
hey i just read your post on leftypol

go neck yourselve

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;__; F


Well these two great none answers to any of these questions. Any of you retards actually have a rebuttal?

No, muh builf rgbial wall and autistic screeching is not a rebuttal. Tell me why your "anti PC" president can't take a little music video like the thin skinned college girl SJW tier little bitch he is, like all cuckservative retard scum and REDDIT/THE DONALD tier retards who follow him.

You are fucking laughing stock. You just happen to be fairly numerous, that's all. No logic, no coherence, nothing but muh feels over a fucking music video. PAthetic

Letting Snoop Lion live would be politically correct.
If he executes him in the street publicly like a dawg people will fucking cheer and celebrate.
I guarantee it.

>executing people for making music videos
>but we are all about muh free speech guys right?
>its the spooky PC/SJW/Commies who doesn't like free speech right?



Making threats against the president of any other country would result in that darkie being tried under treason. Only in the west do people like snuff dogg get away with their tiresome bullshit.



please lock snoopy doggy up
person of color and a weed degeneerate that spreads degenerate culture
get him off the streets
we don't need him

This comment does not at all rebut what I say

I mean, it wouldn't in almost part of the west, and it certainly does not constitute a threat.

In any case, why does that justify censoring or wanting to censor the video? Surely then, we should be protecting this western value of free expression?

So why is Donald Trump so against it?

So to be clear here,

1) You are complaining about degeneracy on Sup Forums

2) You are complaining that drugs are degenerate even though ppl like Steve Jobs used shit tonnes of drugs.


So you don't believe in free speech and expression in any way shape or form then?

explain exactly where and how?


I fucking hate free speech. The majority of you stupid fucking retards should have your mouth sewn shut at birth.

It funny to me that none you have even tried to justify the military spending. Your daddy Trump is a fucking deadbeat.

>he says
>on Sup Forums Sup Forums

But I guess the mods here hate free speech too.

Honey, if there was no free speech, you entire retarded ideology wouldn't exist, most of the population would sow your mouth shut, not mine, you understand that right? You only exist because of these laws. I support them, but you should also, if they weren't there your neckbeard throat would have been cut a long time ago

y'know like, how its illegal in some places to fire retarded people. well..... that's how you guys exist. We aren't allowed to kill you

go collect your paycheck from mister shlomo steinberg for your revolution idiot

Surprising. A britfag holding such beliefs.
In France there would have been no questions asked.
You don't make a music video where you shoot your president, even if you're the pope.
Surprising Trump didn't arrested him yet.
Really makes you think.

I'm not with these guys, I'm an independent. And I am inclined to agreed with you, most of the sewage here should be taken out back and beaten to death. But so should you.

>degeneracy on Sup Forums
the idiot spreading degeneracy wants everyone to believe there's nothing to be done
> Steve Jobs
fucking idiot deserved to die i hate that faggot
i'm talking about a sense of fucking human decency
you fucking leftists have no fcuking shame
bunch of narcissists
you are why we need social stigma
because you can't control yourself
yet somehow we are supposed to accept your bullshit
fuck off and die

>go collect your paycheck
that's rich
coming from someone paid to shitpost
get out shariablue

Nice rebutalll...... oh no wait it has nothing to do with any of the things I said. Besides that, it is actually the right who are been shilling on the internet, not the far left.

buuuuut of couse you are too retarded to know that arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2016/09/how-your-oculus-rift-is-secretly-funding-donald-trumps-racist-meme-wars/

So France is a tyrannical capitalist state. Nope, nothing knew here.

I don't they SHOULD be beaten to death, I just think they WOULD if there wasn't a state holding them back.

No I think they should have the right to speak, like most anarcho-communists. It just tickles me when the leader of an ideology supposedly built on free speech actively opposes it and his faggot fans can#t say one coherent word in his defence.

Just because you allow Sharia law in certain of your neighbourhoods doesn't mean you are tolerant.
It means you are submissive.

mate grabbing women by the pussy is degenerate nigger behaviour. Trump is a fucking degenerate himself.

oooga booga am star where da poosee at boss? This is literally Trump tier logic.

