Why aren't we publicly funding a universal birth control program? It would dramatically decrease teen pregnancies...

Why aren't we publicly funding a universal birth control program? It would dramatically decrease teen pregnancies, which are a huge cause of poverty, and which drastically increase spending due to their dependency on government welfare programs. Not only that but the huge majority of single teen mothers are non-white minorities.


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Just stop being a whore.

You can very well say that, but that doesn't actually fix anything.

>Just stop doing drugs

Just end government welfare programmes

Yeah because telling that to teenagers will totally stop them from indiscriminately fucking like they always have.

>Not being whores
The least we could do is slow down their reproduction to reduce gimmie data, since welfare isn't going anywhere soon.
At least they are also the most likely to get abortions.

how about we stop paying for other peoples mistakes by stealing money from responsible people. end welfare and people will start having very few kids out of wedlock. also bring back slut shaming

Just tell them to not have sex. Abstinence and ignorance always works.

>just tell murderers to stop killing people
>just tell rapists to stop raping people
>just tell robbers to stop robbing people


let based mother nature handle the rest

no they wouldn't lol

why would so many women get abortions if their pregnancies weren't accidental?

Yeah because that's always worked so far, teenagers and other irresponsible people have never fucked and gotten pregnant.
Welfare is not going away anytime soon, people aren't going to vote it away, the best we can do is a pragmatic solution that acounts for externalities and gets them to stop the cycle of producing more and more people who will inevitably need and vote for more welfare.

Women being whores is the only problem. The existence of more people as a consequence is not a problem.

Why don't we just fucking send them all back to their homelands instead?

>tfw born to late to colonize Brazil

>crashing the white birth rate with no survivors

Minorities are overwhelmingly more affected by it, they have much, much more unplanned and teen pregnancies, just read the article.

brazil soccer babe ;)


Why don't we just fucking send them all back to their homelands instead?

Stop being so fucking autistic, you know that isn't feasible in the current political climate, think pragmatically.

birth control is harmful to societies and nothing better than an unwanted pregnancy demonstrates the price of degeneracy

Seriously there's no god damned reason why we aren't.
It literally saves money.
Actually you know what? Fuck it I'm messaging Trump to get his ass on this.

>Muh PR!
Your article doesn't say anything about race. Birth control only enables degenerate behavior, and I'll be dammed if my tax dollars are going to spent on helping you be scumbag.

It mentions that the poorest and most at-risk youth for pregnancy were particularly affected. Guess which races those are?

Degenerates aren't going anywhere.
Kids are going to fuck. Your tax dollars already subsidize niglets and single mom.
Less of your money could spent of instead of paying 225$ a month for the single mom and her kid, you could spend 300$ once and not have to worry about her getting gimmedats.
Christ dude use some critical reasoning here. Seriously this policy will save everyone a fuckton of money.

Nationwide, the plurality of teenage births are still white. If you're going to steal my money for half-assed eugenics programs, I'd rather it go to Planned Parenthood. The percentage of white abortions is lower than the percentage of white teen pregnancies.


Straight into the fucking trash. Learn how to form a cohesive paragraph and then maybe we can talk.

Jesus Christ dude.
What sort of mentality do you have where you disregard an entire argument because of a single word. No wonder the white race is dying. People like you are so fucking obtuse that nothing productive gets done.

>Universal birth control
>Supplied by the ZOG
Because white genocide is taking too long.

Everything about you is what's gone wrong with this board. You can't form coherent ideas so you just blurt out stream of consciousness sentences and press enter after every line because you have no idea how to connect them together. "Jesus dude just think a little bit dude!" is not an argument, your argument is supposed to encapsulate an already formed thought. And why the fuck would you think I want my tax money to go towards welfare if I've already told you that I don't want it going towards universal birth control? If I had the political capital to pass nationwide universal birth control, why wouldn't I use it for something like abolishing welfare in the first place? Get off my Sup Forums and go back to your bullshit 'frontpage of the internet' REEEEE

Morning after pill dispenser should be in girl's bathrooms, right next to the toilet paper.

> If I had the political capital to pass nationwide universal birth control, why wouldn't I use it for something like abolishing welfare in the first place?
Because universal birth control would be much, much more supported by the general voting public and much easier to pass. The people who vote for more welfare would be willing to vote for universal birth control, good luck getting them to vote their own welfare away.

>"what do we do about unwanted babies"
Stop making them

Sorry I wasn't coherent enough for you.
>you already pay for unwanted childern with your taxes
>you can't avoid this
>universal birth control would reduce the number of kids on welfare easing the tax burden
>you can support this
Is that coherent enough for you?
And seriously dude calm down. This is a Lichtensteinian floral arangement board. This ain't a Lincoln-Douglas with Stefan Molyneux as the Flow Judge. You're taking it a bit too seriously.

Or we could provide no economic support to people who want to kill their babies and instead let them do the time for their crime (parenting) or arrest them when they ditch the baby. That'd stop almost all unwanted pregnancies.

Giving them preventative birth control in the form of pills, IUDs, etc. means that they won't have to kill or worry about killing their "babies" via abortion since they won't get pregnant anyway.

It's already been said that's completely unfeesable.
There's no way that will ever be voted into effect in America.
However universal birth control, key word birth control not abortions, could actually be enacted.

He has no argument so he is hiding behind memes and can't think realistically.