I'm a living gender experiment

Hey Sup Forums
No this isn't bait by the way so hear me out.

For several years Sup Forums has opened my eyes to how women in American society are treated like sacred fucking angels. Even before Sup Forums I noticed a double standard in my own life how every girl in my family got away with heinous shit but the second I did one thing I would get literally hit. Two years ago today I finally snapped and decided to start female hormones in an effort to truly see whats what because the way girls are treated better ate me up inside. Now to reiterate this was purely and I mean that in the most honest way (no one will believe me though) that this was to see how the other side lives.

Fast forward to today and holy fucking shit my life went from a loner shut in doing handyman jobs at 20, hitting a heavy bag and getting drunk, driving a shitbox import, living with my parents, blaming joos, to being a 22 year old passable woman, with tons of friends, with a fucking great job, living on her own (in a very high end white area), and driving a new-ish Mercedes Benz.

Not to admit defeat or to sound like a faggot but yeah, even being perceived by others as being a girl is a MAJOR step up in American society. I used to be literally treated like a criminal whenever women were present, like in a store some woman would see me and grab her purse or if I walked past women they would give me a dirty look or literally go out of their way to avoid me, I was also worked like a mule by everyone I knew and didn't know, my feelings had absolutely no meaning to the world around me, I was just told to "man up." But now I am literally coddled everywhere I go, everyone in public is super duper kind to me for no other reason than they think im a girl. People get doors for me, everyone smiles, I get free drinks even in normal restaurant settings and in bars I haven't had to pay once, not even a cover charge. (continued)

Other urls found in this thread:


But can you still be a father?

This man! youtu.be/LQswVXhCH7g

I got pulled over for speeding literally a week ago and all I did was pout my lips, puffed out my boobs (yes I have boobs), and started crying and he let me off without even a warning. When I did my interview for my career, I knew beforehand a man was going to interview me so all I did was dress sorta business slutty and without even a degree I got my own desk job. Even when i'm not flaunting my boobs I get treated super nice, and when I dress conservatively other women treat me like a patron saint.

So yeah my life is better in every way living as a girl.

Only downsides in society as a girl:
>forget about going out alone at dark unless you want a random guy following you (has happened several times)
>don't expect to be taken seriously anymore by men, I used to work on cars and I was a damn good mechanic but now if I tell a guy about anything car or handyman related its instantly dismissed

That's about it for the negatives lol.

Tits or gtfo.

Wow, I'm going to cut my cock off and start estrogen now.

>living on her
You're not a woman, fag.

Oh what about Twitter followers...do you have more now?

You also cant have children unless you stored your sperm.

Post a pic of yourself

>I was just told to "man up."

This is what you're supposed to do and if someone had to tell you to man up its obviously you were not a male since the beginning.

You're a woman (man) now. You know the rules. Tits or gtfo

So in conclusion I'm 100% not going to get off hormones or go back to living as a male. The perks of femininity, in America at least, are insane.

Living like this though was hard at first, like super hard, and I had to straight up abandon my old life. After I had all the legal shit changed, I straight up moved several states over so no one would know I used to be a dude. Its getting increasingly hard to stay straight too, even though im still a virgin. I feel like getting with men but not until I have vaginoplasty. Also btw none of my friends know about my past.


Op is a faggot

You gave up your manhood for an experiment?That takes some huge balls,godspeed OP.

i think that's pretty clear

Cool blog liar. No one cares or will believe you unless you post time stamped proof.

Are you baiting?Or are you a woman?No real man would support such a disgusting phrase.

>pic of normandy invasion
The Allies caused all this shit. If The Nazi's won I would be some bad ass man being an officer on a craft orbiting Alpha Centauri about to kick some alien ass and get drunk after, singing songs of the thousand year reich

>to being a 22 year old passable woman

>start taking female hormones in your 20s
>be passable

Pick one and only one. This story is obvious bullshit. Even if you were deluded enough to think that you're passable, people would still treat you like shit for being a freak. My bet is that you're trying to trick gullible betas into chopping off their dicks.


Nice Larp thread. It's original at least. I can understand if a gay dude who likes taking it in the ass used the preferential treatment toward women in this society as a deciding factor to transition, but not a hetero dude deciding to do it just for an "experiment."

I don't buy this. 99% of trannies are immediately obvious, the rare few passable are most often asians. You're going to have to show pics if I'm going to believe you.

