

I'm not murdering babies when I jerk off.


Its the weekend for me so Im drinking. Please help me understand.

Is this by a pro-abortionist, or a pro-life at all levels person?

Do they realise that it takes a fertile egg and a sperm cell to create a baby

We should also fine women who don't get pregnant every month for wasting eggs.

This is guilty women attempting to equate masturbation with murder.

Good job guys, feminism is great, we need more women there

It's stuff like this that shows why women make terrible politicians.

>jacking off is the same as healthcare issues


Texas intellectuals are not wrong.

Then fine women $100 every time they menstruate for their body expelling perfectly good ova that could have been fertilized.

There ya go.


Is this lawmaker going to stand there and watch me jerk it though?

I am

Cool. Now let's fine women just as much every time they have a period.

Well let's see, a sockfull of sperm is a sockfull of half the shit it takes to set a life into motion. An abortion isn't just scooping unferilized eggs into a tube sock is it? It's an already fertilized fetus. In other words

>comparing a sperm to an egg
>comparing a sperm to the product of a sperm and an egg together

Everything slutty women do is an attempt to justify their horrific existence. I mean, at least guys admit they have a horrible existence, just look at /r9k/. They know they're shit. But women have this "Everything's fine" aspect about them, so instead of trying to fix themselves, they come up with reasons why what they do is fine.

Slutty women have STDs? Well, doncha know that 90% of sexually active adults have/have had an STD? Slutty women get babies? Well, I can just kill it and it's gone. Killing wrong? Just call it abortion and say that it's not really a human, a classic technique found throughout human history, and convince the world that you hate women if you don't agree.

It's all an affront to God, and it's disgusting.

You're murdering millions of undeveloped babies everytime you let that one off into a napkin my friend

Thank you

Nah. If anything, they're halflings

No, I'm not. A sperm cell is not a human, just like a blood cell is not a human. You're trying to equate jizz to a baby to justify killing it, and that's awful. When the sperm and the egg come together, it creates an entirely seperate organism from ourselves. You may not like that it's the truth, but it's the truth. The new collection of cells is neither myself nor the mother. It's it's own person.

In other words, all the DNA in the sperm cell belongs to me. All the DNA in the egg cell belongs to the mother. Only half of the DNA in the resulting product belongs to me, and only half belongs to the mother.

They should just fap and cum on her face

You're not, because there's no egg to be fertilize.

By that extent the bill should include a ban on condoms because that would do effectively what mastubation does to unwanted sperm.

So good luck with that.

Now atheist fags will become broke while the church becomes unfathomably wealthy!

uhh good luck enforcing that one..

As if it would affect the churches who are the main ones pro-life. They're probably like "Yeah, sounds good to me".

catch me if you can

Wait so is this coming from a westborow Baptist or the feminazis?

life begins at conception you dumb cunt

this is why women cant into STEM

Poor logic and comparison. Would be better connection to masturbation and periods than abortion, but the details seem to be lost on them anyway.

How the fuck will they know?
Install a Camera into everyone's home?

(Internet History can be bypassed if they have downloaded videos already or go old fashioned and used dvds/magazines)

Gonna be a lotta gay shit some gov't employee will be watching for 12-16 hours straight.

False equivalence. A sperm cell is not a human being any more than an egg is. A human being only comes into an existence when a sperm and an egg comes together - on their own they have no potential to form new life.

If we're to assume that sperm cells are human beings, then should we not also propose that women are fined $100 each time they ovulate and fail to become pregnant?

There are 500,000,000 sperm in each ejaculation on average, yet only a single one of those 500,000,000 can fertilize the egg to create new life, and the remaining 499,999,999 are wasted.

>100's of men stand in front of the court house to masturbate on the steps similar to how women prance around protesting with bloody tampons.
Well she ended her political career with this move, hope it was fun for her.

>I dont wanna do my job.
no, you just try to make it illegal to masturbate, and prove that women are both bad at their job and stupid spoiled whores who think everything's about sex or MUH PUSSY.

>Texas Lawmakers sign bill making rape legal.

No they don't. American women are breathtakingly ignorant.



im civilized, i use a sock

cumming on my own stomach is the only reason i have to shower

>women want the government to stay out of abortion and birth control
>women want the government to use every asset of the NSA to fine all masturbators $100 to help pay for birth control and abortions

I've never been more convinced in my life that there's something in our fucking water supply, I need some filters.

really is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2

you can't create 2 without both 1's, you also cannot equate 2 to the 1's as they are completely separate from each other but when combined create a totally different number or being in this sense

>A sperm cell is not a human, just like a blood cell is not a huma

A zygote is not a human.

why do we consider cells on asteroids life but not cells within a womb that would in a couple weeks resemble ourselves

Also, even IF and WHEN you get a women pregnant, millions of your sperm cells that DON'T fertilize the egg die off.

