Furry Hate Thread

post degeneracy

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Furries are crypto pedos right
am i retarded or is this obvious to you guys also

dogs are degeneracy?

Everyone knows that homosexuals are the real problem in any community.

This, any who disagree can migrate to reddit

The problem is that homos and furries may as well be synonymous at this point.

That, and they ruin every fucking fetish they touch, even my degenerate fetish.

Homos and furries are basically the same thing at this point.

I read a statistic once that said like half the fanbase was bisexual, with another 25% being full-on faggot.

I actually miss the days when Furries were generally hated by everybody on the internet. Fucking normies really do ruin everything.

>homos are worse than furries

Furries don't see themselves as human, therefore they shouldn't be treated like ones.

Being a furry is a smokescreen for all sorts of sexual degeneracy.


They cover their identity and humanity by wearing fursuits.
This new peraona gives them the psychological leeway necessary to partake in depraved acts that society would frown upon.

Furry time reporting in!

You jelly you have no floofy tail

the first time I was a furry suit IRL I had to try hard not to burst out in laughter

it just looks so silly and unreal

We should invade /trash/ and purge the furry filth. There is nothing stopping us from turning that board into a Sup Forums colony.




Who wore you?

fuck off cheeky cunt

Why are you no longer a furry?

>Implying it's not already

Sans the sexual degeneracy, every board on 4chins is a Sup Forums colony. We won the meme war so hard the sjws have had to go into hiding

It's an unlisted board, Sup Forums has no presence there.

I can finally dust off my furry folder












I make suits for furries AMA



How's business?



>Tfw you hate furry, but drawing yiff porn n shit for westeners
>tfw fat neckbearded furry fuck are ready to pay 500$ for pic with their character with sexdildo in anal butthole rectum


I used to do that many years ago too so don't sweat it.

so you guys jerk off to kids cartoons or as you guys call them lolis and you al watch anime but you are above furrys ? you all pathetic HAHAHAHA

$3000+ per suit, 1000+ for just a head. It's fun to make them but I would not be caught dead wearing one of these things in public. I have 5 suits and 3 heads to make and ship out in the next 6 months.



>this thread right now
>tfw have plans to do art of a specific fetish I have
>but I'll also do shit like furry shit for exorbitant prices to see if I can jew any degenerates

Finally a place where i can dump my Furry rage folder


>shit i think i'm at the wrong convention
>"c-can someone help me with my zipper?"



Hi MetalSlayer777

its been a while since we had one of these threads kek

Probably pretty good, furfags apparently pay through the nose for art commissions, I can only imagine how much they would pay for a suit.

It's a good way to make some kinda fast, easy money. They'll pay for shittiest artwork.

Are the buyers at all insufferable and shitty to work with? I am in a kinda sorta similar business, I make fuckable plushies. Considering attempting to get into fursuit making though. Note that I am also not a furry.



Is that by the same guy (?) who did that ridiculous comic where the chick buys a penis?



Furry here, can confirm.
I'm straight tho though.

They did a study on them and they found out a shit load were basically gender confused and species confused. They literally ruin everything.

Napalm them all pls



Jesus fucking Christ. Furry, pedo anime. That's fucking disgusting.

good god

fuck i just realized /mlp/ still exists

Interesting fact, Did you know 70% of people who post on /trash/ post here as well. That's why Conservatives outnumber /leftypol/commies on there.

You could be talking to a /trash/ling right now.


pic related and saged.

Keep up the good work, though.

I'd wager most were just regular old degenerates and perverts though, right?



sexually deviant cultures (especially internet based ones) need to be purged. That includes hentaifags



> doing a bit of redecorating



What the fuck does this have to do with politics?

Saged and reported.

Okay, that is pretty fucked up.


There's usually a shitload of furries invading the Michigan Renaissance Festival any given weekend during the summer. My thoughts on it?.......

#1- It looks stupid as fuck.
#2- It's generally 85 fucking degrees in the shade during the Festival, they're standing there in a suit made of fake fur with a mask over their head and then wonder why they're passing out.
#3- What the fuck do Furries have to do with the Renaissance?


Bunch of them quit the study when they didn't like the questions. Like 25% were species confused. I'd argue the perv ones are worse.

Still though napalm

maximum kek

Yeah the half-dozen e-celeb and /ourguy/ threads are much better


This guy can have kids so why can't you???

>You could be talking to a /trash/ling right now.
You rang?




i always have a lighter in my pocket, if i meet a group of furries, i will make them smell thier saliva cum stained fur. subtly.

I'm legit going to have a stroke browsing this thread

I've been on Sup Forums for ten years and even still this shocked me.


It's not just you. They're sick.


keep em coming

some furries are alright


Wouldn't have minded having s similar club back in college. I too would have avoided it if it looked as half assed as this and had whatever that is sitting at the table representing it.