Scotland's 2nd independent ref


Other urls found in this thread:,_1979

britains a ruined state anyway. might as well leave and get the liberals out of parliament.

also, you brits should be ashamed of your terrible excuse for a government. Restore the Stuarts.


the English are the one and only Aryan race chosen by god himself, chosen to bring down his wrath upon the celtic beast for their transgressions against mankind.

meant for OP

Unironically support it this time as there's two ways it'll play out, either Scotland will be seen as a failed state by Brussels and refused entry or they get in by 'special consideration' and leech the shit out of the Union before a fuck tonne of darkies and Slavs get sent there, leading to referendums to leave the EU.

No will probably win again.
>tfw royal navy
If yes wins do I get sacked?

Yup, even the gibs will stop. On the other hand, you'll get neetbux from Germanistan. In the short run, you'll get more, but when Germaniye collapses, you'll run dry.

Guess I'm with her now.

The problem with Scottish nationalists is that they are too high on Irn Brew and Tennants to see that leaving the UK "An oppressive union" and joining a union that is actually oppressive is going to liberate them. They need to be more right leaning like British nationalists.

"I will go independent cuz muh giiibs"

>ftw when those scotish jokes are real.

let them go

if they want to ass-lick the EU and get flooded with shitskin benefit leachers then let them. England needs to build a border wall


Scotland should be a country only if they do not become an EU member

They are literally all druggies.

Yeah as if getting pissed all the time is better than doing heroin. Fuck off English prick.


Spain: independent Scotland would be at the back of EU queue


The Nats would need something major earth-shatteringly comet-strike off-pissing to happen to the Scots, before they any chance of winning that. That Cunt May visiting Scotland to 'reassure, she cares' may just about do it, tho. Otherwise, one more failure should end this 'we going Oor Way, and its Oor Oil BTW' BS for at least another century. Wouldn't count on it either tho.

on a serious note, doesn't the queen and the army have a duty to keep the union together?

I mean, where would we be as a country if we just let bits of it leave? What next? Wales? Cornwall? Jersey?

Surely mi5 needs to get the polonium in sturgeons tea before this goes any further


Cant you guys just pull a wallace again?
I'm sure you'd love to kill some english bastards

the UK as a whole voted to leave the EU and the scotfags need to accept that

the fact that one area voted to leave and one area voted to stay is 100% irrelevant because you cant carve the country up just because you didnt get your own way and thats what sturgeon doesnt understand

plus she is just trying to piggyback on the EU ref to try and get independence and if they do get independence then the scots will end up like greece, just sucking money from france and germany

Idependant Scotland is a meme. They have too many business interests in the UK as opposed to the EU.

Rule Brittania.

Fuck england

fuck america, you gun toting redneck go fuck your cousin

If it came down to a choice between not pissing off Fellow Member Pedro, as he struggles to maintain the unity of his own country, by fair means or foul.. or, the chance of pissing off the Little Englunders by swiftly voting the Scots back in..

..its not even gonna be a contest, whos winning that one. No luck, Pedro, you'll get over it.

It's Ironic, that they complain about England being the tyranny of the majority and shit, when they happily ignore 1 million leave voters like me.

Scots should fuck off. We all want them to leave. Even leftists want Scots the leave for the "I told you so" moment.

Yes but even if they vote to leave are we just going to sit there and let it happen? I mean we're not the EU, we're not even a democracy we're a monarchy. I nean what is the contingency plan in whitehall for something like this sort of treason? Are we goong to send in the SAS to take out the scottish insurgent elements and lock them up?

Yes please fuck off and get your libtard fucks out of our parliament :^) enjoy being part of the fourth reich under Merkel

Scotland had its referendum 3 years ago, they need to sit down and shut up and quit throwing hissy fits every time they don't get it their way

we already send them shit loads of money from our taxes so let them leave, just cut them free and build a wall

Scott here, if we go independent expect us to be sweden tier in 10 years

Spain really does not want this because they don't want Catalunya to start demanding independence.

The SNP think they can just walk in to the EU, they're deluded.

Only way it'll ever happen is if they let the English, Welsh and Northern Irish vote. The twats will only vote to stay again.

thus why we need a border wall, so far the only thing stopping the UK going sweden tier is the channel

The 'United Kingdom' is a failed project. It tried to hold many different ethnicities and cultures together using economic and military incentives like the EU did however we live in an age where such things are no longer necessary.

Yeah but if they leave they will take the oil fields and strategic naval bases with them. Scotland becoming independant is a threat to the UKs national security. We should authorise a punitive conventional decapitation strike on SNP sessesionist elements and back that up with the threat of full nuclear bombardment

This. English parliament can basically throw out referendums. Case in point:,_1979

>threat of full nuclear bombardment
not needed, just threaten to cut off their benefits from out pockets

We need to support Scotland and arm them so they can help us kill off the British.

>the threat of full nuclear bombardment
possibly more convincing threat, when England had any Nooks to threaten the Scots with, but, nevermind.

> uk will disolve before spain

lol who wulda thought



literally this, catalunya is bitching everyday about independence these days

>wants to be independent
>to join the EU
Nuke it.

So sick of the independant cunts trying to ruin this country, hope they all hang.

When will the referendum happen?
Can someone give me a quick rundown?

Quick rundown coming up:

>3 years ago scotland votes to stay in the UK
>the UK just voted to leave the EU
>sturgeon is using the fact that lots of people from scotland voted to stay in the EU to try and get independence from the UK
>she has no interest in the EU she literally just hates the UK
>there isnt a date for the referendum yet but she is pushing as hard as she can to try and get one so she can fuck scotland and the UK up the arse by splitting them

Poleskis go home and stay home.

Not against it, but 1 lot should stay English so that union jack doesn't change. Also, Scotland should wait until its not so lefty.

Scottish patriot here: it seems inevitable now. There's actually even a positive feeling about it this time. Freedom, FUCK YEAH. Arm us pls, fellow redneck Americans. 1776 is happening again!