Give me one positive thing about Islam

Give me one positive thing about Islam

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Like pottery

Target practice?

Give me one positive thing about Christianity
Give me one positive thing about Catholocism
Give me one positive thing about Judaism

its a peaceful religion
they dont want to have sex with children
they dont want to violently gang rape
they dont want to murder witnesses to any crimes, which they never commit btw
they dont want to impose their set of ideas on other people
they dont want to throw gay people off buildings

i can go on and on!

They aren't as bad as Islam.

That's about it.

It puts women in their place.

1/5 pillars of Islam is to give charity to the poor

It knows that if you don't control female behavior society tends to degenerate and fall apart in a traditional sense, and it does a good job of doing so.

they kill fags?

they hate women

Butthurt Meximus it causes in Alt+Fright...If Islam's not there, what platform are Sup Forums fanboy candidates in west are gonna run against in elections ?

>Written number system
>Medical Advances we still use

But this was before Islam took on its current isolationism, science hating, and religious extremism.

Only to poor muslims. Everyone else can go to hell.

English not first spelling. Possitive things about Islam

> a belief in something higher than oneself.
> a framework to opperate at that encourages a rejection of degeneracy
> a driving force to encourage study of language an music to appreciate the consiousness that we are created from
> encouragement to abstain from negative influence, to encourage loyalty between man and women to create images of ourself as we are images of our God
> a rule book instructing us to push our bodies, minds and souls to maximum leathal capacity and destroy the western world once and for all.
> last one was a joke

>can't think of one.

Youre a c uckservative you question is flawed because your idea of Islam is fiction. Most muslims live in Indonesia.

They hate Jews

Islam is literally Sup Forums but with brown skin

They blow up easy.

Only serious answer in the thread: Sharia banking

other than that it's complete garbage

They are forcibly installing traditional morality upon the degenerates of western culture. Even though it is in the name of Allah.

It also gave us Algebra.

they're not endorsed by the KKK

If it wasn't for Islam we wouldn't have mathematics

They're so inbred they're less of threat than they could be.

Thats not a positive

The highest single number total yes, but not fucking most you idiot, Indonesia has like 250 million people, there are 1.6-1.8 billion Muslims in the world or so.

You are 100% wrong and have no idea what you are talking about. Islam rewards charity to muslims and non muslims

Go talk to people in real life and stop falling for the "islam is the boogeyman"

Here's something negative about anti muslim populist politicians

calligraphy. And architecture.


muslims are the brazilians of mathematics

If one wife leaves you have spares

>Give me one positive thing about Christianity
the backbone of the west, the greatest culture on earth
>Give me one positive thing about Catholicism
can't, pope's a globalist plant
>Give me one positive thing about Judaism
a nice thing for me to blame all my problems on


Islamic Golden Age was cool.

They blow themselves up.

No interest on loans is the one actually good thing that exists in Sharia.

The rest is shit.

>hate jews
>hate gays
>hate degeneracy
>dont even drink the alcoholic jew
>control their women
>alpha af and have multipul wives
>huge birth rate
>no atheism allowed in their culture
>no liberalism in their culture
>badass warrior culture willing to die for their people
>punish criminals properly

basically everything Sup Forums wishes they could be but never will

They know how to keep their women in their place and helped popularize black slavery.

no fags... thasss it

Women kept in line.

The thing where they clean their butt holes with water when they shit is good. If your dog shits on the floor you don't just use a napkin, you use soap and water.

this does have an appeal.

but this also goes againts my personal belief that one should be able to do or say what ever so long as it does not infringe or harm another.

Kinda hard choice between this and ns but I like my beer so sieg heil

The bible forbids it as well, but we cucked ourselves.

why doesn't Sup Forums love Islam?

Was once an equal to the whites. then they devolved into the sand niggers they are today

It goes extinct.

We'll go back to hating niggers again as priority #1

Islam is basically Christianity, but with more rape and murder.

They hate Jews

Yeah, but they're brown.

Beards...? I just like that they aren't considered bad. Their beards are terrible and gross.

When was the last time a catholic beheaded someone?

The good thing about jews is they fit into ovens well, thats about it.

>the backbone of the west, the greatest culture on earth
You mean scholars and philosophers from the Enlightenment.

Fuck off shill.

They kill other muslims.

This. And they aren't afraid of killing gays.

Puts women in place

So does not being a beta pussy around them you loser

They don't give a shit about political correctness or accommodating other cultures in their countries.

Napalm sticks to kids?

Get 'em while they're on the clock
Get 'em while they're hot
Get 72 when your dead
Sleep with as many in the bed
(And fuck a goat)

ever heard of hypergamy? the goal posts are forever shifting.

No alcohol, also very masculent. Women love that shit

You get to fuck kids.

The only thing I respect about Islam is their strict border control. You literally can't live there and can't even visit a Muslim country unless you're an Arab Muslim.

The woman being under control thing is blown out of proportion. I work with muslims. Their girlfriends cheat on them and are slutty just as much as the next. They do drugs and I know lots who drink beer. Nearly all of them watch porn.

Don't let them full you: they're as degenerate as any other people. They just want you to think they're not.

It only costs $0.20-$0.25 to convert one to Hinduism.

Encourages sand niggers to kill other sand niggers.

Well, Christians are the first to stand up for human rights (I'm talking about the current year so don't go muh darkages), they also helps everyone in need and host refugees, they runs 1137 hospitals and 5375 dispensaries in Africa on 1365 institutions for poor's assistance with 67848 maternal schools, 93315 primary schools and 42234 secondary schools.

The catholic church also spend 98.6 billion dollars on healthcare, 48.8 billion in college and universities, 11 biliion in parishes and dioceses and 4.7 in global charities on total spending of 171.6 billion just in 2010.

Though Judaism and Islam can go to Hell, Christianity only makes good to the world. The holy church is of love and gift

How can you get a Muslim to commit shirk for a quarter?

Look where that has gotten us.

Some people are simply too stupid to deserve an opinion, and by some I mean most.

It keeps AIDS rates down in Africa.

No booze, and women are vert submissive.

>Redpilled about the JQ
>Women respect their husband
>Virgin wives
>Adultery and other degeneracy punishable by death
>Alcohol banned (Drinking is one of the most degenerate things commonly accepted in western culture)

Islam is honestly not that bad. Sup Forums just freaks out because muh brown people.

if you destroy their rock they shut down

Give me one positive thing about Religion.

>a driving force to encourage study of music

Nigger, music is forbidden in islam and is literally punishable by death.

I can give you multiple
>hate jews
>control their women
>banned usury

The whole 'murder everyone who doesn't agree with your beliefs' thing.

Also their shitty beards are a terrible aesthetic.

Sage this shit.

thank you sir.