So even in the best case scenario, millions of potential babies die out when you get a woman pregnant.

Totally retarded line of thinking.

Even if you DON'T jerk off, the sperm cells in your balls die off and get replaced by new ones, the don't sit their indefinitely.....

An old meme but a good meme.


Im fine with that if women have to pay 100 bucks every time they have their period.

sperm cells != babies

Just shows you if women were in control they would use the fucking NSA surveillance apparatus for every possible thing. Shit, they're already starting thought police squads in colleges.

What about wet dreams?

What if I rub it into my body to absorb te life?

Your zygote had the same DNA that you do. Within months it developed into something that looks like a human, so people say that's the cutoff point, but honestly life is life.


I don't care what laws are passed. I'll do what I want and unenforceable laws have no impact. Women need to make decisions based on reality, not wishing they had equality with men. Deal with it and act like a human that is capable of foresight, cares about yourself, your children, and the future. Feminism is a big lie and expecting everyone to go along with it is idiocy. Grow up feminists and leave behind your narcissism.

Fucking hell, missed quint.

Anyways anons, studies show that in women who have had abortions, mental illness is far more prevalent. That shows you something. Deep down, we all know that we're killing babies.

I didn't say it's not life. Bacteria is life. I said it's not a human.

We don't value all life equally.

>a couple weeks

Even after the full 36 weeks, newborns still look pretty fucking weird and alien.

WTF I love this bill now

Sounds like someone needs to organize a "Jack In" to protest.

Won't do enough. Just imagine the amount of times your 13 yo self masturbated

>Your zygote had the same DNA that you do

So does my dander. Doesn't mean I value it.

> life is life.

Better stop using antibacterials to disinfect shit then.

My nigga

Land of the (((free)))


dead meme. i can't wait til milenials are the majority of politicians and we can dispense of shitty memes with simply calling them shitty memes instead of mounting long boring counterarguments.

>be living in texas
>fines are retroactive
>masturbated ~1.4 times per day every day for the last 12 years
>owe the state ~$500,000 goy bucks

So would that mean people who swallow are cannibals for "failure to preserve the sanctity of life"

a human fetus is a human life

Sooner or later, they're gonna pay. I vote for roadside inverted crucifixions.

>A zygote is not a human.
You are not a human.

semen is made up of single cell organisms that are entirely made up of MY dna

fetuses are entirely new organisms made of the combination of two individual's dna

>I said it's not a human.
no but it will be if you leave it untouched, the difference here is that you want to stop the process of another being having a chance at life. Personally i think the baby looks like us after about 12 weeks, but then again that's not a "couple of weeks" so semantics and this is purely subjective because its based off of our perception

>You are not a human.

Because I'm a god.

Okay, fine, human life is human life, that better?

Bad example, dander isn't alive dipshit.

I vote for anything.

>no but it will be if you leave it untouched

By 'untouched' you mean feeding off the host and even then there's a high natural chance of miscarriage.

Let's go by the Catholic rule. Let's say the only contraceptive you and your partner use is the rhythm method (there's an app that's been developed that's as effective as the pill now). Are you preventing other human beings from having the chance at life?

>americans propose laws as satirical protest to other laws
>cant actually come up with anything silly enough that isn't a genuinely held belief by americans

>So does my dander. Doesn't mean I value it.
>human baby = dander
LOL can you be anymore of an edgelord and more retarded. The reason we value babies is because of an animal instinct to care for our young and that it reminds us that life will continue and prosper and that our genes won't die out immediately, and more philosophical and biological reasons, but what kind of faggot are you to be comparing that to fucking dander

>human life is human life

Then that applies to every ounce of blood you'll ever lose. Human life is not A human life. Something being human and alive does not make it A human life.

Sorry, when weighing babies vs early retirement, I choose early retirement.

Fuck off, honestly

And no, by not fucking when babies can be born, you're not preventing humans from being born anymore than you are if you're a virgin and you choose not to fuck at all. If you fuck and there's a viable chance that a life can be created, and you block it, you're preventing a life from being created.


A few stem cells isn't a fucking child anymore than a sperm cell is.

Got you senpai

No, it does not. If I kill some red blood cells that were in your body, does that kill you? No. And they're your blood cells. A fetus is not property to the mother. A fetus is it's own set of DNA and potential.

You're blocking human life by spilling your seed when you know it cannot fertilize your partners ovum.

You're just making up rules as they suit you and refusing to make any deeper consideration.

what fucking obstacles? Women have massively subsidised healthcare compared to men and live 5 years longer than men

>A fetus is not property to the mother.