>fucking idiot deserved to die i hate that faggot

something something... muh iphones. Again, your personal feels are getting in the way of what actually makes sense. You hating someone is not a legitimate reason why people shouldn't do drugs.

I mean, I suppose you hate Reagan and Reaganomics then, seeing as Reagan used the CIA to sell Cocaine to fund his Contra wars, along with dealing weapons to Iran, all against the wishes of Congress, but that's just "non degenerate" cuckservatives for you isn't it. All the same. All retarded.

>im talking about human decency

right so your sex offender, Lolita Express flying president who suggests the curtailing of free speech for anyone but his goons SHOULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE PRESIDENT

I don't believe in the state or capitalism. I certainly don't believe in religious law. Religious extremism is a direct result of globalist activity in the middle east. These people would not come here if the capitalists had not gone to war on their homelands over hundreds of years and they wouldn't be so angry if we hadn't bombed the shit out of them. I don't support sharia law, but these are the reasons its such a big thing right now. Which in turn, is why the Alt Right is so big, because somebody needs to react to the Sharia Law. Its all really caused by interventionist military policy though, and with Trump wanting to spend even more, you can bet its only going to get worse.

Allowing your free speech to be curtailed and allowing the world to be run by handful of capitalists means you are submissive.

>Besides that, it is actually the right who are been shilling on the internet, not the far left
>who are been
dumb ass chinese rping as a brit, kill yourself please

>Mahno flag
K Y S nigger

He has no political ideology. We are filling the void. You are kind of stupid for not seeing this.
Lost opportunity and waste of resources. Culture and society is worse off because degenerate stoners aren's curing cancer or finding an alternative fule source to fossil fuels
>bunch of lies and ad hominem
fuck off, leftism/globalism will be blamed for the collapse of the middle class
your days are numbered
National Christian Capitalism is the future

>Gets murked in WWII
>Material conditions worse in the 90's
>Become autistic

another brit-jew shill post

seems to be the theme of the day

dunno what you meant, but to me your post is autistic

>muh typo

Not but really refute the actual point made

You are kind of really fucking stupid for actually believing Trump has no ideology. He is an authoritarian capitalist nationalist. Sounds like an ideology to me.

>Lost opportunity and waste of resources. Culture and society is worse off because degenerate stoners aren's curing cancer or finding an alternative fule source to fossil fuels

Only, like with the example I gave, Steve Jobs, among many other creative people, this is just completely untrue.

>lies and ad hominem

No, he flew on the Lolita express more than once, there is flight logs that prove this, just like Hilldawg did. What... you thought daddy Trump was any diffferent from the rest of the controlled opposition? Please. Hes just repackaged so that fags like you will eat it up

>trump has no ideology

>but national christian capitalism lol

>i don't like globalists

well then why is Trump spending an extra 58 billion on the biggest Globalist military in existence? Or do you actually believe the US military is a force for good in the world?


eyyy manye no sectarian while we fight the right k? BTW polacks for a real libertarian google "Nestor Makhno"

No, being against Trump is being anti Jew.

Why is he literally drowning in Israeli ties?

Why did a Rabbi make a speech right after his inauguration?

Why is his daughter literally a jew?




If you think Trump is anything but a Jew puppet you literally have your eyes firmly closed.

Where are the Natsocs at can I get some clarity on this plz

You might not believe in state and capitalism but it's there and it won't change.
Thinking otherwise is delutionnal and you should end yourself. You being on the internet is antithetical to your beliefs.

I'm talking about the elite globalist jews, not every stein, berg and -man in the world.

Israel is actually pretty right wing and nationalistic.

You are for a fact a leftist shill, though

explain to me how an orthodox christian state is any different from an orthodox Islamic State? They have half the same prophets and nearly all the same beliefs in terms of social issues. Are you a fucking retard?

he's not jewish, he's chinese you can understand by the dialect he types in
half of the shills for left-wing/marxist ideologies are chinkfucks

>Trump is authoritarian capitalist nationalist
He has no ideology besides winning
The game was set up before he arrived on scene
This is the best part because you stupid leftists / anarchists have built an entire edifice on losing and victimization. Fucking oppression olympics. You are begging for Trump to daddy you and victimize you.
>biggest Globalist military in existence
really? you say trump is authoritarian capitalist nationalist and globalist at the same time? Then why has the EU begun building a military now that we aren't securing the place for them? Globalist army what?

