What're the most frequent logical fallacies you encounter in politics Sup Forums?

What're the most frequent logical fallacies you encounter in politics Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=dearborn islam
youtube.com/results?search_query=sweden no go zone

It would be more useful to discuss how to respond to logical fallacies. Too many people simply think they can point out the fallacy and assume victory. Making a logical error does not necessarily mean that someone's argument is wrong. It is important to always provide counter evidence.

Appeal to Authority BY FAR, along with post hoc ergo propter hoc

But I want to be able to identify bullshit as quickly as possible. I figure making a list of the most frequent fallacies may help with that.

All of them. Sup Forums can't argue worth shit and resort to name calling and insults "HURR LEAF, BUILD WALL, POO IN LOO XDD"

I think it's about time Mexicans, Swedes, Germans, Indians and Canadians banded together to #RiseAboveHate on Sup Forums


There is a sticky with most of the common types in some stupid image.

Conservashits posting here: Sup Forums is one of (if not *the*) most degenerated website ever created. That's why I assume most drumpkins here are larpers.

middle-road fallacy
texas sharpshooter fallacy
although most of it is just abusing the lack of statistical literacy

If x is good then y must be good

>post hoc ergo propter hoc

80% of pol is anti-semetic.
80% of pol is pro-Trump.
Trump is pro-Israel, pro-Zionist.

does not compute

Thanks for the laugh gringo

80% of statistics are made up

What's the Latin word for when someone is just plain wrong? It's that one.

Here's a nice list:

spectrum fallacy

>you cannot perfectly define what "white" or "black" or "asian" is
>therefore there are absolutely no differences between any human groups

I don't know about fallacies, per se, but I think most people simply don't understand the logistics and the processes behind politics. They don't understand the factions, the organizations, the figureheads, the donors, and the "big picture" of each of the powers that be. In other words, they don't understand how power works in the United States. Here is a non-exhaustive list of what you need to know to understand American politics:

If you've never heard of the US Chamber of Commerce, the Council for Foreign Relations, AFL-CIO, the Brookings Institute, New American Century, the Open Society Foundations, etc, you're not redpilled.

If you've never read Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky (rare insight from a leftist), or Propaganda by Edward de Bernays, you're not redpilled. If you don't have an understanding of what media outlets donate to/associate with which political parties, you're not redpilled.

If you're not familiar with Congressional procedure, like how a bill becomes a law, how debate proceeds and get shelved, how "compromise" bills get pushed between the Houses, then you're not redpilled.

If you're not familiar with the expanded executive branch and its functions, i.e., the bureaucracy, if you're not redpilled on the intelligence agencies, if you're not redpilled on the revolving door, and you're not redpilled on the role of the judicial branch, then you're not redpilled whatso-fucking-ever.

Without a fundamental understanding of how our government works, the agents that populate it, and how these agents use the government as an instrument to get what they want, then you will never have any sort of understanding of how politics in this country works. You'll never understand how politicians virtue signal with a nay vote while double-crossing their constituents by closing debate via cloture. You'll never understand how the budgetary process was manipulated to fund Obamacare without limits for the past 5 years through continuing resolutions. You'll never understand how Donald Trump has limited power compared ot his predecessor Barack Obama to perform his executive role.

Honestly, I don't think it's worth following the news if you're trying to gain an understanding even if you do understand these "basics", because there's so much happening behind closed doors, but don't even think about trying without doing your homework first. If you want to take your understanding of politics to the next level, expand your knowledge of economics, history, political science, and psychology, but divorce yourself from all narratives that do not directly relate to how power is obtained and exercised.

What's the one where if it doesn't immediately jack off someone's opinion it's a shill?


people get way too hung up on the labels and not the arguments

Damn, that is a really insightful post. Sometimes I feel like I can never hope to understand what's going on in politics, because it's so complex and there's so much going on I don't know about.

>but divorce yourself from all narratives that do not directly relate to how power is obtained and exercised.

I really like this line of thinking.

