What was he thinking about in last minutes of his life?

What was he thinking about in last minutes of his life?

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that awesome jerk and twist motion Ava always did.

"Are traps gay?"

>"Did I leave the oven on?"

"Jet fuel can't melt steel beams"

Glad i got that u-boat to Argentina

A bullet.

His dog blondie, his mom desu, his unfinished opera, how he failed his people by losing

How nice Argentina was...

Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>I sure wouldn't want to miss the brain.



>im so happy that I'm in south america spending time with my lovely wife before I die

"Fuck South America is hot"

"Argentina sure is comfy. I love you, Eva."

Hope this pill works fast and painless

"Argentina sure is nice. Thank God the Russians are literal retards and said I died in the bunker with Eva, lol"

I need some fucking oxycontin and haven't shit in eight days.

In the end, I fucked 'em all.

>I hope they think I'm dead

Something like that.

Unfinished opera? I need to see this

Is Argentina version real or a meme that I don't get?


In his youth, Hitler served as an altar boy and sung in the choir at a Benedictine monastery. Each day, attending mass, he passed beneath the first swastika he had ever seen, graven into the stone escutcheon of the abbey portal.

Hitler’s father, a customs officer, hoped the boy would follow in his footsteps and become a civil servant. The clergy encouraged him to become a monk. Instead the young Hitler went to Vienna.

In Vienna, Hitler lived in shabby, cramped lodgings. He rented a piano that took up half his room, and concentrated on composing his opera. During his early days in Munich, he spent no more than a mark per day for food. He lived on bread, milk, and vegetable soup. He did not even own an over-coat. He shoveled streets on snowy days and carried luggage at the railway station. He spent many weeks in shelters for the homeless. But he never stopped painting or reading.

Despite his dire poverty, Hitler somehow managed to maintain a clean appearance. Landlords and landladies in Vienna and Munich all remembered him for his civility and pleasant disposition. His behavior was impeccable. His room was always spotless, his meager belongings meticulously arranged, and his clothes neatly hung or folded. He washed and ironed his own clothes, something which in those days few men did. He needed almost nothing to survive, and money from the sale of a few paintings was sufficient to provide for all his needs.

During his exile in Vienna, he often thought of his modest home, and particularly of his mother. When she fell ill, he returned home from Vienna to look after her. For weeks he nursed her, did all the household chores, and supported her as the most loving of sons. When she finally died, on Christmas eve, his pain was immense. Wracked with grief, he buried his mother in the little country cemetery. In his room, Hitler always displayed an old photograph of his mother. The memory of the mother he loved was with him until the day he died.



How bad he got rekt by FREEDOM


"Ich bereue nichts."

Came here for this.

I was going to go with
>Wow, those Bariloche sunsets are beautiful

He invoked magic to embed his spirit in the noosphere to emerge once again at an opportune time of growing unrest, like Sauron, to subtly influence humanity in his direction.

W-was Hitler the greatest man of all time?

There's no physical or photo evidence that exists to corroborate the bunker story, which was soviet propaganda. It's very likely that Uncle Addy escaped to South America with hundreds of other NatSocs

"One day they will understand"

Who has more power, the president over Poland or the prime minister of Poland? I mean when the system works like it's suppose to and you don't have an unelected shadow leader


Why he didn't try hard enough.

He was probably raging because the Germans failed him. They weren't the master race he imagined them to be, and he deserved to lose because of it.

No, he was a loser, he ruined his country, ruined Europe, and set the stage for the partition of Germany, again. Millions of Europeans died, because he was a shit leader. Should have been satisfied with the Sudetenland.

He died of a broken hard while seeing self-proclaimed white nationalists on a Japanese armadillo racing & crocheting forum call an orange man who sucks up to Israel and has Jewish family "the Saviour of the white race"


He died in Neuschwabenland you LARPing newfriends

Where did this "Hitler ended up in Argentina" thing comes from?


>"Are Argentines white?"


not a quote

>Did I leave the gas on?

Made me grin.

>it's a Drumpf is Jew spawn, and we should just worship Hitler like losers episode while doing nothing to influence politics in the slightest except being caricatures for the Jews.


>Why did I declare war on the USA?
>Why did I invade Russia?

Did he really believe the United States of Hating Black People wouldn't of come to some agreement with Nazi Germany?

Did he really believe that German industry was capable of keeping up with a country the size of the USA?

If he didn't start Barbarossa the USSR would have attacked in 2 years.

probably thinking about the good times.

slaughtering jew filth and sexing ava.

i just wish they had a child :'(

C'mon dude, lot's of Nazis ran to the hills of latin america. I had the pleasure (no joke, and I don't even sympathize with the nazis) of meeting the son of one muhself. He had some cool ass memorabilia


Would have been easier to sit back and concentrate on production of tanks and guns for a couple of years then defend Poland.

Barbarossa could have worked, but as usual Hitler overdid everything.

broof a doodle doo :DDDD


But he would have had all of europe at that time.

No there was no stopping the red army especially if he gave them 2 years to produce more tanks and prepare for an offensive.

You think they could have used the resources to wörk wörk wörk on those rockets?

I know they weren't accurate early, but I know they made it to London, although I don't know how much resources they consumed, if they would have been capable of reaching Moscow it would have been something else. Although that's quite a bit further.


No this isn't entirely accurate, because if you remember correctly, after Hitler and the Nazis conquered Antarctica, they conquered the Moon.

It was furthermore rumored that Hitler in the 1970's to 1980's in fact merged his brain with a super computer A.I. system on the moon, which may or may not, influence or have access to the internet