Who's gonna be browsing Sup Forums to mine the salt when this racist loses?

Who's gonna be browsing Sup Forums to mine the salt when this racist loses?

Racists win.
Laws of nature > laws of men

Stay mad.

Yup flag checks out

I'll be here.

Americans have embarrassed themselves worldwide by voting in a misogynistic, islamophobic bigot. What a mess his presidency has already been.

I think the world has learned a lesson, and I doubt the Dutch are quite as stupid.




We just had this thread. Sage and hide slide threads.


>laws of nature > laws of men

couldn't have said it better myself


Blow the leafs, rake war now

Tbh, the only reason I follow worldwide politics is to see salty people after their favorites lose. Doesn't really matter who loses as there's always salty people.

you fail to see the paradigm shift

He may lose, but what was once a fringe party now has a chance of winning

>implying misogyny and islamo"phobia" are unreasonable stances

You mean the Juden Shill ?

Shut the fuck up

Oh my. Sounds like your jimmies are quite rustled.

pol is finished LMAO

stop stealing our lingo u fuckin lefty.


>Hurr, he doesn't want his children to be raped and killed by muslims. What a racist!
Shut up, Geert is pro-civilisation

The eternal leaf.

Dude, you realize Canada is the laughing stock of the world right now with our traitor in office. Substitute Drama Teacher.

I met the man, i was smarter than him in grade 6. I am also 100% convinced he is gay and his "wife" is a beard.

[x] Shifted
[ ] Not shifted

Call trump what you want but at least he doesn't believe that you lose by beating your enemies.