Serious question, you do realise even if all immigration stops, there are still like 50 million Muslims in Europe...

Serious question, you do realise even if all immigration stops, there are still like 50 million Muslims in Europe, France alone has 10 million.

Each Muslim woman has like 10 Muslim kids while white women are off having abortions or getting a pet cat.

How do we solve this problem? How do we reintroduce family values and bring back Christianity? France has destroyed like 1,000 historic churches over the past 5 years and thousands more are scheduled for destruction.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's basically the fall of Rome all over again except on a much larger scale.

import Russian models and start a breeding program

That's just not true. When migrants come to France they do like French. 1-3 babies.

Having offspring is expensive for everyone.


>one third of French births aren't even white

You do realize the next generation is probably less than half ethnically French? What about the generation after and one after?

Russians aren't white

You seem to forget. Europe is 750million big.
Muzzies make less than 10%, most of whom are real citizens who believe in the state of law rather than in the Sharia..
If Germany/Brussels stops fucking things up we could keep Europe European.

harass them to go back to their mud lands
>cut off welfare
>ban much of islam practices like praying in the streets, the coming to prayer from the speakers 5x a day, ban haji wear in institutions, allow employers to not employ hajis on the basis of their religious clothing, force hajis to sell pork in their stores (this i learned the chinese are doing), don't give a fuck about their month of fasting while they are at work and have a physical demanding job etc.
>24/7 media trashing their filthy way of living
>start demolishing mosques on terrorism indoctrination charges
>if they chimp out and burn cars make sure to portray them as savages who are a danger to society
next level
>make a registry of kebabs that came after ww2 as working migrants
>make it legal to strip them and their offsprings of citizenship
>start deporting them (if the state where they are to be deported does not comply then impose economic sanctions on that country)


>France has destroyed like 1,000 historic churches over the past 5 years and thousands more are scheduled for destruction.
france needs to make room for all the new mosque, don't be raycist

>france is 10% mudslime there is no hope for france

In all seriousness you cant - white race is dying.
Race was is not an option, so this change must be embraced to save as much western culture as possible. Which means strong national governments and heavy propaganda.

If the white race dies we take the culture with us. They can't have it.

Yeah and when they are more than 50% of France and can change the law hoe they see fit, I'm sure they will be very considerate of your secular human rights.

This will be a white man legacy.
Liberty and justice for all.
No religious and one party regimes.

Not yet

I am sorry, I am white but dont give a shit about white identity... where is it written europe is white or exclusively the domain of white people?

It's called genociding muslims. Poison halal food packages and kill them off.

>we wives now?
Think about it, famalam. If they want to work then we should let them. Just start a movement lagitamizing stay at home fathers. Eventually us NEETs could go from living off welfare to living off good boy bucks from our wagecuck wives.

Most women don't want kids because then they have to take care of it. If we do it then they'll have no problem shitting out a kid and going back to their regular lives. Besides, how hard could raising kids be anyways... Women have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years. Yeah, they complain about it, but they complain about everything.

Think about it, brah. It might actually be a pretty sweet gig.

>INB4 numale cuck

If your body was 10% cancer cells you'd be pretty much dead at that point.

Europe is at Stage 4 with metastases in Britain, France, Belgium and Germany.

Would you say this video sums up westerners in their current state

but why

>How do we solve this problem?
There is only one solution...

>I am white

It's not about race, it's about the fact that Muslims don't have the same respect for minorities that you or I do. When Muslims are a minority, we let them practice their religion because they are civil. When they become a majority, they will flush all your rights down the toilet.

We all must do our bests to become the best men we can be, and find ourselves a wife like OP's pic, and procreate like rabbits

They're refugees that can be kicked out at any time.

zyklon b my dude

OP your pic is something that people naturally want to fug. Traditional Christianity will tell you that's bad, even if it's a white person, before marriage. Marrying a person of a different race before having sex is also OK. Traditional Christianity in conflict with your racist causes, You're also in conflict with natural desires. Bitches want that BBC. In a land with freedoms, people are going to ignore you if you tell them to stop race mixing. Basically you need a daring Hitler 2.0 to solve your guys' problems. Fortunately for you, Trump won the election : ^ )

when the first islamic party in Europe gets close to winning a vote the first civil war will start.

>They're refugees that can be kicked out at any time.
>he unironically believes that

You actually believe they will leave without a fight?

I don't care about white identity either you fucking faggot.

France won't be french without the native population.

It might be easier to degenerate the muslims into not having kids either.

Deport muslims

It's easy to say from Cloverland.

Damn who ordered a holohoax reenactment

I swear u will all die a horrible death u racist bastards.

zyklon b

Islam will be purged from Europe soon. The people have had enough. Everything is going to be okay.

>Destroyed over 1,000 historic churches

I'm atheist and even I think that's awful. Why would they do that? That's a part of their history. A big part. Church architecture is usually cool as fuck too.

Abolish paternity testing and child support.