*gets beheaded*

The tendency of liberals and leftists in general to assume that people are all the same regardless of the country of origin.
People from muslim-majority countries, especially from countries that have an history heavily based on islam, are less likely to adapt to liberal societies than all the others, because they were raised in an environment that doesn't regard all humans as equals, islam has a past (and even present) filled with bloodstains, from discrimination against infidels to legalized death penalty for apostates, there're plenty of facts that prove how islamic ideology is incompatible with modern civilized societies.
Iran is an example of islamic society by-the-book, so is Saudi Arabia. What do both countries have in common? heavy punishments for people who don't respect islam, in various forms, from imprisonment to bodily mutilation and death sentence.
Liberals defend their fallacy saying that "it's because of bad governing, not because of islam" but they fail to understand that these governments have deep roots in islam in the first place, because these punishments were endorsed by islamic law for centuries and even by the islamic prophet himself who was a very violent individual.
The fact that the prophet of modern islam is a warmonger, is yet another proof of the liberal fallacy, not only islam is based on this man's teachings, his teachings are being applied in islamic societies even today.
While the European continent is filled with a past of catholic supremacy, it is also the womb of modern liberalism at the same time, because unlike islamic ideology, the roots of christianity are objectively more liberal and much less violent than islam.
Majority of christian-born people in Europe don't even practice christian culture or rituals anymore, if liberals really cared about equality and liberalism, they would be against islamization and not constantly attack an obsolete religion like christianity/catholicism, just because they were born in it.

induction fallacy, no true scotsman fallacy, post hoc fallacy, correlation causation fallacy, generalization fallacy.
Lefties are stupid

>>post hoc ergo propter hoc
>along with post hoc ergo propter hoc
These guys know.

Um sorry sweetie Sup Forums is a board of peace and tolerance, we all voted Obama for a 3rd term.

These and straw man.

it's no big deal don't lose ur head over this

I know a good majority of Christ cucks post Christianity related material ironically to infuriate others, but you can consider yourself Christian and come to Sup Forums whatsoever. The few actual Christ cucks only decided to become Christ chucks after realizing atheism was no longer the edgiest religious stance. A few years ago, Sup Forums in general believed in the firm separation of church and state, and was neutral on abortion. Fast forward to the Trump days, and we had an explosion of unironic pro-life "Christians" posting. This board quickly devolved after r/TheDonald decided that they would only do the opposite of what liberals do, and stopped caring about the actual greater good and only caring about upsetting 13 year old tumblr feminists.

*can not consider yourself Christian.

>What are

That Russia "hacked the election"

>You'll never understand how Donald Trump has limited power compared ot his predecessor Barack Obama to perform his executive role.
Can you actually elaborate on that?

>Making a logical error does not necessarily mean that someone's argument is wrong

this is what humanities and social sciences teach.

>"But what about ___?"
And then the normal strawman/ad hom

"The silent majority supports me!" by quite a margin.
Otherwise few things come to mind.

Here's a list of books that will help you out in understanding how politics works:


How to Read a Book - Mortimer J. Adler
The Trivium - Sister Miriam Joseph
A Rule for Arguments - Anthony Weston
Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow - Daniel Kahneman

Clash of Civilizations - Samuel P. Huntington
"Dead Souls": The Denationalization of the American Elite -- Samuel P. Huntington
Diplomacy - Henry Kissinger
Tragedy & Hope - Carroll Quigley
War is a Racket - Smedley Butler
Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins

1984 - George Orwell
The Social Animal - Elliot Aronson
Propaganda - Jacques Ellul
Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky
Propaganda - Edward Bernays
Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky
How to Bag a RINO - Gray Delany

The Death of the West - Pat Buchanan
Minimalia Moralia - Theodor Adorno
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

The Century of the Self - Adam Curtis
The Unknown Known - Errol Morris

-- --

That's what would help you out off of the top of my head.

>histoire de Sup Forums a la newfag

I could see that if they mean "hacked" in the broadest sense. as in, Russia took advantage of some little known feature to influence the result. because, they did. the colluded with Trump and fed Wikileaks stolen documents to make Hill look bad.

unfortunately, most people will just think "hack" as in computer hacking. which is almost impossible, with our system of elections

>you are an idiot


Muh degenerates.

>if you're not le high level insider, you're not redpilled
Thanks, High Level Insider. Oh wait, you just listed basic shit, in a concern troll format...

Well yeah. You have more legit right wing and Trump shills now.

It's not a logical fallacy, but the newest (((trick))) is to take someone's words to absolute literal absurdity.

Case in point: On Marxist National Radio (NPR) today, I heard some one say "Obama did not walk into Trump tower and place a tap on the phones himself."

So I guess that means Trump is wrong. Trump BTFO. Because, you know, that is exactly what Trump meant.

