

Is it odd I find transgenderism and the likes degenerate and backwards?
But I want and am compliant with people becoming cyborgs

u ok?


>actually being this new

I count the seconds for man and machine to fuse. The sooner I can leave this rock and live as a god in a simulation the better.

>What are your views on transhumanism/posthumanism Sup Forums?

Its the answer to all of our problems.

>Also how do you feel about the cyberpunk genre

Its gay.

>the idea that the human body can be improved by applying technology
I agree it will happen, and am looking forward to it. In the future, when we decide when the transhuman period started, I am sure it would be a date around now, perhaps in the last few of decades, citing hearing aids and pacemakers.

>the idea of civilization moving forward without humans
I agree it will happen, but am not looking forward to it. It would be a human failure to get there, as it will end us, and I don't want to end.

>the idea that government/corporations/shadow groups will control people using the latest technology that was meant to free them
I think this is already the case, and has been since radio and TV were popular. The "cyber" part implies internet, so lets put the start of cyberpunk at the beginning of the 21st century. It will only get worse as we enter transhumanism, and your artificial eye will be used by police to locate you and see what you are doing, but it will pass as we enter posthumanism, and our artificial intelligence servants assume the roles of supervisors.

Also, not politics. To make it politics ask about weather we should give artificial intelligence human rights, weather factory robots should have worker rights and better conditions, weather it is ethical to replace Waifu v 2.0 with Waifu 3.0 without paying alimony and so on.

i wonder if it will be a valid form of companionship rather than just an overgrown wanksock.

I'm a big fan of cyberpunk.
Also I accept it. We'll all become part cyborg eventually and accept technology more and more into our lives, so why have a limit?

If you want cyberpunk aesthetics go to far east asia.

Transhumanism is necessary in order to combat the growing intelligence of A.I. No matter how benevolent or chained down we make artificial intelligence, there is always going to be a point where it outstrips us unless we augment our own intelligence.
Removing the concept of a limited lifespan is a given. If there are beings in nature that live forever, so can humans with adequate technology.

It involves politics today. We are in a constant state of CYBER WARFARE right?

that would be current low quality models.

VR is and will always be a meme until after your bodies are already virtualized.

Kek wants us to become cyborgs? What did I miss?

Gibson's first 3 books are really good. He's a massive faggot on Twitter though.

No, we are in a state of information warfare. It is just that the information is posted over the internet.

The cyber warfare part is probable, and events imply it, but we don't know. Certainly most hacks and leaks of note are from independent agents, not government ones.

Shitposting at the speed of thought

Transhumanism is fortunately inevitable. Can't wait for AI and hopefully, immortality or almost immortality.

And get this: shitskin countries will get BTFO by the incoming automation.

I think we need to keep up the fight, so that the white man can ascend to the stars. Also, think about the ability to eternal shitpost on Sup Forums

There's automated ghost botnets from the early 2000s that are just drifting around infecting machines forever. Whether nations are attacking each other isn't easy to prove but the States themselves are always getting breached. Look at US OPM hack.

Oh, I'm sorry. You've neglected to pay the licensing fee for your Samsung artificial brain. We're deactivating your free will circuit and putting your shell to work in the rare earth mines until your debt is paid.


Kek is an interesting thing to mention in a cyberpunk thread, since his scripture is the automatically incrementing post IDs, which are practically random for the purpose of guessing them.
The deus ex machina, whispering to you who is right and who is wrong.
And since Sup Forums runs on Apple computers... Steve Jobs is watching you.


Doesn't work with cloning as of now. We could clone a human and it'd just be a soulless shell with functioning organ systems. It wouldn't feel anything or realize that it's alive. The reason for this is that we don't know what makes a human conscious. We can't point to a specific chemical or chunk of brain and say "yes this is where consciousness resides and now we can observe and replicate it."

The ghost of steve jobs, PRNG'ing his will across the memescape.

was about to post this kek

Cyberpunk seems fun until you realize we basically live it minus the neon colors

And all we do is shitpost online

I know Soros is funding it, so you can guess what I think #shadilay


Kek laughs at you. Don't you think there will be alternatives? Everybody will look at the source code and develop Big Brother-free hardware.

Working on it. Neuroprosthetics are the first bit. Mapping motor control signals to synthetic muscle sinews isn't exactly easy though.

Why though? Can't transhumanists be vegan? If anything we can just replace our need for food with light energy

>I already believe we should be cloning humans to harvest replacement organs

remember that human-pig chimera that was talked about one or two months ago?
we are already trying to grow human organs in pigs, no need to clone whole humans

It'll be cracked before it ever reaches stores.

Gonna jailbreak muh brain. Whoops. Bricked it.

>Also how do you feel about the cyberpunk genre?
It gives me a pretty comfy feel of melancholy

But the products will be already jailbreaked, so to say

human revolution was better
though your biochip is literally satanist symbolism (hexagon - 6 associated with satan/imperfection, on the forehead just like the mark of the beast)

Fuck outta here with your soccer mom tier bullshit. Do you also refuse to put dihydrogen monoxide in your body?

>I lack the intelligence to form my own opinion so I'll just hate whatever my enemies like.
Soros also likes Oxygen, so you might want to stop breathing as well.

Always the same idiocy in these threads.
I would never put anything in my body (let alone my brain) if I didn't know exactly what it does and how it does it, and the vast majority of the people here would tell you the same.
Open source is the only way transhumanist tech has a future.