I wonder where all the white europeans will move to when the muslims arab niggers start bulling them everyday

Christian values are also dead. I've been big advocate for them all my life. Now I'm wondering if I should part from the church. (You have to be member here and pay taxes). I've never been religious and never went there but I support the values. Now the priests are wondering how they could change the rules so they can marry gays in church and take in even more refugees.

It's all over.

You actually believe that their resistance will be relevant?

how would any European nation even begin a civil war? sure, some people have firearms but not nearly enough to matter.

there would be some bitching followed by doing what they're told by the state.

however, the muslims will definitely be heavily armed.

I hope the authorities are monitoring u Nazi murderous bastards. I swear if what u want comes to be I would fight with them against u lot.

The same applies to Ireland. We were lucky enough to be occupied by a people with similiar genes. If it was any other race we'd be a people only surviving in history books.

The police is controlled by the state
The state is controlled by jews, paid puppets or white globalists
Jews, puppets and globalists want white people gone.

Dumb bastard.

Don't tolerate their religion.

Force them to either assimilate or leave.

Fucking this.

Why do you think the police didn't do shit on NYE and still try to cover up all the dirt? They are traitors for helping Mama Merkel keep up her regime. If they'd care about the people they'd either leaked the shit they are forced to hide or left all together,

Rwanda x 10. When it is over parts of Europe will look like Dresden.

It would be army, police and a few patriots that don't give a fuck supressing muslims.
More muslims would come in from other countries in Europe and the middle East, Bosnia, Chechnya etc after they see whats happening, bringing widespread terror and it would soon spread across Europe.

>how would any European nation even begin a civil war must have the people on your side (not the case) outside power funds your operation (money, intelligence, guns, training)
example of a winning scenario: 70% of europeans want to ethnically cleanse europe of non europeans.
russia/china fund this operation.

birth rates normalise after a few generations

>birth rates normalise after your country becomes an Islamic state

Well I'm glad that problem worked itself out.

> wanting to live like a 1950s woman

You are no man, nor are you deserving of that title. Neck yourself, boy.

>birth rates of immigrants decreases
>imports more immigrants

with future restrictions on welfare for immigrant populations they be able to afford having that many kids, the only reason they can in our society is exploiting the welfare system

introduction of strict welfare regulations will change it.

You realise we can repatriate them all?

exactly. the muslims will have saudi arabia, turkey, and possibly the EU itself offering support.

who will be your sponsor? i see no way for europeans to survive such a scenario.

Time for a purge

Still clannish, still low IQ, still not white

this is the sensible solution

I actually question alarmist predictions because they consistently turnout to be wrong and then everyone says "look how silly you were and brings in aoother 50k"

It's literally about race. We don't want them out because they commit crime, we want them out because they are not us. Same applies to people of North African, African, Asian, South and Eastern European descent in Australia

It has to come to a point where we shit on the (((humanist))) concepts of equality for all and actually forcibly remove these people.

That's the big issue, the big problem. That shit has been so ingrained into society and law for decades that unending it is going to require a truly, truly serious, figuratively world-ending event. Europe WILL NEVER be saved in its current state, it is near impossible. There has to be massive chaos on a grand scale allowing for new management to take control before we can ever hope for something to occur.

Time for our German bros to fire up the ovens and prep the showers

*upending not unending

Everything in this world is about Race
It always has been
And always will be

I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to say.

You mean like a marathon user?

that as soon as the birth rates dropped for the older generations of immigrants (((they))) run out of slaves and import more

Like the Irish

only for 1st generation

2nd generation muslim women become "field playing" sluts just like the rest of them

I have yet to see anyone on this site propose a feasible way of convincing women to procreate. All they do is complain and spout the same shit over and over. Simply put there is no way to force women back into the kitchen without completely overhauling the entire system (i.e. something we do not have the power to do).

Taking care of a child might be a great way to convince NEETs to contribute to society. They obviously don't give a shit about work, but maybe they'll put in some effort when the welfare of their own offspring is on the line.

>PS. You're the reason why we have a problem with women not wanted to get pregnant...
>they think that it makes them lesser when it is actually the single most important thing they'll do in their lives...

remove kebab

>I have yet to see anyone on this site propose a feasible way of convincing women to procreate

Younger women will learn when they see generations of older childless women who are miserable and useless.

>how would any European nation even begin a civil war?

>what are paramilitaries
>what was Yugoslav wars
>what was the troubles

We have Russia for weapons
The muslims have the US

Migrants who refuse to assimilate WILL BE DEPORTED.

It's up to them if it's peacefully or violently. And I don't mean that in an antagonistic way, it's just the only way to solve the inevitable conflict between two groups that fundamentally cannot meld.


women want children, and women are lazy and are fine with spending all day looking after the children. problem is, in many cases they leave it too late, and men are too busy fucking around to control them.

And look how that worked out in our favour.

>Migrants who refuse to assimilate WILL BE DEPORTED
>Migrants who refuse to assimilate

that is a biological impossibility on the part of the arabs/blacks/asians etc because they have different physical traits.