> because, they did. the colluded with Trump and fed Wikileaks stolen documents to make Hill look bad.
There's no proof or evidence supporting this claim. Also, it's okay to stop typing like a subhuman idiot.

except, I have been to other countries, and have lived in communities across the US. people really look identical, to me. there are about 10-15 archetypes, and they just repeat. maybe some areas have different proportions, but its still the same 10-15 different types of people. same shit, different language

You realise you just used that exact fallacy, right?

There's no proof of anything on the internet or in print.

Only PROOF of anything is what's in front of you.

This whole "No proof" thing is a fallacy itself.

Not an argument.

No. He doesn't. Because he's stupid.

The "If you disagree with me on certain aspects of nationalist politics you are complicit in the jewish agenda to kill all white people" meme

i mean, in the meantime there has kinda been a lot of evidence showing they're encouraging abortions to push eugenics and sell organs and stem cells and who knows what else

Burden of proof

Sources? Not calling you a liar, but I haven't seen anything that wasn't directly taken out of context.

>if you don't agree with me on this issue you must be [my ideological opponent]

is there a "slippery slope" fallacy? because that shit is infuriating. like "gay marriage will mean guys can hit on me in the bathroom." or "banning X means they will ban Y, Z, elemeno P" Conservatives are terrified of taking a single step forward, because everything is a steep slide to legalized dog sex and communism

>Eating before checkout


james o'keefe undercover planned parenthood videos

quotes by planned parenthood founder

now put that in the context of what we already know about how large and booming the global organ trade is...


>I met a black/muslim/jew/spic/etc that was a cool person therefore you need to treat all of them like they're cool
>Okay so you met ONE black/muslim/jew/spic/etc who killed someone that doesn't mean they're all murderers you can't just assume that!
Benevolent racism is the bread and butter of liberals.

this happens constantly. or accusations of shilling because you disagree with one of their positions.

crazy tumblrbeasts = left-wing people

>>You'll never understand how Donald Trump has limited power compared ot his predecessor Barack Obama to perform his executive role.

Donald Trump only has limited control of the leadership of the executive branch. It is difficult for him to accomplish tasks that even explicitly within his role as president due to opposition from Congress, from the Supreme Court, and even within his own bureaucracy. The media has waged a scorched earth policy against him, so there's some breathing room for sedition against his administration, since nobody understands the context of these policies.

For example, Barack Obama was opposed by a Texan federal judge on his immigration orders, Andrew Hanen, and that hardly stopped his long-term funding of DACA & DAPA. Donald Trump writes two different executive orders, with precedents for the actions taken, and they're immediately struck down and rendered ineffective by a Seattle district judge. There simply exists no political capital without clever use of executive orders and slow and steady purging of insubordinates.

There are unspoken rules within any organization that either facilitates or hinders certain courses of action. Donald Trump is blocked by these institution norms. Forget about help outside of a bureaucrat's job description--Donald Trump can hardly step into one wing of the White House without triggering leaks. He's dealing with departments that are intertwined with various corporate networks, almost exclusively ideologically globalist, and have been relatively unchanged for almost 30+ years in situations like the State Department. Hell, I'm sure that he spends weekends with his cabinet in Mar-A-Lago in order to plan his next moves without the fear of US intelligence groups spying on him.

what did they mean by this guys?

Really? Someone else posted something that would help.

The main thing that pisses me off is the fact that most people on Sup Forums are so fucking anti-science. Like, I read some people's posts and they'll seem like reasonably smart people then out of fucking nowhere "dinosaurs are a myth" or some other dumb shit like that. Being a christfag doesn't mean you have to deny evolution and pretend the earth is 8000 years old or what the fuck ever.

>Anyone on Sup Forums has ever actually interacted with a minority.

>ad hominem
>1 result

Fucking pathetic. this is easily the #1 most-used. Was it just too obvious for all you faggots or is this another thread full of soulless asians and multi-boxing shillbots? Fucking faggots don't know shit from the chicken tendies shoved up their mums' asses.

the FBI and CIA seem to think so. Who is this Guccifier 2.0 I keep hearing about, in connection to the hacking. I mean, the russian connection to the DNC hack came out days after Wikileaks put out the documents.

And, now this massive dump of CIA hacking techniques? you think Wikileaks is trying to hamstring the CIA because of some pollyanna bullshit about information needing to be free? I don't see any dumps about Russian hacking tools and tricks. or Belgian, or Australian, or anyone else's

When you support something a politician said, did or plans to do and that is taken for diehard support, never to be corrected.

The state is the will of the people.

Did he pay for that peach?

Have you read the rest of the post, besides the first line? I doubt it. Typical liberal behavior, focusing on one almost irrelevant sentence while ignoring the whole point of the post.

