general thread for discussion of libertarian socialism, anarchism, syndicalism, democratic confederalism, anarcho-communism, and all other truly libertarian ideologies

Can a georgist post itt?

Why arnt you a Georgist Sup Forums?

We are libertarians who make the classical liberal distinction between land, labor and capital. We believe in the private possession of land without interference from the state, but in the community collection of land rent to prevent monopolization of land.
We believe that all government activities should at least be limited to those which increase the value of land by more than what the government collects, and that government should be funded entirely from the land value increases it creates.

We oppose direct state monopolization of land as well as state-sanctioned private monopolization of land, and advocate that state and federally held land pay land rent to the communities the same as private land.

We advocate that government be allowed to spend only what is authorized by voter referendum or similar device and that it take for itself the minimum it is authorized to spend. Those who advocate collection of the full rent stipulate that the proceeds be divided among community members on a per-capita or similar basis, for the land, and the rent, belong to the people, not the state.

We condemn the taxation of property improvements, and of all activities, productive, consumptive, or recreational, as invasions by the state into the private affairs of free individuals.

Democratic Confederalist here

Democratic Confederalism is the only answer to the Kurdish question and to the middle eastern problem in general.

Former left-anarchist here. You guys will realize how wrong you are eventually. All leftism is funded and created by the bourgeoisie. You're being tricked in the nastiest way, sorry to tell you.

oh ok

From Wikipedia: "Georgism, also called geoism and single tax (archaic), is an economic philosophy holding that, while people should own the value they produce themselves, economic value derived from land (including natural resources and natural opportunities) should belong equally to all members of society."

How is this different from Norwegian social democracy?

What kind of monstrous ideologies have you frankensteined together this time?

pic related

You can't have any of those things without the others.

finally, an ideology thats not retarded.

i dont know anything about Norwegian social democracy but if they pay a VAT, income, or property tax on improvements its not georgist

So no state, but economic equality?
So what happens when someone inevitably ends up doing more work than someone else? Do you all just mob up and wreck shit up? Because that's all you all seem to ever do is smash windows and basically serve as masked street thugs for multinational financial interests

there'd be no need for violence.

I think the core idea of Georgism with respect to land is not a terrible one, but I don't think it's enough.


Anarchy and democracy are mutually incompatible, unless the democracy is incapable of enacting its decisions on people who aren't willingly in it.

She's right though.

you don't understand what is meant by "anarchy"

Do you think private associations with rules are incompatible with democracy?

I am also a Georgist.

Do you also think radio spectrum, mineral rights, and fisheries should be taxed?

Do you agree with Henry George that Copyright should be abolished or severely restricted.


>Do you think private associations with rules are incompatible with democracy?

I'm not a Georgists, but I strongly agree that we must at minimum *severely* restrict and weaken so-called "intellectual property" rules.

The left really makes you think.

so what's the incompatibility between libertarianism and democracy?

>cry about racism, xenophiabia, transphobia, homophobia, and against western values in your little discord echo chamber

>then make a meme claiming libertarians are bad because they are "jews"

Don't try to trick us, we already know you are a bunch of SJW little faggots.

leftists don't like liberal idpol either

Absolute bullshit. Leftists are all sunk into a single mass of degeneracy that thinks exactly alike. If you think that antisemitism actually justifies your ideology, you are an autistic and idiotic minority among leftists.

>be left-anarchist
>assuming you have a cohesive society that actually produces goods for it's members
>get rekt by the large and real organized imperialist external forces that don't mind using authority in order to organize labor
Also, nice ideologies.

I'm not the one who posted the antisemitic bullshit. I don't believe in antisemitism and I don't even think it's effective as propaganda.

The problem isn't "muh jews", it's the international bourgeoisie.