>"I disagree with you, here's why..."
>instantly gets called a shill
Can you stop doing this already?
>"I disagree with you, here's why..."
>instantly gets called a shill
Can you stop doing this already?
Other urls found in this thread:
Go fuck yourself, ShariaBlue
Thanks for proving my point, retard
t. Shill
Fuck you shill REEEEEEEE
t. brainlet who can't handle other opinions in his hugbox
Because nobody on this board begins a post with that.
if you're seriously looking for info, put your ego aside and piece it together with posts while always considering the opposite being a possibility.
Like sarcasm or satire.
Tbh you probably shouldn't ever take anything at face value here, let alone on the internet or anything you don't have firsthand experience of. Fact check real life.
pol likes to cultivate a healthy sense of paranoia, its good for the community...
This guy gets it.
You're probably just a shill. We can smell outsiders and normies like bloodhounds and I definitely trust this community to call you out much more than I trust your denial of an obvious truth. If we trusted liberals' denial of obvious truths you wouldn't hate us and we wouldn't be mortal enemies. We would just be normies and you would just be unemployed.
Seriously, it's so fucking annoying.
Stop making obvious fucking bait posts then, shitposter shill faggot.
Every single shit idea that gets posted HAS been posted before and it gets BTFO and we're tired of replying with arguments so we just reply with shill
Fuck you op
God damn....it even talks like a cuck
Do you think you're in charge? Where do you think you are?
GTFO of here shill
This graphic is so pathetic it's hilarious level shilling
the truth hurts
Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires?
Is this the atti...
You know what you're doing leaf, and I know what you're doing leaf. You know I know what you're doing, and I know that you know that I know what you're doing.
This chart measures money saved in dollars. Of course richer people are going to save more money when taxes are cut across the board. I feel disgusting for dignifying such a leafy post with a response, but there (You) go.
>Of course richer people are going to save more money when taxes are cut across the board.
Thank you for calling bullshit on Republican trickle down economics
Just accept the fact that you and drumpf have been BTFO by FACTS. You're pathetic.
>Of course richer people are going to save more money when taxes are cut across the board.
When will u retards realize that's why it's bullshit?
When will u retards realize that u can cut taxes on say, those making under $200k.. without cutting taxes on the super wealthy (which is actually the whole point that Republicans trick right wing retards into supporting)
Sup Forums would need facts and critical thinking to form a coherent counter argument.
Saying shill is way easier.
Hmmmmmm when one says "Save Money" he means only for himself and not for all??
>This is the democratic thought process huh?
How does said employer....buy new equipment, higher more people, pay more money....if he himself doesn't save as well?
Who's btfo again?
I got your back bro....shills roll in teams, we should too.
You measure a scale where $200k is the first unit of measurement. The households in the bottom 60% wouldn't have that much money to begin with. Of course they can't save that much money from tax cuts. The gook you cited may be true, but it just helps to cull the unwanted and incapable elements from our society rather than propagating weakness and incompetence into future generation. That's how you get a society of worthless individuals who are content with being replaced by mud people, kind of like Leafistan.
Gotta love cucked right wing retards. Leave it to them to argue that millionaires and billionaires don't have enough money.
>I'm autistic.
This. Progressive taxation isn't a left right issue. Even Codreanu believed in it.
The point is to demonstrate that the overwhelming bulk of the tax cuts go to the top 1%. Why would you cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires at a time of deficits, debt and rising interest rates?
It's such a failed fucking strategy. Bush did the exact same thing.
Why does right wing ideology revolve around blowing the wealthy elites you worship?
>"It is striking to note that the best growth years for the bottom 99 percent since 1990 have taken place in the mid to late 1990s and since 2013, shortly after increases in top tax rates," Saez wrote.
Oh look it's the leaf who calls everyone "right wing retards."
Fuck off. Trump won.
>I'm a right wing retard who dedicates his entire life to fighting for massive tax cuts for the rich.
I honestly can't believe these cucked by the wealthy elite, right wing retards, are falling for trickle down all over again
You do realize that many far rightists believe in progressive taxation, right? People who killed communists still believed in progressive taxation.
Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is what a real shill looks like.
I'm pretty sure this fucking nigger cock sucking faggot straight up admitted he had a supervisor and was getting paid to shill for a relatively shitty POTUS because he was a nigger with a (D) next to his name
If we stop taxing them so much it wont be in an offshore account you dumb cuck. They will spend it in America on American goods.