Straight up
>straight up
Straight up
>straight up

You're what's wrong with society

wew, fucking sweeds know all about hrt and age. But yeah I do pass, it takes effort, not just hormones.

Yeah and I think I am finally ready at this two year mark to draw it to a close and move on as the new me.

considering it

>You're not a woman, fag.
but everyone thinks I am so yeah...

>Short write-up
>Contraversial topic
nope (everybody hates women on Sup Forums)
>1 post by this ID
>major event
I dont think so, but maybe

Post a full pic with tits and a timestamp or fuck off.

Unlike OP I actually DID do a Gender experiment.

I went to ONE shrink, ONE time and was given my letter of recommendation for HRT.
I went to ONE doctor ONE time and got a referral for a specialist.
I went to said specialist three times and they got me a prescription for MtF hormones.

I took them for a week because there's no harm in it at all, had a major panic attack and threw them in the garbage.

Basically I just wanted to see how easy it was to get a doctor to believe you.

End result.

Incredibly fucking easy. I have a pic of the pill bottles on my other computer, but it's a piece of shit and I'm not going through the bother of finding a flash drive

>used to be

I already said no one would believe me. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. That or I was always a tranny inside and just too repressed to admit it. Regardless I am saying that feminism is bunk, women have it better, and I feel actually bad for guys now.

Maybe here in Italy works differently what I have to tell you?
You two sounds like faggots.

>The allies causes this shit

Dont tell me.

>had a major panic attack and threw them in the garbage




>lmao transition for funsies

Yes, you went infertile, put the effort in to pitch up your voice and transformed your body just to see how the other side lives

Either you're some special sort of moron or transgender and in denial

Or copy pasta lol

I started feeling weird shit. What I can only assume is chick shit, and I couldn't handle it. I'm perfectly content with my narrow emotional span of happy, hungry, mad, sad and horny.

I'm pretty sure being a faggot would be a step up for OP

Post a pic otherwise nobody will believe you. For all we know (and it is very likely) you are a fat guy in his late twenties with a tranny fetish who wants attention.

please describe. I want to know what women emotions are like

sounds crazy
can you describe how it felt in any more detail, or is it like trying to describe a new taste that doesn't taste like anything else?


It was like feeling the in between feelings. Everything made me "feel" something. Granted I was only taking them for a week.
I can't even come up with words to make it make sense, it's like trying to describe a shade of grey.

I don't know what to tell you. Being a man is like being a boat, you move where you're supposed to move where the wind blows you, female emotions are like the wind in the sails.

Best I can describe it.

Just skip to the part when Shrek escapes through the window or everyone walks the dinosaur or some shit like that.

I know a guy who went through all that, 4 years ago, including complete identity swap (had to use gender-neutral name throughout the whole process before finally getting a female one), been using hormones and had his parts sliced off, which made him grow those pathetic lentil boobs and bigger ass, but he still has that ridiculous tranny voice, which makes anyone immediately question his legitness. And he still has his ugly manface.


Estrogen is a hell of a drug, that's all I can say about it.

Like emotional LSD. Actually that's a perfect way to describe it. Like a kaleidoscope that turns in 3D whenever something new happens.

Also. A moth flew at me and I involuntarily screamed a high pitch scream.
That's what triggered my panic attack. I was completely out of control over the pitch of my voice and how I reacted to the situation.

I wonder if being a woman for a few months then transitioning back would help you pick up chicks, since you'd understand them better


If you secretly put a cis man on hrt for a while, he will become moody and depressed and probably horrified as his body changes. Hrt is literal body horror unless you've already been repressing.

Good job on passing and having a nice life though. I'm a passing trans grill too, smol Asian in my case. Life definitely improved. Tbh, at least in academia, being openly trans makes you an untouchable demigod if you're passable and intelligent. None of my classmates know so they just treat me like a girl, but the professors do, and I've literally been given free reign over my time to the point where life has become meaningless because it's too easy.

Also, just fucking find men who want to fuck you and do it if that's what you want. Obviously be open about the way you are so you don't get murdered, but seriously, nothing like 6'0 Aryan Chad pinning you down on the bed.

I doubt that´s how it works.

Not good enough. Take your bra off and post your face.

Underlying issues unacknowledged and avoided.
>many such cases!

Estrogen alters your brain chemistry. You literally start thinking like a woman if you are born male and vice versa.

