Dear Sweden

Dear Sweden.

Meme power has just lost the Dutch elections. although the left hasn't won, and Thierry and Theo (FvD) still both have a seat, reality still stings. We're not completely cucked, but the end of the tunnel is still far away.

It is now time to focus on other countries, including the completely cucked shithole that you all once called your country. The elections seem to be on september 9th 2018. Is there any chance we can meme a right-wing party into the Swedish government? I don't know, but we can sure as hell give kek a try!

Other urls found in this thread:,_2018,_2018#Parties

Give it up
The meme year of 2016 ended already.

Have faith in Jimmy

Moral of the story: if dark haired Swedes save blonde Swedes from the filthy immigrants, blonde Swedes will be very, very grateful.

Latest polls

Sweden Democrats: 26.9
Social Democrats: 23.2
Moderates: 16.7
Centre Party: 10.7
Left Party: 8.2
Liberals: 4.2

so clear this up for me Turkey:

>Turkey wants to come into the EU fold
>Turkey is willing to hold back a good chunk of refugees as brownie points in accomplishing this
>Suffer an attempted coup
>Now Turkey wants to vote in more power for its leader
>Turkey wants to send their officials to Netherlands, a place with a sizable turkish population, to rally them up for this vote
>Netherlands say no
>screaming match begins
>Now Turkey is threatening to unleash the refugees

So tell me again why Turkey wants to join the EU, who obviously won't have 1 of their members step out of line, and so obviously using You guys as a literal gate?

This will cause a civil war. I'll be sure to volunteer.

Every single one of you is a shill.

We are in fact your friends, Sweden.
You're infected and we're trying to help. Just stay still and vote for SD.

No, you're outsiders with no grasp of the situation and just cheer for the first party some random Swede told you were against immigrants. But in actuality aren't. You are just sheep.

SD also underperforms in polls and have a good track record with young people (when they were still getting out there before the refugees happened it was 11% with gen Z/late millenials, but I don't remember the poll all that well) so they won't be losing much.

Nigger we aren't going to get anywhere by going NRM at once, take some steps.

The SwedenDemocrats (sverigedemokraterna) is our only hope

Here come the shill troopers

sd will do significantly better than the shameful result pvv achieved.

Din dumma jävel
The only thing we can do is vote for SD, atleast it's a step in the right direction

Voting for Nordfront wont do shit, be real

>divide your vote goiym
For what purpose?
We need a grip first.

SD is cucked, no chance

You have no idea how well Finns follow up on Sweden's affairs. Your royal family is basically our royal family. I know Finland is disregarded as irrelevant in Sweden, but it's not the same vice versa. We're the neighbour that knows when you're at work, when you're eating, when you're watching tv and when you're taking a shit and you have no idea. We even have a swedish party that tries to copypaste your politics.
I know all I need to know about SD to know it's the right choice.

Maybe you have no grasp on the situation because your perspective is limited.

>swedish anime
Good, we need more swedish memes

For fucks sake our only hope is to vote SD, sure the party is a little cucked but it sure as hell beats any other party

They are smart.

Swedish people are cucked as fuck, so they have to pretend to be a little cucked too to get max support.

Besides, if they dominated with their current public image they'd force the other parties to shift for the changing political climate.


People who vote for Nordfront because "muh pure nazi party" are dumb as fuck
Voting SD is our only chance (CURRENTLY) at a conservative goverment

>RaHeKr när?

SD is biggest party. Far from perfect party but a step in the right direction.

Our govt. is crazy. I don't support them but they get their votes from the illiterate and bigot ones.
Just like Trump did for himself.,_2018
SD won't win as well.

Swedes literally think people will know what they voted for
Voting for SD is socially unacceptable

Sweden do you not think you have a problem with refugees? because the first step is acknowledging the problem, and your government just seems to cover it up. like, I really don't give a shit about Sweden as a single country, but you getting cucked will eventually mean bigger problems for the rest of europe.

Zionist shills who don't do anything about immigration

Hell Seger!

>trusting wikipedia
>trusting polls
even if the polls were accurate there's a lot of them with SD out on top. Average polling is not accurate.

>We're the neighbour that knows when you're at work, when you're eating, when you're watching tv and when you're taking a shit and you have no idea

Finland: the most autistic neighbour on the planet.

Turkey in backwards shithole shocker.


Give it up, your country ended 2016.

In Euroserf it's a breakthrough if you get 30%, that's how cucked it is.

>wahh in murrika both parties are right
yep and in euro all parties are left

that frog looks like a slav tb,h

SD will most likely make it to the 25% range, possibly a bit higher. 30% is a stretch at this point.

What happened here is that the right block gave away its power in order to stop SD from influencing the parliament. So even though the opposition is greater than the ruling government refusal to cooperate with SD blocks them from power no matter how big they get. No matter how big SD gets the choice is still in the hands of the other party blocks because there's no way in hell SD will clear 50%.

I'm still voting for them but I'm not getting my hopes up.

They underperform in the SVT poll, which currently has them at 17.5%. The sentio poll was the only one that was accurate during the election and currently has them at 27%.

Oh ja

SD(our guys)+M(very much not) will likely form a government following the 2018 election.