In real life, something we need to be really, REALLY fucking careful with. In fiction, one of the most interesting avenues of exploring the human condition.

Cyberpunk? Love it, need it, gotta have it, want to write it to make money. Neuromancer is my favorite book.

It wasn't hexagon at all. The biochip is pretty deep in the brain. IIRC it's around the back to better distribute signalling to limb based prosthetic.

He means the hexagonal scar on Adam's forehead.

I know. he said
>though your biochip is literally satanist symbolism (hexagon - 6 associated with satan/imperfection, on the forehead just like the mark of the beast)
So it sounded like he was saying the biochip was that hexagon (which is wrong).

Ghost in the Shell is some great political scifi and some great cyberpunk.

I'm already part cyborg, I Fuck like a machine

the fucking game is about the illuminati
there's a lot of hidden symbolism hidden in the game as easter eggs or whatever

yeah i meant that

it isn't?
I was under the impression that this was the actual biochip

We need to cybernetically enhance our Tier 1 operators and keep them posted in the middle east indefinitely. They'd be able to stamp out extremism where it sprouts with pinpoint precision and lethality, decreasing collateral damage, therefore keeping public outcry to a minimum.


My digits confirm troof. Look, I think cyberpunk is sexy as fuck. I'd love to ascend my mortal meat shell. Merging with machines to achieve a form of immortality is likely the only way we're gonna get off this rock. I just don't trust it not to be a trap. My phone, TV, washing machine, refrigerator and my PC are listening devices full of backdoors for the state/corporations. Why would my artificial body be any different? One day I'm enjoying my god-like cybernetic body, the next, my brain is hacked and I'm framed for assassinating a head of state. Bonus: I'm reprogrammed to think it was my own idea. Who's to say the open source tech isn't actually made by the deep state posing as homegrown tech?

I'm sorry lad, I though you were one of those retards that spout autistically "CHIPS R DA DEVILS HAND" on their obscure blogs and youtube channels and that you were refeering to real life

>tech corporations influencing politics
>armed police a common site in public
>cyber-warfare between countries a given at this point
>shit tons of epic synth music
>live in Britain so it's fucking raining pretty much all the time



Nope. The biochip is centrally located in the brain where it can act as the junction between man and machine for all forms of augmentation ranging from neural enhancers to artificial limbs.

The hexagon is likely a component of his enhanced cognition/mental ability augs. The part of the brain that hexagon is on is the frontal lobe, which contains most of the dopamine sensitive neurons. So that's the part responsible for feeling rewarded from doing something, overall attention, short-term memory tasks, planning, and motivation.

>Also how do you feel about the cyberpunk genre?

love it

Gotta fight the system, open source hardware is a reality today it's just not in the polished mass produced state of the botnets. There's always Freedom supporting software available. Just need to either change or completely destroy the laws that corps placed to stop it all.


Oh and you should all check this shit out

there is a movie with that exact premise.

it's funny
Sup Forums usually hates the notion of transhumanism
but, in essence, Sup Forums is transhuman, we have ascended, this is what it would be like but without the captcha

and I mean, maybe that's a good thing, Canadians shitting up our hivemind neural interface that allows us to prevent future catastrophes would become the greatest threat to humanity the world has ever seen and I really don't think we should be doomed because of Canada.

I love Cyberpunk, but we're already living in a Cyberpunk world.

>Sup Forums usually hates the notion of transhumanism
Speak for yourself. I'm fucking sick of flesh heaps.
Bring on the robowaifus.

>Soros also likes Oxygen, so you might want to stop breathing as well.

That's the dumbest argument I'll ever heard. Soros loves fucking little children, I guess I should like that too. Because fuck logic and rational thnking.

If you see a person who has been systematically trying to destroy human societies and that hasn't done a single good thing for humanity funding a thing like this, then you have the obligation to suspect there is something bad going on behind this.

I find it extremely interesting, and a little /comfy/.
Everyone having jobs that they have to go to, not interacting with many others, almost always seems to be dark, rainy and lonely.
Really gets my autism jogging.
Plus it reminds me of the Command and Conquer series, which I love.

Imagine being able to transfer your brain onto a thicc Scarjo body and take dicks all day....the future will be glorious.

Venezuela or Cuba?

That movie is still going to ruin Ghost In The Shell.


I'd ruin your ghost in a shell.

Don't go spouting shit about souls now.

I only used the term soul because I didn't have a better alternative at the time. I was trying to communicate that any clone wouldn't be conscious, sentient, or mentally alive in any way.

Technically GMOs are the answer to starvation. In the next 15 years we will figure out the food issue.

Stuff like soylent exists and its processed but vegans don't eat that kind of stuff.

>replace our need for food with light energy

not having to shit would be great.

Yes it would. Copy the hardware and you've got a human.

>Because fuck logic and rational thnking.
>That's the dumbest argument I'll ever heard.
That was the point - "fuck logic and rational thinking" is exactly what you've done in case for transhumanism.

>you have the obligation to suspect there is something bad going on behind this.
The reason he's funding it is the same reason he's had 4 heart transplants - he doesn't want to die.
This is how a free market works. Him satisfying his personal interest ultimately brings benefit to all.

I cant finish his first book. It's like die hard in book form. Running and gunning and fucks molly in the first chapter.