When did you finally take the Destiny pill, Sup Forums?

When did you finally take the Destiny pill, Sup Forums?

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when you stop sucking dicks (never)

Who the fuck watches these streamers? So gay. Its bad enough people resort to video games instead of actually achieving something irl but now thats actually too hard and would rather watch someone else play...

Guys an idiot.

>there are """people""" on this board RIGHT NOW who think Jon won the debate

He got BTFO by nakedape

Twitch is death knell of the white race.

If you want to see what an insecure pseud destiny is then go watch his "chat" with Martin Shkreli

Jon lost the debate cause it was his first time trying to redpill but then this happened

I tried to watch this to see what it was about but he lost me at gay white dude with black boyfriend.

Skip towards the end the little faggot rips destiny a new asshole

Jontron debate did it for me.

Destiny is the final boss of Sup Forumstier political discussions


destiny got BTFO by Jim. Destiny just talks over other people or talks fast to try and run over them in the debate. He wont accept analogies but uses them himself.


its a meme faggot. anyone listening to this commie retard for 5 minutes realizes he's low hanging fruit.

If Destiny is the best progressives have to put forward they already lost the argument

Talk fast, say a shitload of facts and correlate everthing with your argument to make it sound as true?

I'm still waiting for him to make an actual point about economics but boy does he sound like he knows a lot about it.

>If Destiny is the best progressives have to put forward they already lost the argument
Destiny is the best Sup Forumstier progressive.

Hardly any progressives will engage in Sup Forumstier discussions.

Isn't Destiny that pro debater that rekt jon "the racist" tron? Or is that someone else?

Does anyone have the supposed FBI statistics that prove Wealthy blacks commit more crime than rich whites?

And I don't mean that one fucking image, if I shared that to lefties I'd just get fucking laughed at.


I ahte the fact that femanons are allowed here. I never know if im speaking to some retarded femanon cunt (in which case id just not even bother because women have tiny fish brains) or some dumb cuck or a nigger

Wait, so getting shut up because you are white, asking what is "wrong with communism?". Outright saying that the japs are racist because they don't want their country in shambles like in Sweden, that he claims that nothing is happening there because of the rapefugees?

he should plug up his bleeding vag and debate molymeme


Why are people posting this shit everyday? Is it supposed to be trolling Sup Forums? I don't get it.

>immigration and multiculturalism has ruined this country, that country and about ten more
>lmao we are talking about america here, why do you keep bringing up other countries

Good "debate".

But then they'll just argue 'well that's proof black people are unfairly treated more'

It's been proven time and time again, it's fact. Do your own research if you can't get others to believe it. It's truth, it's fact.

>promoting Destiny as our intellectual woe
>make the left support a retard beta as their intellectual defender and representative
>semi-debating him, while dropping red-pills all over the place
>level 14 of Donald Trump like cunningness

Destiny is hardly a progressive. His main argument is right out of Milton Friedman's pocketbook which is more or less a very laissez faire, right-wing lolbertairian approach to immigration which absolutely grows the economy due to a supply of cheap labor and cheaper goods. The people who go on his streams try to argue that immigration hurts economies when that is only true with a welfare state (an argument destiny actually agrees with). None of them are willing to argue culture, Destiny's argument is literally mathematical and logical rather than emotional or cultural.

I thought debates were supposed to be about facts and statistics and where you can reasonably lead an assumption based on those citations.

Internet debates don't really seem to go anywhere, and people's own bias will convince them that this or that side "won." I want to see hard numbers from independent or government orgs, not articles published by left or right-wing news sites.

he got his asshole widened by an actual nerdy squeaker
completely BTFO that he resorted to changing his comment every fucking time, then ended up ADMITTING he was for fucking over the poor/middle class for the upper class

>all that shit
>Destiny is logical not emotional

In addition, many of the slackjaws that debate Destiny never bring up the propensity for immigrant populations to vote for socialism and handouts. If you have less democracy or less government you can rectify this. Bring up that and other cultural arguments and his free market ideal starts to crack.

you reddit twitch faggots dont belong here desu

Jim fucking destroyed Destiny a year ago on his stream.

>The people who go on his streams try to argue that immigration hurts economies when that is only true with a welfare state (an argument destiny actually agrees with). None of them are willing to argue culture, Destiny's argument is literally mathematical and logical

What am I reading?

We're not facing 'immigration', we're facing the import of millions of third worlders by airbus and ship.

Even if we weren't cargo hauling them into more developed countries, just a land bridge with free immigration would decimate economies by forcing the labor standard down to what a raped starving peasant girl fleeing ISIS will accept to live on.