If a nontranny takes hrt they end up feeling dysphoria and anxiety the way a transgender feels before transition. This is probably why that other user in this thread had a panic attack a week into hrt

no, boobs only is good, no one is gonna post their face on Sup Forums anyways

fuck it, getting on the bed for this shit, not posting face tho

not having sex while I have a penis thanks

Post pix to prove you pass or else gtfo hon


You´d be surprised. Also the rules were always to post the whole thing.


lel, baby tran in teh tread

do you grow tits on hormones or are they fake?

Remember everyone to report OP so this dumb fucking LARP shit gets banned.

you're still a man

your friends just like you because you're their token tranny

you got the job because you're their token tranny

you'll never be able to have kids, you're gonna hit 40 and be lonely and falling apart

Could you post a full body w/o face?

Gee I wonder who's behind this thread

GTFO pleb, tranny threads are part of board culture. what better way to redpill people on how fucked our society is rn

Damn, you must have had a tiny rib cage for your breasts to be that close together. I'm only one year on though so I so have most of my growth to go. Nice boobs though.

Definitely sounds like dysphoria to me though if you're not willing to have sex while having a benis. Tbh, as a human being who's consciousness inhabits a body that has never had a vagina, I don't think one must necessarily want one on a dysphoric level. But I can understand it, since it is symbolically your maleness or whatever. Saving up money to fly to Thailand sounds crazy though.

Good luck. If telling yourself that this is just for the sake of science gets you through the night, you do you.

>you'll never be able to have kids
gee wiz i guess im missing out lol, what will I do with all my extra money? oh noes


Those are very impressive tits for only 2 years fug

You'll be a strong case for suicide in 10/15 years.

>Saving up money to fly to Thailand sounds crazy though
I go to Dr. Suporn in 3 weeks lol. Plus I ain't no tran really, I really am just a guy living as a chick for the benefits.

money isn't happiness

you'll just end up spending it on plastic surgery to try and look young while your body and face get older and uglier

>granted the sacred gift of manhood
>desecrate it for some vapid shit
>enjoys life as a woman
check out

As opposed to who I used to be, a hairy loner struggling to make ends meet because western countries gave the fuck up on men.What a bright future I had as a dude [sarcasm]

your story honestly makes me feel better about being a man. I might be a failure but at least I have the chance to struggle and improve myself rather than being given everything on a plate. Thanks OP I needed that today

>granted the sacred gift of manhood
yeah about 100 years too late

>desecrate it for some vapid shit
being treated like a human for once isn't vapid

>enjoys life as a woman
better than being a man, at least in the modern parts of world

Get over it faggot

>muh female privilege


Post your ass OP.

Sage in all genders

Why do everybody hate white men?
Why did men in power let this happen?

Post pics or i dont believe you

Yeah OP is a sick tranny faggot

I did struggle to improve myself nigger. Go ahead and be lonely and broke everyday being a slave to women, i'll continue to use my IRL cheat code

>"I'm just a man paying another man thousands of dollars to chop up my penis and stuff it inside of me in the shadow of a vagina, bro!"

O-Okay, user. Idk senpai, I pass and in this day and age you don't need SRS for any legal reasons. I have a Chad bf and he's fine with penis and that's all that matters. I mean I guess if it was magic maybe, but I'm too poor and paranoid for surgery. So I mean, yeah, you do you.

>start taking hormones at 20
Bitch I was a pathetic loser at 20 who could barely hold any sort of conversation. Now I'm exactly your age and getting better everyday. Nothing compares to the joy you get in seeing your own personality and life transform for the better. But by all means continue to use your cheat code.


>using a trip when id's exist

i'm sorry this is really fucking bothering me, can you please remove your trip?

ur just not dedicated enough to go all the way

Where ya from bby? ;)

>treat males born between 1990-1999 like absolute shit
>wonder why they become women
I blame the boomer generation desu

So you can't have kids now...? Uh...bye to your genetics.


Its the ultimate choice one can make. Millions of years of life ends with me ahahahaha

spread it

OP I'm not going to lie, I could never respect you. But I could Fuck your brains out in a heart beat

Can you talk a little more about how you were as a man and how your different now? And more on these benefits and special treatment

not for a nation that invented the most ugly sounding language known to man and lost its empire like a lil bitch, no thanks

What in the fuck.

>Two years ago today I finally snapped and decided to start female hormones
You need mental help

Did you have a feminine body/frame or were you a scrawny beta before transitioning?

are u sure ur not mistaking PORTUGUESE accent with SUB HUMAN brazilian accent?

about the lost empire, ur right on that

Post front ayyy

yeah show feminine benis XD