>explain to me how an orthodox christian state is any different from an orthodox Islamic State?
if you're uneducated and don't know major differences between orthodox and islamic religions then please drown in piss

>orthodox christian state
who says it's orthodox?
it's American, and therefore better than any shitskin analogies you pull out of your asshole

> Trump's right to speak as the President should be taken away because freedom of speech

The level of not-an-argument here, folks

> Trump is authoritarian *autistic screeching*

Oh noes, he responds to people who insult him, literally Hitler.

How many times has he used any power of the Presidency to silence his dissenters? None?

Then you can shove it up your ass until you pull it out of your mouth.

me being on the internet is antithetical to my belief that history is the story of class struggle, and that the mode of production will change with the material conditions brought by the last, and that capitalism is the current mode of production, but will be outdated by the next mode of production it evolves into, which I believe should be stateless and classless.. right, why is that antithetical to my beliefs?

Karl Marx himself said you need capitalism before socialism. Its the necessary stage after feudalism.

its like this

Kings/Church Rule>revolution>Bourgeoisie (capitalist owning class) rule>revolution>proletarian rule.

What you are saying is that essentially, because Feudalism created the agricultural techniques the serfs lived off, or, because the British founded America, it would be antithetical to the belies of the founding fathers, or the serfs, to use British resources against the British, or the Kings resources against him in a revolution.

So you are essentially saying the founding fathers shouldn't have revolted because it wasn't American capitalism that made the muskets but British feudal imperialism... interesting position you got there...

>why is Trump so butt hurt about a music video. I thought he liked free speech and hated political correctness so what is the problem?
>Can't take a joke Don? what are you some super sensitive SJW pleb?

Because he and Snoop Dogg were friends and Snoop made a video in which he shot at a picture of Trump. trump probably helped out Snoop at some point.

>Also why is he spending and extra 58 billion on the military if is supposed to be anti war?

Peace through strength.

Why is this guy just your average neocon?

He isn't he wanted toleave the Middle Eastern dictatorships in place since the beginning, except for a brief period after 9-11. NeoCons wanted to overturn every non-democratic government on Earth to spread democracy - that is their Trotskyite ideology.

>Why did you retards vote from him? Literally what good reason to do you have?

Because the American tax payers are paying 28 billion a year to feed and clothe the pets of globalist agricapitalists, and being forced to undercut their own wages due to the non enforcement of immigration policy. More labour =cheaper labour, illegal labour = cheaper labour, cheaper labour = lower quality of life for the working and middle classes.

>Cool, so hes going to strip out every liberty you enjoy and crash the economy with yet more unnecessary military spending but
>muh economy
>muh American guilt

Yeah no, Americans have never voted for nation building as a policy - the American worker and voter owes those countries and peoples nothing, multinationals do, but tough luck getting them to pay. If they even cared those freedom fighters would focus more on multinationals than soft civilian targets. But they don't because muh religion, muh george bush.

Fuck you ass clown. If I ever met you in the street spouting such uninformed drivel I would knock you out on the spot.

This is what you dipshit lefties don't get.
Revolution requires masculinity, grit, resolve, and a will to fucking win.
And guns. Thank you 2nd amendment.
You victimized little bitches have none of this so fuck off with your marxist role playing.
This is why Christian Fascism is coming and it will be glorious.

I've read the tweet and have not seen the hurting of the butt.

Would you please explain how you came up with this

the lefty celebrity worshippers need to be shown that their gods can bleed

Says the shit head from England, go have a cup of tea. I'm gonna go shotgun a Bush light and ride my Harley!!!


>Crash the economy through military spending.

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but without manufacturing infrastructure(which went to places like CHYNA and Mexico), America's economy is based almost entirely on the force they can exert on the world and much they can make weaker nations, use and buy their paper currency.

right, so you mean, all the ones Trump is chummy with?

And I'm not paid. I do this shit for free.

Indeed Israel is right wing and Nationalistic. and a shithole. Go figure.

