I am accepting of Christians, only because their values usually reflect my own...

I am accepting of Christians, only because their values usually reflect my own. But I know that they are only pawns due to their unwavering faith in something designed to separate them.
Christianity is an Abrahamic religion, the same as Judaism and Islam. Christianity was designed to appeal to cultures and races that are family oriented. Islam to violent and unintelligent cultures and races, Judaism to races and cultures that value greed.
Each was designed to splinter and keep members of each culture and race fighting with themselves. This is why each has multiple sects that argue between each other as to who is the truest of each religion. (Baptists, Catholics, etc./Sunni, Shiite, etc./Secular, Orthodox, etc.)
These religions were designed this way on purpose by (((them))) to ensure that no race, culture or region could unify itself.
Ask yourself this: Where are all of the multiple fighting sects of non-Abrahamic religions?
It is uncommon, because other religions are designed to unify and do so by clear and/or simple rules.
However, Abrahamic religions were designed purposefully to allow interpretation with the knowledge that they would splinter.
A people can not fully come together to permanently ensure their survival as long as Abrahamic religions keep them fighting amongst themselves about who is "right" or the "true believer".
They may come together long enough to fight a common enemy, but eventually splinter and weaken once more.

>check flag

This is 100% how i feel too



No, just a white man that believes that religions rooted in sandnigger land probably aren't designed to keep my race prosperous, healthy and on top.

You have to be at least 18 to post

If the whole world was Christian, would the different denominations begin fighting each other over theological differences?

>he thinks Christianity is liked by Jews
>genetic fallacy: the post

You're not very smart, are you?

Sorry for doubting that a group of Jews decided to not be Jews, act like Jews or practice Jewish trickery as soon as baby was born and he went on to create a religion, based on the Jew religion, that was designed to be beneficial to non-Jewish races. I guess their plots and agendas only extend to certain aspects of the world and they are incapable of tricking an entire race of people in order to benefit from their lack of unity.
>bitches about Jews and Muslims
>worships Jew book
>argues with other whites about who can read the Jew book better

Yes, Christian history is rife with infighting

Yes. However, that wouldn't happen because Christianity is not appealing to other races. You have to take in account which religion is best suited for each race, region and culture.
You seem to think the standard Jew is in on it. The standard Jew doesn't benefit from much more than the standard level of greed. Silverberg who lives in Germany doesn't benefit from the surge of Islamic refugees, and actually may stand to lose something.
Israel, of course, would rather keep their designed religion within to control their people and not deal with the Christian family values or Islamic violence value religions.
Each race has their cherry picked religion based upon their inherent desires and intelligent as a race.

If you understand Odinism, then you realise it is not religion at all as Christians/muslims/jews (monotheists) understand it.

Jews/Christians/Muslims are one indistinguishable religion which centers around submission to a higher power. Purely to get the sheeple to submit to their aristocracy.

Yes, arguing and even, at times, violence between them.

Yes, another point. Odinism doesn't require an individual to focus their time and energy worshipping a central God and obeying his rules and regulations, which are obviously unclear enough to lead to splintering due to interpretation. Odinism could not suffer from the faults of Abrahamic religions.

Each individual with unique characteristics filled a niche in society.

Who fills the Odinists niche in modern society?


>religions rooted in sandnigger land probably aren't designed to keep my race prosperous, healthy and on top.
Then why did they?

Despite Christianity also being an "Abrahamic religion", know that it is actually an order of magnitude above & beyond Judaism and especially Islam.

Agnostic Atheist here who hates other atheists and views Christianity as superior.
I love God; the fact of whether he exists or not is irrelevant to me. The greatness ofAmerica and by extension all of Western culture is the result of 3 ingredients and it doesn't matter if you're an atheist or not, I'm strictly talking of formula; ingredients in a pot. Those 3 are thus:
Judeo-Christian Morality
Greco-Roman Philosophy
Anglo-Saxon Law
I find that the humility to admit that I do indeed lack (because it is a lack) the faith is a personal flaw within my own heart. Even IF God definitely doesn't exist this is true. It is healthy for a society to have this ever present intrinsic judge in ones mind. I always felt something... off about popular atheism and it was only after I got into politics, and later Bill Whittle, that I discovered why. Christianity, at the end of the day, gets shit done. And has historically. This "holds people back" line every hipster leftist likes to regurgitate is pure untruth.
Frankly, I'm at a point where I think I could defeat Richard Dawkins in a debate. (famous last words) I detect in the man an earnestness if also an arrogance that is so endemic in us atheists. As a millennial I certainly possessed it.
I also really like Stefan Molyneux but disagree entirely with his Magnum Opus; "Universally Preferable Behaviour". The book is excellent, don't get me wrong, but I believe Individualist Religious morals (which orthodox Christianity is a nigh-perfect representation of) to be superior to Secular ones even IF god doesn't exist.

See deity belief is either simply an chemical artifact of our sapience OR Gods intrinsic interaction with the makeup of our minds and, get this, it is actually irrelevant which of these is true.

I call this doctrine "Atheism Minus" opposed to the lefts brainwashy Atheism Plus

Except Jesus was anti-jew, the reason he was killed in the first place

>implying the pagans weren't even worse about it


"Atheism minus the arrogance" a saying might go.


No, simply put. We have already undergone our modern reformation. Only Islam has not, putting it behind every other organized religion.