But the mother is property to the fetus?

We don't charge women for dispelling eggs during menstruation?

Why is pol anti abortion again

Shouldn't you guys be happy that nigresses don't continuously pop out Jamal's because they just abort them instead?

First off dont equate abortion to any fucking contraceptive it's the worst one and the most immoral one, 2nd is the pill. Secondly, here are the stats for miscarriages

>Women under the age of 35 yrs old have about a 15% chance of miscarriage
>Women who are 35-45 yrs old have a 20-35% chance of miscarriage
>Women over the age of 45 can have up to a 50% chance of miscarriage
>A woman who has had a previous miscarriage has a 25% chance of having another (only a slightly elevated risk than for someone who has not had a previous miscarriage)

Now I've never been against contraceptives before contraception, which is at the initial time when you know it's a baby inside growing, nor have i condemned them in my previous posts, so don't try to twist this like I'm against contraceptives when really I'm against abortions which are different.

So, no im for you using whatever method you're using BEFORE you know its a kid inside, after you do know you have a duty to protect and see that it reaches its full potential, also in this day and age you have to be wildly irresponsible to have a kid as there are like dozens of contraceptives out there that aren't the pill or abortion


No, it's a symbiotic relationship as well as a natural process. Now, I hear you saying, "Symbiotic? Surely only the fetus benefits". Not true. It's been scientifically proven that the t cells that babies produce positively affect a woman's health in the long run. Making them live longer.

How about this, it's this simple. If you don't want a kid, don't fuck.

Not true. If I don't fuck someone when they can't reproduce, and I do fuck someone when they can't reproduce, at least at that time, it's literally the same result. Now, the Rhythm method isn't 100%, and it's best to be prepared for a child if you're having sex, but you're not preventing anything.

I think the main point is, yes, sex is meant to be for reproduction mainly, but the Catholic Church realizes that it's unrealistic to expect everyone to be abstinent all the time UNLESS they're ovulating, so they throw us a bone.

>comparing a single cell to a biological entity that has already been established in the womb

Not that I really care about abortion anyway. Thankfully it mostly utilized by minorities and feminist sluts so I don't really have any major qualms with it other than the good life it takes away.

and commies need to get the fuck outta my state. purge when?

>A few stem cells isn't a fucking child anymore than a sperm cell is.
yeah it is, i shouldn't have to explain this to you. Ever seen the miracle of life in middle school?

I'd do it right onto a photo of the woman who wrote the bill and pay the fine with a grin on my face. Make sure to do it outside of the courthouse or her office so she hears about it.

I know deep down that the only reason you're so passionate about this is because you've never had sex. And that's okay, because I've never had it either.

But that doesn't mean I need to be a neckbeard who thinks that because I can't have it then nobody should either

Tldr: if you pathetic fucks got laid you wouldn't be so anti abortion

Sup Forums isnt one person

>First off dont equate abortion to any fucking contraceptive it's the worst one and the most immoral one

I didn't equate it to abortion, your own reasoning did. You said preventing the natural process of a human life coming into existence is bad, and contraception is blocking the natural process of a human life coming into existence.

>2nd is the pill

I'm beginning to be against the pill, but because it seems to chemically alter the brain and poison drinking water.

>its a kid inside
A dozen stem cells is not a kid anymore than my blood cell is me.

Joke's on her
Nofap for one month and going strong here

You didnt get quints because you are wrong.

Zygotes has unique DNA you bumbling cunt.


This means men can LEGALLY OBTAIN AID from the government for "child care" ranging from free food stamps/WIC, free money for housing/expanding, free aid for buying non-constrictive undies/pants, and MASS LEVERAGE against females when it comes to monetary support from divorce due to loss of sperm from refusal to impregnate/loss of sperm from impregnation where only one was allowed by the offending woman's body. This also creates a workplace utopia for men being able to claim days off as "men problems" and be an asshole because "their testosterone is acting up".

This is the best fucking thing to EVER happen to men. Let it happen.

At the end of the day women are stupidly simple minded that actually somehow think only with genitalia more so then men.

Go watch any woman comedian and see how long it takes her to mention her vagina, period or some other shit that would make a doctor uncomfortable.

I have had ample opportunity, I've simply chosen to not take it because I'm not a dumbass who needs to drop a load every time a female decides to open her legs. I have a life to lead, I'm young, and I'm going to lead my life without that burden.

Believe it or not, some people have their dicks in check.


You're just mad that you've never had the chance you fat fuck. I bet you weigh over 200 pounds, loser.

Lol man this is sad

>$100 fine for masturbating
>hooker costs $160

Really makes you think.