>he has no ideology besides winning

So you are saying he is actually a charlatan career politician only interested in power?

Sounds like a great candidate...

>This is the best part because you stupid leftists / anarchists have built an entire edifice on losing and victimization. Fucking oppression olympics. You are begging for Trump to daddy you and victimize you.

I mean, weren't you talking about ad hominems two seconds ago? Lol.

>really? you say trump is authoritarian capitalist nationalist and globalist at the same time?

Yes because those are exactly the same thing. All the biggest ever globalists, Reagan, Tony Blair, George Bush, Margaret Thatcher, etc, all capitalists.

"globalism" is the word retards use who don't know what capitalism is.

> Then why has the EU begun building a military now that we aren't securing the place for them? Globalist army what?

Yes... it is a globalist army... and? I don't support in EU. In any case, it still pales in comparison to the US military, which is by far the largest of any. If you don't know this you literally don't know anything.

I know the differences, I'm talking core beliefs. No gays, no woman's rights, no usury. Its all there. How would an orthodox Christian state be different from Saudi Arabia?

>no usury

kek, Trump is a fucking usurer and so are his friends the Saudis, I'm just talking about if they were ACTUALLY orthodox

where did I say his right to speak should be taken away exactly? Quote me

Trump supports the surveillance state, the police state, and the military. Trump is an authoritarian.

He is suggesting dissenters be silenced here, the fact that he is impotent is no indication of merit

> Literally "Trump supporters police, therefore the police state, and the military"

> He said nothing afaik about surveillance.

> he objects to insults, therefore it's pretty much sending the Gestapo in. Except he can't, because reasons, despite being the President of the United States.

Holy fuck you're dumb.

do you know what usury even means?

Holy autism

you're right, no lefty ever had military merit or grit. Not the guy whose flag I posted with. Not Che Guevara, not Trotsky, not Daniel Ortega, not Abdullah Ocalan (fighting both Islamist Turks and ISIS)

Tell me where is your manly facist revolution now besides the internet? When you take to the streets you cry about single punches being thrown

oh and In case you hadn't noticed, Nazi Germany was overrun by the USSR

saying somebody should not be allowed to speak is a sure indication of butthurt

no arguments to be found here

>lefty celebrity worshippers

mate you are pro Trump wtf lol

right so, a globalist agenda

>He said nothing afaik about surveillance

"we need to shut down that internet" is a verbatim trump quote.

There is objecting to insults, and then there is suggesting the person who insulted you should be silence. Charlie Hebdo ring any bells to you?

Dont expect logic from a trump tard. They trusted a known and proven con man. But their dicks were still hard for him

>someone called me a son of a bitch
>but it's not an insult because free speech

> only interested in power
fucking amazing
praise kek
> ad hominems two seconds ago
you take it because you're a victim
>those are exactly the same thing
nope. try again. in case you haven't notice, the oligarchs have split into camps, civil war style. Globalists oligartchs want 1 bank, 1 military, no nations, making the globe a plantation. National oligarchs want to keep borders to keep the globalist oligarchs from a hostile takeover. The best part is it's open season on lefties like you with Trump in power.

You have to be the dumbest lefty I've ever seen on /pol.

>saying somebody should not be allowed to speak is a sure indication of butthurt

Are we talking about the same tweet? Please provide source

>Can't take a joke Don?


You are telling me Trump has never made a penny from interest? Puh-lease

lol, oh god you're cringy.

He was talking about shutting down ISIS accounts and-

>Charlie Hebdo ring any bells to you?

Okay you're either a troll or your IQ starts with a decimal point.

You don't seem to understand.
You being on the interwebs is you having bought a telephone or a computer.
You paying for the internet.
You seeing ads.
You being another puppet of the capital.

Be a real anarchist.
Be an amish.
They don't even pay taxes to the mean statists.
You will see the price of even semi anarchy.

I don't know, the whole world works almost entirely on usury, heck you chinese are the biggest abuser of usury in the world and nobody gives a shit

If he doesn't have an ideology, and is only interesting in winning, what else does he want but power?