>not a Saudi colony
youtube.com/results?search_query=dearborn islam


youtube.com/results?search_query=sweden no go zone

>United Kingdom


Biased choice in argument

Donald Trump's situation won't look well until he begins to win or place political allies within one of the branches. That's why his secretary appointees are brilliant. Secretary of State Rex Tiller has promised to meet every single employee in the State Department, and he's already fired the bulk of the so-called "7th Floor Group" that was investigated by the FBI that routinely met with John Kerry et al. Whether Donald Trump can consolidate power is yet to be determined.

I don't think there's been a more interesting political atmosphere since at least the early Reagan years. One thing's for certain, we're in for an interesting 4-8 years.

I'm not an insider. I'm certainly not "High Level Insider". The whole point of the post was to list basics. But most of them get lost on people, and they get caught up in whatever bullshit is being presented by the media instead of thinking critically about the next power move. That's the whole point of this thread: basic fallacies about politics.

those James O'Keefe sting videos are pretty widely discredited. and, he is hardly an unbiased reporter. the quotes by the PP exec were about covering costs of the procedures, not about selling to make a profit. and that shit only happened at a few clinics in California.

>force children to say cult like oath daily in school
>one nation under God
>attack them and/or send them home if they pray in school

Why are you being so mean?


I had a bad day :'(

but the leak showed that they do operations while pretending to be russian

and low and behold, the russians are the culprits for everything



It amazes me how easily lingo like "covering the costs of the procedures" can shut off a person's critical thinking processes. This is just lawyerly garbage that would be debunked by anybody with common sense of the issue.

That Jews aren't superior

.1 of the world population is Jewish. 22% of all Nobel prizes were awarded to Jews. Jews are the master people. Also their IQ is higher than whites. People that are anti semetic on this board are satirists or teenagers. You guys are like niggers blaming another people for your own failure you know that right? Inb4 Jew shill

Can't wait for that wall.

they admit they sell baby fetuses to fund their operation... that's not taken out of context either

and you wonder why peoples opinions are changing?


Israel is a white nationalist state. Kikes are ((("jews"))) that everyone hates, including, especially, Israelite's.

t. Jewish, Lebanese diaspora

The only people that hate Israel are arabs and marxists, and most kikes are Marxists. Real jews love Israel, and Nazi Germany. God gave us a nation to call our own, all people deserve that right.
The only reason my family came to America is because the arabs leveled our village with mortar fire. Even now, since my family is messianic and leaders of the church, we still get death threats from Muslims. Hell, we've been raided by the FBI because some dirty turk told them we were planning a 9/11 Episode Two: The Revenge of Yahweh.

Can't agree on everything

Besides, ALL Candidates are pro-Israel. That's just how it is

If somebody could make a version of spidr.today, but instead make it compile RSS feeds of as many US gov't primary sources, US think tanks, EU/NATO/UN primary sources, etc., then I probably wouldn't even look at the news anymore.

Sadly, none exist.

>Mexican priority: mean words on internet

I'd much rather be called a fucking leaf than get shot in the middle of the street. I'm just saying.

>Making a logical error does not necessarily mean that someone's argument is wrong.

The content of this post was physically painful to read


False dichotomy. Dems and the GOP are frequently guilty of this. Take Trumpcare for example: Paul Ryan knows it's shit so he goes on TV and tells everyone "Well, it's shit but it's either this or Obamacare." even though there are plenty of other options.

Using the exact same vague buzzwords for pushing diversity

>extreme right is bad, so obviously extreme left is the way to go.
or if im on this board its
>extreme left is bad, so extreme right is the way to go

one extreme being bad doesnt mean the opposite extreme is good. there is a balance for everything. admittedly, since the weight is on the far left we need further right to balance it out, but still

Note: balance does not mean the absolute middle way, and the balancing point shifts with its surroundings

Fallacy fallacy is real. 2+5=6 therefore our solar system is heliocentric. False premise, true conclusion.

lol, found the idiot who thinks vacationing automatically makes him king shit of the world

i bet you have a Canadian flag stitched to your fanny pack too

God tier post.

Thank you for sharing.

alright, alright... just keeping you honest

>or if im on this board its
>>extreme left is bad, so extreme right is the way to go
if you weren't from plebbit and lurked a bit more, maybe you'd understand how this site actually works, just because you saw a screencap of some redneck post on /r/Sup Forums it doesn't necessarily mean the whole board is rednecks.