What is difference between national socialism and fascism?

What is difference between national socialism and fascism?

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National Socialism is a type of fascism.

Did you mean what's the difference between National Socialism and Italian Fascism?

basically , I would say national socialism is a specific type of fascism more focused on race

idk theyre both super gay but its trendy right now with little 15 year old larping faggots

also finland think's its cool for some reason to limit people's freedom and suck the police's dick and let them fuck your gf


use a dictionary you fucking idiot
fascism is controlled social activities, norms, etc.

nat soc is gov funded social benefits which excludes foreigners/migrants hence national

they don't really have anything in common apart from most natsoc govs have been fascist

Fuck, a smart person on Sup Forums, we really have been infiltrated.

National Socialism is a subset of fascism, with an emphasis on ethno-nationalism as opposed to civic-nationalism.

I don't understand what's been happening lately, I have 40 odd threads hidden and every time I refresh theres a bunch more on page one that I need to hide

>shift left click - it could save your life

also, I was thinking about this recently, Australia is the foremost natsoc country imo
we have socially funded medicare, transport, schooling (to an extent) and we have a relatively strong immigration policy.
as for the fascism, we don't have any of that unless you could being made to get a licence to drive a car fascism (which it is, it's just not a bad thing - I give up my freedom to drive without knowing how to in trade for the same from others)

I said no, women are for nurturing not fighting

unless you count*

But you don't really have the racial homogeneity to be a pure ethno-nationalist state, do you?

Nat Soc is secular, Fac is religious.

Facism wasn't this absurd.

not at all. we're an ethnically diverse country with a majority being of british stock

the funny thing with that is that in Britain the stock that we come from all hate one another
>English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and the sub-sections of them
Brit unity only applies to folk when they have an external enemy/adversary

Okay, fine you win. But we still make them wear the uniforms, nothing sexier than a woman in a uniform.

>But we still make them wear the uniforms
I accept the compromise

Killing some Jews and killing all Jews

In a socialist/leftist country you can't go with the name fascist, that will make goyims scared.

Nothing. NS is a form of fascism. But some times fascism referred strictly to Italian fascism at the time. But thy are the same dogshit.

I now some of you are shitposting, which only works if there are people to bait but I cant believe so many people don't know basic terminology of concepts we talk about all day, every day.
Sup Forums is a starting point to identify ideas, it wont teach you anything, the real redpill is that it's up to you to seek the info yourself.

Bullshit. Fascism is not about civic nationalism.

for fascism race isn't an essential question, for natsoc its everything. a fascist wants to preserve his nation, a natsoc his race. a subtle but important difference. a US fascist would want to assimilate black, asian and spics, and limit immigration to keep the US united and homogeneous culturally speaking. a US natsoc would want each race to live in its own separate state, and might even consider genocide. race mixing is seen to be the highest form of heresy imaginable

Facism is basically just anti-democracy where the state is at the heart of everything for the individual, and Nazism is basically the same + racialism.

>What is difference between national socialism and fascism?
you are one of slawische Untermenschen thus not suited for existance in german Neue Ordnung but it would not be your problem as your ancestors would have been killed long time before that to make room for german settlers and bring about das Grossgermanische Reich

Fascism isn't civic nationalism where did this bullshit arise you fucking autists are acting like Mussolini and Mosley didn't put Italians and British people first. This is a total misunderstanding of what fascism is.

Mosley said that multiracialism can't work and it's undesirable that it should work.

Autists who don't know what they're talking about should shut the fuck up.

The way I've heard national socialism described is it's a mix between (highly racialized) Trump and Sanders. Racially exclusive, focus on racial and national pride, but with social programs to help the public good. I think some social support can be beneficial when operating in a 100+ IQ homogenous population with a protestant work ethic.

I think George Lincoln Rockwell is the best symbol of modern National Socialism, besides uncle Adolf of course. Some of his college talks are on youtube from salvaged tapes.

Fascism wanted a corporatist economic system, where large unions of workers and employers combined would manage the economy

National Socialism were still fundamentally capitalist, but wanted heavy government spending and interference.

When it comes to race, Italian fascism saw things more in terms of ethnicity and culture, while National Socialism saw things in race. For example, Mussolini once stated that race was 99% feeling and felt that racism would divide the unity of the nation.

>an American calling himself "Nazi"
Don't know about that bud.
Would've been better as a National-Libertarian, esp. for an American.

Listen to him if you like. Nation socialism isn't an inherently German doctrine, it's a political philosophy. He wouldn't be a national libertarian because he believes the nation needed a strong government, and he made a big deal about racial differences and a need to physically separate the races to ensure peace and prosperity.

His descriptions on what would happen if you integrate and "mix everyone up" are prophetic on what has happened in the west.

they weren't multiculturalist, but they weren't racial purists either. fascism, a world phenomena which has occurred in many countries, is not by default racialist in form. look at brazil and spain and Portugal