>you take it because you're a victim

this makes absolutely no sense

>being so cucked you think the only choice is between two groups of oligarchs

oh man. I don't even know where to go with this. How about.. IDK like.. no oligarchs at all?

Why spend money on military if youre anti war?
WW2 for example, if no countries spent any money on their military saying oh were anti war, you think the occupator would give a single fuck about that?
Now i agree that usa is not under such a threat, but there are still wars going on that usa is invested in and wants to keep being invested in because they believe its the right choice. And you dont stop a war by being weaker.

I'm sure Russia and China would love a unilateral US disarmanent.

How is shutting down twitter accounts not an attack on free expression?

Silencing people is the same whether you do it with violence or by other means

>paying for things means I support the system.

No, you don't seem to understand. Saying you want to change society, because you don't like the way it functions, does not mean that you can't eat and have a roof over your head.

Are you telling me Natsocs can't have iphones because the ZOG made them? Or that Libertarians should mail $10 to the government every time they use a road? Or that Christians should not walk on most of the streets because they were made by heathens?

No, they all believe things are being done wrong and they want to change them.

Man my entire ideology is built against Usury. I really think if you looked at what Anarchist writers like Proudhon or Graeber half to say about it you would be surprised.

I really think the cold war propoganda has warped what a lot of people, particularly American Christians, think anarchism, communism is. I mean, in my mind it fits with Christianity pretty well. Proudhon himself was a Christian and firmly against Usury, which is how he became to be an anarchist.

Definitely, even if you are anti war you cannot forget defense completely. The only way to keep peace in your country is to keep the chaos of war away from your own soil.

Dude what you say is true but the US is under no threat it did not create for itself by being in countries it should not be in. Its a self created problem.

why are you so butt hurt about a trump complaining. I thought you liked free speech and hated political correctness so what is the problem??

really please read this I think it would interest you


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Is_Property? also this

It's a self created problem so the US should stop spending for the military?

Also, when are you going to give source for the foundation of your arguments that trump wants to stop free speech?

>autistic liberal screeching intensifies
Fun to watch desu senpai

you seem butt blasted, Geoffrey

and not go charging around looking for it on others soil

>US is under no threat
north korea, china and russia

>insane paranoid ramblings of the alt-stupid
fun to watch desu senpai

I normally hate labeling shills but this reeks of shill

Are you going to blame trump for that too?

Not entirely no, but up to the point where they are defending themselves. Considering they already spend more than the next 5 competitors combined, i think they have enough.

"Shut down that internet" I gave a direct quote, there are tonnes of others. He was against Rand Paul on surveillance. Oh also he wants to Ban an entire religion from America, which is directly contrary the first amendment.

non argument

non argument

>North Korea

Both isolationist countries, far more so than the US.


>a threat

dude google world military spending, just google it right now, and tell me Russia is a threat. A tanked economy and a tiny shitty army is what Russia has. Daddy Trump is all Buddies with Papa Putin so I dunno wtf you are on about, are you a Hillary shill?

No, capitalism, mostly Reagan et al. Trump is a capitalist who plans to pump up the military and has talked about wanting to "take their oil". Tell me why he is going to be any different? There hasn't been a single US president in the last 50 years who has not taken us into a globalist war, so why is it going to change with Trump when the underlying system remains the same?

no just a /leftypol/ack coming for some bants

>He was against Rand Paul on surveillance.

Would you allow me to put cameras in your daughter's room because she's not doing anything illegal?

>Oh also he wants to Ban an entire religion from America

Did he particularly say that practising islam is banned in america?

>Would you allow me to put cameras in your daughter's room because she's not doing anything illegal?


>Did he particularly say that practising islam is banned in america?

banning all your relatives from coming to visit is a pretty big infringement on your ability to practice a community based religion. You are telling me if he banned Christians from coming to the US that would be okay? It would be the same thing



leftypol is full of autists. The bad kind

lol really sad.

Trump is the media master. No one knows better than him how to use the press to control the masses.

Karl Marx wants the people to arm themselves
It's liberals who don't like guns


>explain to me the difference between the US and Saudi Arabia

Any day now comr8.

>How about.. IDK like.. no oligarchs at all
you lefties live in fantasy land
our society would have to collapse to live in your made up world