No no no, we agree that your a cuck. Just that when things are done it can't be one sided. I expect to save more than they do, and I don't defend millionaires and billionaires (That is one of the few things me and your side agree on "END THE FED")
But I am realistic on the way an "Economic Structure" works. And these things have to be done with time....it can't be all at once, there would be a total collapse. And as of "Right Now" we need to focus on rebuilding....to do that we need people working and contributing *That takes money*
>My thought is from commie scum like yourself is that "Special Snowflakes" like yourself.....expect to one day wake up and have a bunch of billionaires miraculously "Donate/Be Sued/Whatever" a few trillion dollars *"To the people"* directly (Like your going to get a fucking check or something). That's not how things work.
I'm really getting pissed off with these right wingers who hold on to their precious capitalist system that is currently destroying their own dream world.
Actually you motherfuckers are the shills, always fighting for tax cuts for the billionaire globalist elites you worship
>me and the billionaire are equal. Tax cuts all around effect us equal. Murica
>being this fucking cucked holy shit
Yeah I'm then the billionaire globalist elites you worship will finally stop hoarding money and share it with u
fuck u right wing retards are so fucking cucked it is SAD!
top fucking kek
pol in a nutshell
Agreed. Sup Forums is so tribal, that every thread is just a contest in one-upsmanship and "memes".
>a fucking leaf
fuck obama and fuck hillary clinton for creating the excuse for millions of shitskins and literal niggers to flood into europe by killing gadaffi and fucking up the middle east with bush-tier foreign policy
Yeah it had nothing to do with Christian Conservative Merkel putting up a giant welcome sign
>When stealing a yacht and giving children free education are both equally immoral.
Ghadaffi was a socialist who hated the free market.,
>can't refute my point
>go fuck yourself putinbot
Shills like you aren't better themselves.
>"I cannot defend my views plz accept me"
>instantly gets called amerifat
I won't stop doing this
Merkel is not a Christian nor a conservative
she was raised in East Germany and was a Stasi informant
the woman is effectively a gommunist plant
Ghadaffi was part of a Arab Socialist party. So, your point is that a socialist is better than a conservative globalist?
>not knowing how to use >
shills need to leave
She's the leader of a fucking centre-right Christian party.
You're such a fucking dindu.
>wings of liberty
my sides
>Fuck our government who only has power in my own nation, but let's defend the plutocrats who have no roots in any nation and has power across the globe.
That just means that left wing in Germany is so far left that you can see it from the right.
When everyone is radical even moderate leftists are considered right-wing.
>most dominant German political party in the post war era
>CHRISTIAN Democratic Union
muh radical leftists
t. right wing retards
She is urging tax cuts right now.
>it's called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, that means it's a democratic people's republic, right?
Was there ISIS, Al Qaeda, tribal conflicts and hordes of African immigrants coming trough Libya to illegaly migrate to Europe while Gadafi was in power?
That answers it then
North Korea isn't democratic. The CDU is a Christian party. There is a long history of Christian political parties in Europe. They tend to be on the right.
What I'm saying is that a name doesn't mean jack shit, the way they act does.
You retards know that the CDU's main opponent is the SDP. Social Democratic Party. Schulz's party. They are the ones on the left.
Just because you don't like the way they act, doesn't mean they're leftists. It means you're an autistic retard.
The christian democrats want tax cuts.
wtf i love leftists now!
>coming from the side of the political spectrum that literally invented DURRHURR KILL WHITEY
You're not fooling anybody, leaf.
you're an autist
I am indeed autistic but considering your aspergers like dedication to shilling for Obama it's incredibly likely you are the pot calling the kettle black.
Bub, I'm a national socialist of the Strasser kind. I even fund the corporate cock sucking in the right cuckish.
I was talking to the fucking leaf, man.
Unless, of course, you ARE the leaf.
I'm the fag that agrees with him.
Obama did more for white people than any Republican president did.
another inconvenient fact
>Unless, of course, you ARE the leaf.
this fucker is losing it
>"all i'm saying is that drumpf is a nazi, stop getting triggered goy"
>instantly gets called a shill
Sup Forums, please.
>Push kike propaganda
>Want to be listen to
Can't have it both ways, faggot.
I'm not jealous that the """""man"""" in your pic is currently wrecking your economy leaf
What shitty opinion do you have then?
First post is the best post.
As is tradition.
Crusty King Justy may have long faggy spaghetti arms, but those long faggy spaghetti arms beat the fuck out of a cocky savage indian senator in a boxing match
Just remember that inequality of man repudiates capitalism. If people are inequal and will have different results, then plutocracy actually stifles real inequality of man. True inequality of man will come about through equal economic opportunity.
Only a shill gets triggered by being called out
It's true. Nu-pol can't differentiate between JIDF, Shariablue/ctr, or just a different perspective.
I thought u retards were mad at Obama for drone striking all those Mooslems?
Can u make up your minds?
Hang on, let me find the post where you admitted weedman was crashing your economy because LE BASED BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA isn't in canada or some shit
but you see those people he drone striked weren't le true muslims so it was okay