Jon needed an actual answer to why white people becoming a minority in America is a problem.

He should have cited what happened in Zimbabwe and whats currently going on politically in South Africa as an example.

One million whites aren't worth one black fingernail.
- Destiny


I don't care about this Destiny faggot, but I think it's funny how people conveniently leave out the fact that he got completely wrecked by Metokur.

I agree, it's just Destiny's argument is purely economic and his opponents fall into that trap

when will you stop?

Jon went full "if if if if if okie dokie" but people will defend him cuz he says "muh white babies" " america is supposed to be white" if he actually just admitted that whites are superior on stream hed sound more convincing than being too much of a pussy and linking Breitbart articles.

>We're not facing 'immigration', we're facing the import of millions of third worlders by airbus and ship.
Who are "we"?

Destiny's profile pic is a blatant catfishing attempt. The faggot doesn't look like Russell Crowe at all when he streams.

Look up Ryan Dawson v Destiny on Hillary/Trump. They go for about two hours, literally EVERY point Destiny is just flat fucking wrong, and not just wrong but totally OccupyDemocrats tier uninformed. Dawson is like less funny Injun Alex Jones, but he just dismantles the faggot for two hours and by the end of it he has literally proven on every front that Trump is the superior candidate to Hillary, and the guy can't even begin to make a comeback from it.

As an actual debater Destimeme is a joke, he's a low-information retard who preys on alcoholics and children to swell his ego. He regularly engages fish bigger or more aggressive than him and gets humiliated.

Incarceration is different thing than what they were argueing about

Because america is different than Europe were u even listening?

Destiny is fucking retarded.

did that graph crash out just trying to calculate sweden?

>haha third worlders face immigration too so I'm going to post a meme face now when I have been body slammed back to the bbc dimension

All of those, pic related.

Whats funny is that, in your attempt to bring the guy down, you accidentally just give him occasional extra 3k viewers and a shitload of publicity.

This guy used to get 2k tops.

This is fucking hilarious. This has led to some random group to slander Jontron but get this: that group is sponsored by MGM studios via a movie that is coming out lol. That opens MGM up to a lawsuit. I've called my lawyer and they said that slandering a person while under sponsorship is a no no for the sponsoring company and they have 2 options - drop the person they are sponsoring, or pay. JonTron may be making bank here soon off of this.

Slavery helped the US economy. Why is "helps the economy" taken as an open and shut case for anything at all?

It's not us advertising the doucheknuckle

his leftyshillfans are invading

not many here give a shit about this nobody

Yeah, that's wrong.

Still, I guess the guy should thank you guys for this huge boost.

I actually agreed with a lot of the points JonTron made until I watched the debate and Destiny teared each argument apart. He definitely earned a subscribe from me and changed a lot of my views.

>Yeah, that's wrong
It's not he has two threads both with minimal replies

The only organic pol posts of him came from Jontron fans

You're right but the people who debate Destiny fall into the trap of arguing what is better for the economy. They could argue that what is best for the economy is not best for citizens but that would require a modicum of critical thinking.

Destiny is an enormous faggot

One of things that never seems to come up in these debates, and I don't know why because it's pretty critical to the views being expressed, is that's it's perfectly okay and rational to feel like your cultural identity is being threatened, Even if it's not true, the idea that it could be happening is an emotional response. Part of the reason Jon can't come up with a fucking answer is because his answer is really just "I don't like it". And it's okay to not like it, but at some point you have to be able to rationalize that fear.

So much of what I see from the right as a "reaction" the this regressive-left idea is that if you're not bowing your head and cucking yourself to minorities that you're a racist. And, especially if you feel like your culture is threatened, you lash out against that. But that's not what's being said here. In a vacuum, the statement "I don't want my culture to change" isn't inherently racist. It may have some questionable loading, like implying that these immigrants are going to change your culture and not assimilate, but just in its most bare form not wanting your culture to change is perfectly rational and by itself not racist. But when you press on that issue and ask for a "why" you don't want culture to change it either becomes a tautological argument, "It doesn't work because it doesn't work", or it then goes on to become racist by proxy because all we're left to assume is that you think some people are just inherently inferior or have worse culture. Like, you could say "they hurt the economy" and even if that's factually incorrect it's still an argument, but when you have no rational argument nobody can do anything but assume you just don't like them because of some nebulous reasons. Maybe that's not outright racist but it definitely implies some inherent preconception about a people based on bias or misinformation and not on reasoned evidence for exclusion.