Brothers of Sup Forums

Brothers of Sup Forums

Dont be afraid of the time of darkness unfolding before us. Remember that we will win.

>fucking leaf

Checked. Holy shit shills are raiding hard.

everyone can change !


If that's true than why do we continue to keep winning at every turn?

Bernie can still become presents!!

We beat them once, we can beat them again.

Nah. ShareBlue just opened up the warchest. Ocean of piss.

i dont understand what you mean... Could you explain ?

Do you? Madcow looks like the fucking hyperventilating shrieking dyke she is. Deportations going strong. I'm reporting all the fucking beaners I see daily to ICE ICE baby. I love seeing mothers get swept up in immigration raids.

Wait a damn minute, which side is OP on? The left or the right?

I think a misunderstanding has taken place.

Iook at the picture correctly please

I am on the side of the truth

You're a fucking degenerate disgrace!

I am confuse

I an hero now

why are you both confused ?


Because I can't tell if you're shilling for the devil or you're trying to say something about Hillary Clinton and reassuring us that she has failed and the left has not yet won.

From both your suspicion, i am only from the left.

So you're a Bernie shill then?

I dont know, i havent read alot about bernies ideology. The ideology i follow is with philosphy

If you wish to seek enlightenment, it is a path ones must follow on its own. You have to understand at first that : you dont know, you dont know.


No shitpost you over reactive blind man