You're ignoring the jump from 13% to 25%+, a 5 party coalition is very different from a 2 party one. And you also have Lööf's mutiny.

Take a seat SD cuckservative.

Didn't know that, appreciate ya finnbro.

Our jew owned media will be so pissed if SD wins. They are gloating now about Geerts loss which pisses me off.
Swedes, In case of a SD victory can the other parties just form a coalition and refuse to cooperate with SD so they'd be excluded from the government?

Anyone seriously believe SD is different to the bourgeoisie moderaterna party?

Europe countries would have to fight for themselves and for each other. Don't let Sweden be used as a debug / testing area for them.
Here's some feels to remember...

> In case of a SD victory can the other parties just form a coalition and refuse to cooperate with SD so they'd be excluded from the government?
That's Decemberöverenskommelsen - DÖ.
It didn't end in their favor.

Polls in Sweden looked cucked and fake. I think we are will be for a poll upset and this time for real unlike in Netherlands

Jimmie took over the party, he & Karlsson & that Kazakh jew Ekeroth are the worst for Sweden.

can i get a quick rundown on these parties?

>not completely cucked

Gr8 b8

we need a wall here too, can emperor trump do this?

Meme power didn't lose

We just didn't really care

SD is againts the multicultijew
that's all one needs to know

>Moderates, liberals, center, christian democrats
All the same, only M is much larger than the others. Coalition of cucks. Ruled 2006-2014 and tripled immigraiton.
>left party
Went by the communist party until the fall of the soviet union. Only changed their name. Even the social democrats don't want them.
See the left party. Them cooperating with the social democrats is the only difference.
>social democrats (S)
The only party that exists in a historic perspective. Had free rein to do whatever they wanted for most of a century. Currently led by a welder with fetal alcohol syndrome and plummeting like the titanic.
Our guys.

S - Labour
M - Conservatives (Cameron)
C - fucking meme party, nobody knows what they support except refugees
V - More leftist version of Labour
L (formerly FP) - Lib Dems (main issues are defense and EU)

MP - Green Party, makes our extreme feminist party look good
KD - Christian Democrats, almost as good as SD
F! - Feminist initiative, no seats in Parliament

F!, MP, V are almost the same (V are slightly more sane, MP is completely insane, F! are surprisingly not as insane as you'd expect them to be but still less sane than V), they're all far left

S used to be a workers' party, but that was a long time ago.
S and MP are currently in coalition

C, L, M, KD used to be a coalition, and campaigning as one

C - used to be a farmer party, now some batshit insane breed of libertarian whose primary question is importing refugees - party leader has said "30 million is possible"

L - Pro-EU, Pro-NATO, supports increased defense spending, only libertarian in name

M - your generic cuckservatives, now """"""""""want to toughen up on immigration"""""""""

KD - Christian party, almost redpilled

Nordiska motståndsrörelsen > SD


This. Alternativ för Sverige will take many votes from SD, KD and M, and possibly from L and C as well.

They tried to do that, but S and M have always been playing a charade that they are each other's rivals, so I don't think they can ever cooperate for a long time. I believe M will cuck to us nationalists and let Jimmie become prime minister.

Swedes on Sup Forums

Sweden is lost, Finland will soon follow.

All anyone with a brain should be thinking is how and when to leave europe.

>Is there any chance we can meme a right-wing party into the Swedish government?
SD is probably going to get over 30%, but like in the Netherlands no one (to date at least) will work with them. But if they are kept out until 2022 they will probably be able to form a government of their own. Still, 2022 is far in the future...

SD doubling is a pretty good prediction.

Depending on how bad the other small parties does, they might get a favorable number of seats and might be able to form their own government back by the moderates.

Anyways, there is going to be a lot of butthurt if they become larger than the social democrats.

>Is there any chance we can meme a right-wing party into the Swedish government?
Not into goverment, but the Sweden Democrats have a big chance of either becoming the second largest party or the largest party
Pic related is the latest opinion
But polls differ alot depending on the method used when it comes to Sweden Democrats,_2018#Parties

Altough in the last 2 elections the polls have underestimated their support

Not so fast

1 more chance



He is absolute trainwreck as far popularity goes. The Finns will be driven to obscurity and the leftist tards take completely over again.

Then again not that the power ever left the libruls really when most of the newspapers are owned by globalist satan worshippers.

I think you forgot the Green Party, unless you're purposely excluding them since they're below 4% in the polls.

This. It's like a staircase. You can't just expect people to go from the bottom to the top in one step.

Considering the Green Party is basically finished, SD could form a government if the cuck-right alliance doesn't get enough votes and if S and V don't form a coalition.
If the trend continues, it could happen.

Meme magic hasn't failed and neither has Geert. The Dutch people have failed themselves and all of Europe. It's become abundantly clear that meme magic only helps countries that help themselves: the ones that have killed their monarchs.

Meme magic helped America, and it will help France. It won't help Sweden, the Netherlands, or Canada until they dismiss their monarchs and abandon the parliamentary system.

They're Zionists, but it's still WAAAY better than any of the other major parties.

I have already started prepping for the comming meme war!