" Stay in your country and make it better "

" Stay in your country and make it better, don't come here! " Is this legit advice? Should all immigrants from a shitty land stay in their country and try to make it better? Even if if they have children?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, that is legit advice. How is a country supposed to get better if every time something goes wrong, anyone with the means picks up and fucking leaves?

Yes, especially if they have children.

This applies to whites and non-whites especially.

Why wouldn't that be good advice?

White people didn't start out with good countries. All our countries used to be totally undeveloped, but over centuries, we improved them. Other people have the same chance in their undeveloped countries to do what we did centuries ago--develop their countries and make them better.

People seem to be under the impression that just because a technology or standard of living or an institution that they could benefit from exists somewhere in the world, that they automatically have a right to go there and receive it. They don't. All those things exist because other people created them for themselves.

Yes. That's how countries work.

The same people who say that would find themselves begging for a new life in another country if their own country ever becomes shitty enough to force them to leave

Yes, It applies to the states within the USA, too.


Educate yourself. Mass immigration litterally makes global poverty worse.

Unless you are moving for a specific job there is no reason to leave your country.

Fucking hell, Thais are so disgusting.

You just assume everyone else is a leech like yourself wallbuilder

>muslim countries are 3rd world shitholes cause of islam
>move over to nice 1st world country cause its so pretty and free benefits
>they want to bring their shitty ideology too
>eventually turn their new home into another shithole like their country of origin
>pack up and move somewhere else
>rinse and repeat

This shit will keep happening and these inbred fucks will ruin the world.


The problem is the liberals who allow them to do this. They are the aids, Muslim refugees are just a cold.

If they had the desire, motivation or ability to do that they would have. Having your countries birth rate outstrip its ability to sustain itself tenfold means you either live in squalor/starve, or beg in the forms of immigration and foreign aid.

The only exception I'm remotely ok with making, in terms of coming to America, is for Arab Christians who have to live under Islamic rule. The problem is these 'refugees' are generally not refugees. They're migrants. If they were refugees, they'd go home after the war ends to rebuild their country and get their life back. They have no intention of ever going back. They have no intention of adopting the values of their new host country, they just want the riches and stability. If their culture/cult is so fucking integral to who they are that they refuse to give it up to come to a land that is antithetical to it, then go to one of the stable Muslim countries nearby with plenty of riches to spare. Send them to the Saudis, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar. They can be Muslim to their hearts content with their fellow cultists rather than coming to a place that despises their backwards cult. The West is right to hate it too, since it preaches political domination and subversion.

Leeches payed for on the back of the white man

Well said kiwi.
I'd argue that muslims are just the useful idiots of a system they are born in.
Moderates are grass and extremists are snakes. The higher the grass gets, the more extremists can hide.
And that too few can see.

Iam Christian lebanese. Look up top income earners in the US. Lebanese are in the top 10. Trumps best friend is Lebanese. Christian arabs assimilate extremely well.

Which is why I don't have a problem with you coming here and generally think that in general, Lebanese tend to be on the saner end of the spectrum for that nutty region

They should just die like animals.

If their problem is that it's poor, corrupt government, etc. then it's good advice. If the problem is war, genocide, or ISIS then there's not much they can do about it so they're justified in becoming a refugee.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a rootless cosmopolitan.

I mean look at the votes, Brexit here and Trump in office where you sit.

Its not only good advice its the advice people seem to be fucking taking.


, said the cockroach.

Are you not allowed to say Jews, or something?

agree 100%. These same faggots that leave their countries are the 1st to claim original country pride vs. their new home too....

They don't realize that life in their country is shit because they might be shit and create shit emergent behavior as a culture and then try to spread that shit to everywhere they go so that country soon becomes shit.

>America built entirely from people who left their home for a better life

Holy hell, everyone here is retarded.

except Britain wasn't collapsing.
and where they went did better because of their presence.

Not the case for today's refugees

America was built when there was a system of gibs. Different conditions, different times.


The US shouldn't have been founded desu. Puritan buttmad relicucks shouldnt have gotten triggered and clovermonkeys shouldve grown better taters.

Watch this


lol not america

And most of these people aren't coming from collapsing countries, most are economic migrants

And they do make the nation better, they fill in the many, many jobs most Americans are too lazy to do


I'll be using that.

This right here. Californians can fuck right off.

Seems like a majority of the refugees are MAMs (military aged males.) These ducks are old enough to fight to save their own countries.

Name the last time something bad happened in America and we all fled en masse to a better country?

You can't, because there are no better countries.