Maybe stop espousing austerity politics to your formerly prolific middle classes, allowing some of your men to advance and climb enough socioeconomically to define the terms of their sexual liaisons and marriages. This of course should also be paired, if you are a marriage beta slave, with more equitable divorce finance formulas (elimination of alimony for employable females and numale housedaddy shits, property divided according to a "earner substantially prevails" system). Eliminate no-fault divorce, allow permanently for fathers' genetic right to proof, start subsidizing parental leave and establish professional motherhood as a non-stigmatized economic activity for unmarried women of certain qualities. In the latter, think of single-father and infertile couple surrogacy. Stop demanding shit be according to outdated ideas and pump the population with incentives.

You get one of two things with economic and social policies. 1. People tough enough or previously screwed enough to subsist while you fuck everyone over your stupid outdated monotheism coupled with your autistic 'muh free markets' kike trickery (immigrants and niggers in general who don't have higher aspirations will squat their way through the paucity of gibmedats). 2. You lose your most lamentably slowed population growth in nominally native populations because all your 'morale white people' will choose not to bring more poor people into the world since you've fucked the economy into a shitty shape that provides as little as possible while demanding too much to be worth participating.

You conservakucklet alt-whites with your conflicting positions are well-trained to eliminate yourselves. The only whites left will be those who reject your moral hypotheses, and unfortunately that means your economic bullshit is suicidal compliance with hostile cultural encroachment. Those same liberals, when they reject your economic illiteracy, will also reject your purity/whiteness meme and fuck us all.

Basically how Wilders would have it if he could (on steroids). A lot more will also be more of a proxy war, like the state looking the other way when white nationalists bomb a Mosque (perhaps even assisting them) or the funneling of money and resources to right wing media while supressing the platform of others. The real war is the war of public opinion, none of this will happen unless a solid 40% approves and the other 60% isn't wholly against the cause. We need to see a transition from populism to nationalism to extreme nativism to jingoism.

>white nationalists bomb a Mosque (perhaps even assisting them)
this gives ammo to the mud narrative of "we are victims"
it nearly cost the uk brexit

By then it'll be too late. We are already lagging far behind other demographics. We need a way of convincing those "miserable and useless" women to get pregnant.

legitimizing stay at home fathers, or at least making it less taboo for a women to be the primary breadwinner would solve this issue. Women are already devoting themselves to their job; nothing we can say or do will stop them. However, we can open their eyes to another family structure. Yes, it isn't the typical nuclear 1950s family, but it would be far less degenerate then thousands of childless middle age white women.

Besides, I would argue that men would be even better at it then women. Taking care of a family and home is a very physical job, raising kids and playing with them is physical, its all very physical. Therefore, if a woman complains about raising two or three kids then a man should be able to raise six or seven with the same effort.

>reject your purity/whiteness meme
You have to change public opinion first and foremost. People have the unnatural belief that tribalism is wrong, and that is because it has been pushed by the (((media))) for decades. Trump is fighting the good battle against those lying parasites, and if countries like the UK (who have more control over their media and censorship) become conservative, we can to reeducate the general population.

who would fund any paramilitary groups even willing to fight for you? the number of these groups has greatly diminished since the 90's as we have gotten further from the end of the Soviet states.

would Russia even be willing to aid you with munitions? their best interest is for western europe to fall.

>muslims have the US
not anymore.

Women don't respect men who are lesser than them. What you're proposing will surely lead to dysfunctional families, and ultimately divorce.

I'm not totally against the idea, but I don't see it working out in the end.

Drop the label "white nationalism" when talking about european politics.

It would be much later on, and it would be planned alongside a false flag attack by Muslims. Ends justify the means.

Id give my bank account to suck on those titties

Dont be scared. The Wrath hasn't even awoken. I can unleash the gates of hell if the World seeks it.

Why? I want to differentiate between civic nationalists and ethno-nationalists.

>Ends justify the means
i agree

A German guy posted the welfare the muslims get and it's like 65k Euros per year tax free for having 4 kids plus they get free housing.

Thanks Romaniabro

Man she's hot
>france has destroyed like 1,000 historic churches over the past 5 years and thousands more are scheduled for destruction.
Gonna need a source for that, also usually the one we destroy are ugly or irrelevant historically and too damaged. Though you're right about immigration the problems we have now are related to immigrants coming in the 80es, the 1st generation is rarely a problem

Interesting thought but I disagree with it on the basis that industry would go to shit if we saw a heavier proportion of women to men. Not only that but psychologically a child is better off being raised by its mother.

>Women don't respect men who are lesser than them.
That is exactly the type of thinking that got us into this mess. Society tells them that being a primary caretaker of children would make them a second class citizen. They don't want to be seen as lesser, so they don't have children.

We shouldn't be pushing women back into the role of caretaker. We should be pushing for everyone to adopt that role, and to legitimize it as if it were a highly regarded profession. If we push for everyone to take up that banner then women wont view it as being a bad idea.

Right now the problem is that most women simple do not believe their is a problem. They don't see the change in demographics as an ill omen. It might be up to use to humble ourselves and do what needs to be done.
>14 88
>darkness approaches, a brown apocalypse draws near...